
I re watched for the first time in a while. This movie still sucks. Everything star wars is over rated


I wouldn't say it sucks or is over-rated but has lost its appeal due to the constant tinkering with original movies and the woketards at Disney and Lucasfilm ruining the series due to their racism and sexism.


I agree, nearly all the new cash grabs really devalues this original and what it was and did back then. things progress and, technically everything now is done way better from writing to effects, but that shouldn't make this film anything less than it was.

I have decided to skip all these tacked on, money grab, soap opera "series" and new movies, and simply enjoy the original 3 as is. not the jacked up edited versions, but the original releases, they are still enjoyable and nostalgic, before the dark times, before the rebellion to CGI


I still watch the originals once a year. Even the prequels are okay to me to a lesser degree.


ha! I'm trying to get back into the prequels. they seem way better now compared to some of the recent nonsense.


I don't mind the Special Editions from the late 90s but I wish I could get the original versions of the Special Editions with the original version of Emperor Palpatine in Empire Strikes Back and the original old guy Anakin ghost in Return of the Jedi. But I doubt I will get my wish since Lucas changed them when finally releasing them on DVD in 2004. And at this point Disney probably thinks most people prefer those 2004 changes. And the DVDs of the original versions suck cause they are fullscreen.


yeah I got that last available DVD. then, there are other "options" out there to see the old versions


Lasordisc is too much of a hassle for me.




I don't believe in pirating.


....and if you already own a physical copy of said movie?

I've supported the future of this classic film more than 50 times, at theater, VHS tapes, dvd setS, laser disc setS, blu-rays, drive ins, theater re-releases.... not releasing the original THEATER CUT is what is criminal. Each version I buy, I WANT the one I saw in the theater... best I can BUY, is a crappy tv-lined version lower resolution than a normal DVD, which I do own. I'm fine owning the original version of a movie I've already bought many times over. Everyone got paid, everyone made billion. NO ONE is affect by it or losing money from something I already paid for. they won't give me the only version I fell in love with? Fuck'em. :)

If you do not own that version, you are a pirate.


I have gotten really used to the special edition since it came out in the late 90s. However with Disney having bought Fox they now might release the original versions on bluray.


that would be fantastic. and I would buy it yet again - unless they can't keep it as good looking as these fan edits


Why do you want the original ESB Palpatine?? It was only an old woman with monkey eyes, as I recall, and it didn't even SOUND like Ian McDiarmid.


"with the original version of Emperor Palpatine in Empire Strikes Back"

Why on EARTH would you want that horrible monstrosity back?

You DO know that wasn't Ian McDiarmid, right? Just some old woman with monkey eyes overlaid over her own?

With scenes like that, I can now see why Lucas wanted to CORRECT them to his VISION.


Do please explain how you can LEGALLY get these unmodified 3 original Original Trilogy movies without having to own any SE versions too?


well, I physically own the crappy DVD versions on disc.... i guess I dont know of any legal way to get a 4k copy that exists out there of a clean up version, and this post will probably get deleted mentioning it.

I've seen heard, and read of various fixed versions going on in the wild


I had those once myself, with the SE DVDs that came out in the much-lauded OOT set, but as I recall I had a widescreen display that quickly revealed the fact that those OOT discs were non-anamorphic, meaning they had the original widescreen aspect ratio within a 4:3 ratio, so the image looked tiny. Fine on a 4:3 TV, but rubbish on a widescreen display, either TV or computer monitor.


yes that. no clue why they won't release the only original version in high res: the theater cut, that everyone loved and wanted. they literally could make even MORE trucks of money if they released that version finally. it's not lost, he just didn't like it.

don't tell me they couldn't have had Han shoot second if that was what was originally intended. so, modern take is just stupid rewriting bullshit.

luckily there are fan edits out there they don't seem concerned with at all


I heard that the OOT on the DVD was a straight direct transfer from the Laserdisc format, and that was also standard definition, too. No HD was possible, but I'm sure that an anamorphic transfer could've been done. We'd have to see the original Laserdiscs to determine the original ANALOGUE quality. Yes, Laserdiscs were analogue, so not much better than a VHS.


my laser discs definitely looked better than VHS, although not as good as DVDs can.
I had the full on digital ones, not the older capacitance kind


Cool! Never seen a Laserdisc playing in real life, only on YT videos which aren't the same thing.


Everyone loved? Ha that’s a good laugh.


just the people alive back then, who made star wars the mega hit, theater game changer that it was.
they don't matter now?


Just because you bought a ticket way back when doesn’t mean you loved it. A lot of people thought the original trilogy was silly and borderline stupid at best.


do you think the original star wars here was some kind of failure? unliked by the masses? I'm kind of missing your point.
it sort of changed everything about movies since then.
if some people didn't care for it, that's well and good, but this film was huge. game changing. SOMEONE out there loved it. I loved it at least 12 times in the theater. as did many others I knew.


I think you weren’t alive back when these movies came out because Return of the Jedi was mocked and laughed at by a majority of filmgoers… much so that it took 16 years for the next Star Wars film to be released.

