Why was Luke on the verge of completing his training with Yoda but still nervous to lift his ship out of the mud

But Rey did it with little effort at roughly the same level of power?


He wasnt nervous, he just thought it was too big to lift out of the swamp


Rey is too innocent to think that size matters.


Finn needed to show her the error of her thinking.


I'd also like to add that no where in the movie does it say that he is near or on the verge of completing his training. For all we know, the X-wing sinking into the water could have happened a few days into Luke being there. He was tired and exhausted and still did not yet understand what Yoda was trying to say to him. And I wouldn't call it nervous; just more of refusing to trust his feelings.

Also...Rey = Mary Sue


"I'd also like to add that no where in the movie does it say that he is near or on the verge of completing his training"

The movie, in fact, indicates the exact opposite.


please cite the line where it says Luke is on the verge (IE: almost done) his training.


Not sure why you would expect me to do that. I clearly stated the movie indicates the opposite of that.


I may have misunderstood your comment or the way it was written. it looked like you were disagreeing with my statement (and I took it in a rude way) but from a 'certain point of view' it also looks like you may be agreeing. If that is the case, then I apologize for my snippiness.


It must be the internet age where everyone is so confrontational - to expect every reply as a disagreement. My statement was meant to enhance yours.


yea. it's embarrassing and I apologize.


Right after Luke leaves the cave, Yoder says: "Hmmph, On verge of completing training, you are. Yeeees."


haha, that line must have been added into the Special Editions and I missed it ;)


Um, no. All he said was, "Hmph."


How long did his training even last? Looking at Leia and Han's adventure going on at the same time, no more than 3 days?


It's not clear. It could have been months. Remember that the Falcon's hyperdrive was broken so they were limited to sub-lightspeed.


Just based on their appearance and the interactions between Han and Leia I just never felt more than a week could've passed.


And yet Luke still wasn't ready to face Vader. Rey was able to defeat Kylo the first time she even touched a lightsaber.


Because fanfic writers always overpower their Mary Sue characters.


September 27, 2021 Monday 10:35 PM ET

I would say no, regardless of how much time had passed during his training with Yoda on Dagobah. Yoda said Luke was not ready. Luke was too headstrong and overly emotional to wield the force wisely. Keep in mind, Luke at this point was extremely familiar with it, certainly no stranger; capable of using it to untold effect. This would easily explain why Yoda acted with so much restraint and hesitation regarding his confidence in Luke and his potential and likely force abilities, being afraid his apprentice would turn to the dark side like Anakin once did out of fear.

This last bit here is crucial -- fear -- it's the very thing casting doubt on Yoda, and he might have been too jaded or blinded to see it with Luke; something entirely plausible since even he was unaware of the earlier plot to violently overthrow the Jedi (something he never forgave himself for nor forgotten); his visions clouded by auroric corrosion via Dark Sidious (Palpitine). The problem is, Yoda personally blamed himself for what happened following the conclusion of the Clone Wars given he significantly presided over the intergalactic conflict in a distinguished leadership role.

The scene on Dagobah in this film says more about Yoda than anything else, taking into account later revelations on past events through the series.



"...being afraid his apprentice would turn to the dark side like Anakin once did out of fear."

I'm going to partially and respectfully disagree with this statement. I think that Luke was in danger of turning to the Dark Side like Anakin did... not out of fear, but out of misguided love, and good intentions he wasn't about to think through.

Yoda knew Palpatine, Vader, and Luke pretty well by then, and he had to have know that Luke felt lonely in a Jedi-free galaxy, had unloved by a family that was now dead, he wasn't bright or educated, he yearned for teaching and father figures... and that Palpatine was infinitely smarter and was a master emotional manipulator. Luke was about to get himself into a situation where he had to choose between death and surrender, and if he'd surrendered then then Palpatine would have no trouble at all using the kid's yearning for familial love and righteous hatred of the Empire to turn him to the Dark Side. It'd have been a piece of cake for Palpatine, Anakin had been an idiot but at least he had Jedi training, Luke had nothing but a few days each with Obi-Wan and Yoda.


September 28, 2021 Tuesday 12:20 AM ET

I appreciate your input and cool feedback.

Perhaps Yoda felt powerless, feeling his best days were behind him -- defeated. If I'm understanding you correctly, I can totally see your point that Luke saw Yoda as someone consigned in a rather bleak, hopeless situation; something he did not perceive in his previous 'careful fighter' mentor Obi-Wan, whom he knew a lot better as someone reliable, even if they were largely just recalled memories of wandering tales as told by his Uncle Owen in a neurotic fashion in order to cast suspicion on 'Old Ben' (I'm sure that only did the opposite in Luke's eyes). Luke did say on one occasion "What choice do I have?" to rebuff a retraction directed his way one time. During the saber duel in Bespin's Cloud City, it became abundantly clear Darth Vader was toying with Luke the entire time, swinging his lightsaber in an unsophisticated manner as if he was Happy Gilmore on a golf course. In trying to save his close friends, those he especially cared about in his life, Luke chose action at any cost.



I actually hadn't thought about how Luke felt about Yoda, I was thinking about how Palpatine felt about Luke. As a dumb kid and a sure thing!

But Yoda, Yoda was very old and nearing the end of his life, had nobody for company but some Force Ghosts, and obviously he couldn't see the future clearly. I said in another thread that Palpatine made a prophecy that didn't come true and I think it was a flat-out lie, well, in TESB Yoda also made a prophecy that didn't come true, he said that if Luke left Dagobah then, he'd turn to the Dark Side. Which didn't happen, but only because Luke chose probable suicide rather than surrender. I think prophecies are difficult and open to interpretation in the SW universe.

Oh, as to what Luke thought of Yoda, I think that during the time of TESB he was so wrapped up in his own problems that he didn't think much about him at all. He didn't have the same kind of fatherly feeling he had towards Obi-Wan, who'd started things off by saying he knew Luke's father, while Yoda started off by playing mind games and being a jerk. I hope Luke went back to Dagobah and got more training, but I doubt he enjoyed it much.


October 3, 2021 Sunday 12:20 PM ET

Yeah, prophecies are never meant to be taken word-for-word. If they were, they would instead be predictions.

You make pretty intriguing points! At the moment, I can't really think of anything else to add or say.



Tuesday, September 28, 2021 04:48:12 UTC Coordinated Universal Time

It's an official twinA sighting! 🤩. You've become like a long-period comet around these parts. Hope you are doing well.


October 3, 2021 Sunday 12:20 PM ET

Thanks for your kindness, Tex! Despite difficulties things are coming along nicely. May you be well.

Just like a tree, there are two ends--the top visibly seen above ground, it's growing branches symbolizing the passing of time and all things living; and its roots extending down below, invisible yet constant, characterizing how love, purity, and truth always remain as they are from the source behind all life.

I enjoy your good company. See you around.



Eloquent, as always.


So far had only lifted smaller objects, rocks, R2... not a frikin x-wing!


Rey has Mary Sue powers, Luke doesn't. That's the difference.
