MovieChat Forums > Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Discussion > Men really hate strong independent women...

Men really hate strong independent women like her

So funny to see all the "men" having a meltdown over this smart successful woman. She triggers the life out of them, lol. Get ready, she is here to stay and will continue to climb the political ladder until we see her run for president in the not so distant future.


ITT: people who really think AOC is smart

... or trolls?


As a man, I admire strong, independent women. However, I have contempt for stupid, arrogant, self-righteous, loud-mouthed idiots like Absence Of Cortex. I wish she would lose her seat in the House to an intelligent, rational woman.


She is strong. Yes.

Independent. LOL. That's funny. NO.

She lies constantly. She's dumb as a mule.
She won't even answer economic questions and her "degree" is in....


She's an idiot. I can have a meltdown or be triggered or watch TV. None of those things can make her intelligent.




LOL she's not a strong woman, she's a full fledged idiot who doesn't know the minimum basics in how government or economics work. She's a brainless bimbo.


It's perfectly fine that she's strong. But, Ocasio-Cortez is all about the "AOC" persona that she's created. She is definitely a product of social media, where her life is about trying to level-up in the media. Creating controversy, getting into pitched battles with whomever crosses her path, etc.


She has a great chance. She'll be part of Biden's cabinet for sure.


If you don't like a woman, it must be because she's strong. No other possible reason. No false flag in that statement at all.
