MovieChat Forums > Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Discussion > Men really hate strong independent women...

Men really hate strong independent women like her

So funny to see all the "men" having a meltdown over this smart successful woman. She triggers the life out of them, lol. Get ready, she is here to stay and will continue to climb the political ladder until we see her run for president in the not so distant future.


Only weak men hate strong women. Now we have one purpose defeat the most evil President in history. Hopefully AOC will help. Susan Sarandon, Rose McGowan, and Tara Reade are very weak women since they use falsehoods to help destroy Democrats in effect helping Reptiles.


Agreed, all those women you mentioned are indeed weak, they could learn a lot from AOC. AOC is the future of the Democrat party.



"Only weak men hate strong women."

Oh please! Do you think that old chestnut still works?


Actually, I believe weak men love strong women. That kinda pairing works out long-term.


Well, western society is certainly doing its best to raise weak men today.


Wrong. Man's weaknesses are the most disgusting thing to any woman.


She’s not strong or independent. She’s an insecure ignorant little girl. She walks into congress with zero experience and throws her opinion around as though anyone cares.

She’s not even smart enough to fake humility.

“Communists read Marx and Lenin, anti-communists understand them” - Ronald Reagan


People obviously care about her opinion. And lol at her being ignorant, is that why she blows the republicans she challenges out of the water? Is that why she humiliated Facebook's CEO?




I'd kill to see her in a debate with a republican. Oh, wait, she has never done one. She only does fluff interviews. She won't debate anyone. Humiliate Zuckerberg? You realize she was reading off a script, right? She's just a walking puppet for the Young Democrats.


A "script" she wrote. She stumped him with her line of questioning and left him without answers. Watch the video.


You cant answer stupid questions.


Noting stupid about it, she caught him in a trap she had planned and Ziclerberg couldn't hit "Like".


She didn't write that script. C'mon man. She has a room full of Young Democrats who pull the strings, churn out rhetoric, and even put on her makeup.




Have you seen her videos where she's addressing her Twitter/IG/whatever followers. She can barely maintain a coherent line of thought without abandoning it for whatever reason. It's hilarious. That's her fully in charge of the situation. Imagine her in a debate. She would get wrecked lol.


I've seen them. She acts like a teenager who is trying to sound articulate.


^^^ THIS !!! 🙄


She won her seat because the district became a Democrat dominated district. If you ran a dead dog as a Democrat and God as a Republican the dog would win, because in this country Democrats dont vote for the best candidate they vote a party ticket.

I give her credit for winning the primary. I have no clue who she was up against, but normally an open primary with no incumbent is not won on merit and is just a measure of how successful a candidate is at getting supporters to vote...maybe she won because drunks she served bonbon a bar had a stupid bar bet that they could get a bartender elected. Who knows.


She’s a bartender. I suppose that’s accomplished when you compare that to Obama when he was elected.

In any meeting, negotiation, in DC, they will be the dumbest person in the room. Simple facts. They have no useful experience to pull from.

Facebooks CEO is a democrat. Thanks for confirming your ignorance


"is that why she blows the republicans"

Nah, too easy...


This bitch be CRAZY..... 🙄


Nah she is very reasonable and what she says makes sense.


Nothing about socialism makes sense.


So do you have any example of something AOC has actually said that is wrong or doesn't make sense vis a vis socialism?


How about not condemning BLM screaming at white people to give them their homes?


How about the green new deal?

It's her "baby".


Nothing wrong about it


you must be joking.

Whoever is saying something like that is either sarcastic either stupid.


Her logic is undeniable.


Her logic in supporting people that are able but don't want to work?

Oh, yeah, extraordinary logic.

Her logic in banning air traffic and gas based cars? Oh yeah, can you please send me a check for a Tesla that I cannot afford?

And maybe she can explain how does she see travelling to Europe? Only by sea?

I don't need to go over all the imbecile and idiot stuff that's in there, someone else already did it IN THIS THREAD.

Are you blind as well?


You think the Green New Deal is reasonable? In the next 12 years the following would have to happen:

- Achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions through a fair and just transition for all communities and workers (no more cars or airplanes)
- Create millions of good, high-wage jobs and ensure prosperity and economic security for all people of the United States (so you can get paid to sit on your butt and play x-box)
- Invest in the infrastructure and industry of the United States to sustainably meet the challenges of the 21st century (cough- trillions of dollars - cough)
- Secure for all people of the United States for generations to come: clean air and water; climate and community resiliency; healthy food; access to nature; and a sustainable environment (access to nature? Who doesn't have that? Healthy food? Go buy it!)
- Promote justice and equity by stopping current, preventing future, and repairing historic oppression of indigenous peoples, communities of color, migrant communities, deindustrialized communities, depopulated rural communities, the poor, low-income workers, women, the elderly, the unhoused, people with disabilities, and youth (“frontline and vulnerable communities”) (Who exactly is oppressed in the U.S. right now really? Individual racism will never go away, but there is an opportunity for everyone to succeed if they so choose)


I'd love nothing more than to see AOC in a real debate. I'd do a pay-per-view for that. Then she can churn out more zingers like her moronic "I think that there's a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right." You saw what happened when she had to go up against Tom Homan, former ICE director, in Congress? She has a list of interrogative questions written down that he nailed her back with. Suddenly she was left with nothing to read and he flattened her like a truck. She was flummoxed completely, kept looking back at her script and saw there was nothing left to read, and shut down. It was all over the internet.

I have no issue with a strong woman. Hell, I voted for Hilary. AOC is not strong. She's as fake as it gets. She's a puppet. This is a fact: The Young Democrats were looking for a face and picked her out of a hat full of over 1000 candidates, likely due to her looks, her nationality, and her hyphenated last name. She didn't even apply - her brother did it for her. They liked what they saw and realized they could mold her into what they were pushing. That's it. She doesn't even write her own tweets. Her videos in her house are all scripted. She's an actress who doesn't even believe what she's preaching. She preaches for taxing the rich while advocating for a raise from her $174k salary? She preaches for the poor from her luxury high-rise apartment with a Whole Foods in it. She works for a district in NYC but does not have an address there. Did you not see how she pushed the Green New Deal then got caught flying in planes from DC to NYC instead of a train? That's like pushing for a ban of cigarettes then getting caught smoking a Marlboro.




Actually, I'll have you know she earned her position in congress. She won a colouring competition heh.


Bingo. You nailed it.


AOC in a debate? Here you go:

She destroyed Joe Crowley


I've seen this one - I agree she did. In my defense, he isn't a Republican, and let's agree that he was also an incumbent who had no prep and thought he would walk through the election. She did destroy him.


She is loud and has passion. Would be great if she was a true independent.


She is.


She's an ignorant fool ... a self-claimed poli-sci major who couldn't name the three branches of government. LOL Nothing that comes out of her mouth has anything to do with the real world. My disgust for her has nothing to do with her sex. Bernie Sanders is just as miserably ignorant.


I disagree with her politics and i think comunism is a disgrace. Lets talk about her politics instead to say "waahh you hate her because she is a indipendent woman11"


OK talk about her politics then, what's wrong about them?


Everything. She hates capitalism and free market,and this means hating freedom. When you depends from the government,the government can control your life as it likes. Thats why statalism is deeply wrong.




She may be the first former member of Congress to tend bar once she leaves. Shell probably also leave with more debt than she went in with.


Ummm, maybe some. Others, including women, just don't like imbeciles trying to bring down the country.


How is she trying to bring down the country?




Are you in love with her or something?