Many people also didn’t like Empire Strikes Back and said it was too dark, lacked the sense of fun of the original.

Yes the original was a big deal back in the day but let’s not pretend like that movie isn’t flawed as hell even though it’s fun and has the better tone.


I was alive and stood in those record breaking lines for 4 hours with 100s of other fun, excited fans. and I am not a huge nerdboy either, just typical guy enjoying fun movies.
yes, RETURN was when we knew George was done, by those stupid ewoks.

it is flawed as hell NOW, looking back with 2022 eyes, but back then, when I was alive and watched it, it was THE game changer. Everyone is different and allowed to enjoy or not enjoy different things.


>Return of the Jedi was mocked and laughed at by a majority of filmgoers… much so that it took 16 years for the next Star Wars film to be released.

Or that George Lucas owned the rights, and was done with the story after wrapping it up.


This is what I have learned to do. I still have my originals on VHS. I have no interest in seeing all the changes in effects, added scenes or Hayden Christiansen as Anakin in RotJ. I don't bother with the prequels and I don't bother with the sequels. I finally got to see the new Star Wars land in Disney and it hit no heart strings; I actually couldn't wait to get out of there. But, now that I have hit 40, I have come to the realization the new stuff is not for me. I'll let everyone else enjoy or fight over them; I have left the conversation and simply just watch my originals.

Everything always gets overhyped. People forget about the amount of work and creativity that went into these films; especially A New Hope. so, yea, to the masses; it's over hyped. to me, they were just great stories with memorable characters that had a major effect on my life. They don't suck and people who say that, have no idea what they are talking about.


The main thing I really liked in the special editions was the replacement of Marjorie Eaton/Clive Revill for Ian McDiarmid as the Emperor in The Empire Strikes Back. I suppose the improved Death Star explosion was kind of cool, and maybe the added shots of the X-wings taking off from Yavin. Perhaps the music at the end of Return of the Jedi was an improvement over Yub Nub. Still, the trouble is, there is an awful lot of added stuff that was rather bad, which outweighed the good. If Lucas had limited himself to only a very few minor tweaks, it wouldn't have rubbed people the wrong way as it did.


I can agree with this. I am fine with both Yub Nub and the new song because it's beautiful. I don't mind some of the clean up effects. I think my favorite added effect is in Empire Strikes Back when they add some CGI windows and elevators or whatnot to Cloud City. It turned the set from looking like cheap sci-fi tv quality sets to an actual moving/living city. but like you, the negatives just over rode the positives. I hate all the additions they added to Tatooine. Tatooine is supposed to be a dead desolate 'cold' place. the new Mos Eisley looks busy and bustling and it just doesn't work for me.

The constant tweeking of the 'nooooo' addition to Luke falling in Empire was dumb, the addition of rocks in front of R2 when they meet Obi-Wan in New Hope. dumb and physically impossible. And you are right; if Lucas had just stopped when he was ahead, no one would have cared to the point they do now.


One of the greatest films ever made


Run along now, toddler.


LOL good one. I bet I am older than you. Especially since you went straight to insults for some reason. People are allowed to have different opinions. As I said I tried it again and it wasnt my cup of tea.


Start Wars best for the ilm ever made. Fact.


Opinion. Im sure a lot of people share your opinion, and thats cool but I'm not one of them.


No opinion, fact. Period.


OK boss


Carry on!


Ackbar, IT WAS A TRAP!!! "D


“Not my cup of tea” and “it sucks” are two completely different sentiments. You didn’t just want to share your opinion, you wanted it to be inflammatory. Own it.


I dont like it so to me it sucks. Not hard to figure out stupid


Thus displaying the limit of your intellect. If you had half a brain you'd understand the distinction between "I don't like it" and "it sucks". Stupid.


Bye bye troll. You need to get a life instead of spending your days trolling on message boards. Not hard to tell you don't get laid. Goof


I got laid this morning. Stop projecting.


Your hand doesn't count, loser


Again, projecting. Don't judge everyone by yourself. Some of us are adults with wives and lives. Not losers hanging out in mom's basement.


Weak effort. Good try troll


You want video?


You have to understand this movie within the historical context of when it was made. The impact it had on the movie industry cannot be exaggerated. That alone makes it an important movie, whether you find it entertaining or not.


I agree 100% with you on that


Well darn it, now we can't have a pointless argument!


Haha my bad !


This, so much.


I disagree, and ten-year-old me(who saw it seven times in the theater the year it came out) disagrees even more emphatically!


You suck but we already knew that.


Go suck Putins dick with your boy Madison Crawthorn, traitor.


That's all you got???


I only watched the first one, but I didn't know it was a straight up kids movie going in, so it was quite disappointing. I'm more of a modern scifi fan, astronauts and black holes and such. Had no interest in space stuff from when I was a kid, probably because the old school style of depicting futuristic stuff was so corny.


Watch more 1970s science fiction. You'd be surprised how dark and non-corny most of it is.


I don't think it's badly made. It just appeals to a certain audience, nothing wrong with that. I may not be part of it, but far be it from me to say the entirety of the franchise sucks just because it's not my taste.
