When did George Lucas decide Luke and Leia were going to be siblings?

Luke and Leia kiss a couple of times in Empire Strikes Back. Yoda also mentions during the movie that “there is another” if Luke turns to the Dark Side. Was the plan always for Luke and Leia to be siblings? Were Leia and Luke’s sister different characters when Empire was being written? If that’s true, when was it decided that Leia would be his sister?


I don't think they had that in mind when making Star Wars. It was during the writing of Empire that Lucas got the idea of making Vader his father and Luke and Leia siblings.


That is like 99% not the case. He probably had the idea for Vader when writing Empire and the sibling stuff came when he shat out the script for Jedi.


I know he didn't have that in mind when he did Star Wars.

I think the "there is another" line from Empire referred to Leia. What makes you sure it's not? Who was he talking about, if not Leia?


He kisses Leia on the mouth in Empire. I don't know who George had in mind, but it wasn't Leia. He probably just wrote the line without knowing and thought he'd figure something out later on


I always thought people made too much of that. It wasn't a full on makeout session or anything. It wasn't the kind of kiss you'd normally give a family member, but that said it wasn't that serious either. Lasted a second or two.


Seeing as the kiss was given to annoy the man she was really interested in, it couldn't be taken seriously. It's not even squicky, when you know!

But it's still the most action Luke got in six films.


During Empire Strikes back I think the idea was to imply that leia was force sensitive and the one Yoda was reffering to but the intention for them to be siblings wasn't thought out until Return of the Jedi. Yoda says there is another and later we see Leia sensing that Luke is hanging on the antenna. Other then that we don't see any brother sister implications hence the kissing on the mouth stuff.



didn't Lucas originally write the original trilogy as a single film? then someone told him there was too much for a single film in it


Well, Vader means Father.


Apparently the sister was going to be a separate character and it was swapped over to Leia during the writing/development process on Return of the Jedi. The decision was probably made to clean up the love triangle.


This is close, the sister as a far away new charcter was basically dropped to tie up loose ends.


Was it really a love triangle, since Luke never had a chance with Leia? He never had a romantic relationship with her.

It's more of a case of unrequited love.


I think there was kind of an assumption that Luke and Leia were a pairing in Star Wars. With the plotline of Empire between Han and Leia, though, they shook up the formula. Normally, the (Jedi) knight would rescue AND marry the princess, but as of Empire Strikes Back, that becomes questionable. Han and Leia clearly have a thing going on, but also he's frozen in carbonite. Yeah, I think it was a love triangle. My personal theory is that they intended to have a bit of that triangle play out in Return of the Jedi until the plot changes. I think they'd have had Leia choose Han only to have Han get killed midway through the film. Leia might turn to Luke, but by then he's got Jedi stuff and she's got political responsibilities so they can't get together. All speculation, though, since they retconned them into brother and sister.


That's an interesting fan theory, but nothing in the movies indicate that .


Which part? That there was a love triangle or how RotJ might have played out?


a love triangle


In Star Wars, Luke and Han's conversation after escaping the Death Star. Han, "You think a princess and a guy like me-" and Luke cuts him off, "No." Now, I'm not saying I've got the only read on this, but that sounds like Han is suggesting that he and Leia might hit it off and Luke cuts him off because Luke doesn't like the idea (ie, he's jealous or definitively wants Han to remain a non-rival). In fact, Harrison Ford's performance makes me think that Han is deliberately teasing Luke. This, and other moments ("She's beautiful...!") in the film set up Luke's attraction to Leia.

Empire has two main plotlines, Luke's quest to become a Jedi knight and Han and Leia fleeing the Empire and falling in love. The latter undeniably establishes Han and Leia's relationship. Leia kisses Luke early on, Luke acts a bit smug about it afterwards. Combined with the set-up of Star Wars, and the trope assumption that the (Jedi) knight ends up with the (Alderaanian) princess, we have the workings of a love triangle.

Had Return of the Jedi not sibling-ized Luke and Leia, it could easily have made Luke's disappointment and/or jealousy a plot point, piece of character development, and touchy subject for Vader and the Emperor to exploit (as they do his familial relationship with Leia anyway). Han is also angry about Leia sharing something with Luke, clearly annoyed, and later references that he won't "stand in the way", all of which alludes to Luke's former interest in Leia, or supposed interest. Han had that misconception, too, it seems.

Externally, the decision to mash up Luke and Leia into brother and sister is documented as occurring later in the writing/development process for Return of the Jedi. Later I'll do some internet searching and try to find some quotes on this if you like.

All of that points towards a love triangle.


Luke definitely had an attraction to Leia.


They originally weren't meant to be siblings. Most fans didn't want Han & Leia together. They wanted a Luke/Leia coupling. Lucas received huge amounts of correspondence after Empire demanding he call off the romance. He rewrote Return of the Jedi to make them siblings basically just to shut off the complainers.


Ha ! good on him!
"Screw you whiny fans - they cant get together cos i made 'em siblings"


Makes no difference to Star Wars fans in Alabama.


because he’s a sick, perverted freak


Around empire strikes back. Originally lucas wanted luke and leia to get married at the end of a new hope but the writers convinced him that would be to cliche for modern times. They just met. Vader wasn't supposed to be their father either that kinda got written in after a new hope.


I always took the line “No. There is another” to foreshadow Darth Vader’s reveal as Anakin Skywalker and the possibility that he could be turned back to the light side of the Force.


I'm not a Star Wars freak, but I'd guess the likelihood of that being true is about as close to 0% as you can get without actually being 0%




er , but wasnt it the Emporer saying that to Vader?,
wait , no it was Yoda to Ben.
They both knew about Anakin anyway didnt they?


It wasn't always the plan for them to be siblings, there was going to be a Skywalker brother or sister that wasn't Leia that was going to be important to train a new generation in the next trilogy to fight against the Emperor (with Luke and Vader gone).

Eventually Lucas decided to end it all with Return of the Jedi so he tied up loose ends by making Leia the sister and the Emperor the main villain.

I don't know if he had all this decided by the point of the "there is another" line, it could be either way I guess.


Lucas is the idiot that gave us Jar-Jar... consider that and you quickly realize he isn't too good at planning things out he pretty much just shoots from the hip. Star Wars made it big in spite of the poor writing of Lucas. It was really a success because of the effects which at the time were considered ground breaking.
