MovieChat Forums > Margot Robbie Discussion > Jim Carrey is BLASTED by fans for joke i...

Jim Carrey is BLASTED by fans for joke implying Margot Robbie's successful career is thanks to her looks

'Rude and downright embarrassing'


What's embarrassing is the furore it's caused. Seemed nothing more than a bit of lighthearted sarcasm over how beautiful she is and more a compliment than an insult, but as usual the SJWs out there need something to complain about.


he's about 90% right . the other 10% a mixture of luck and talent (mostly luck being in right place/right time/impressing the right people/others losing out/not considered for the role for whatever reasons etc) - its the same for all the goodlooking film stars. (I believe Christopher Reeve said something along those lines when explaining how he got cast as Superman: something like it was 98% how he looked. 2% his talent and being in the right place at the time)




And of course someone needs to shoehorn SJW garbage into whatever conversation is being had. Forget civil rights, respect, common decency, it's all SJW.


Jim hasn't been funny in almost TWO DECADES which sucks. He used to be so freaking hilarious.

Oh yeah, Margot Robbie. Or Beautiful Hollywood Starlet.

Um, I like her a lot, but is this even debatable. Beautiful women get Hollyweird jobs. Sometimes a less beautiful woman will get a job over a more beautiful woman but beauty is STILL a BIG FREAKING DEAL when video is the medium. It just is. Call it, racist, sexist, homphobe, stereophone antphoney, moutaindew phobe. Whatever.

LOOKS MATTER in Hollyweird California.

P E R I O D.


F'n hilarious, Jim. I love Margot but gimme a break. She's a fox. End of accolades.



I remember when people understood irony.

It was Jim’s way of saying he thinks she is stunning, as if that needs explanation.

People do give me a headache sometimes.


People understand the irony. They're offended because what Carrey was suggesting was that her looks helped her career (which is absolutely true), and nowadays, suggesting such a thing is sexist and nazi and probably racist too.


Of course it's true, only an idiot would argue that it's not. I maintain that she wouldn't continue getting roles if looks was all she had, but it's annoyingly foolish for anyone to get offended by Carey pointing out the obvious in a sweet, complimentary way.

I saw Melissa McCarthy say something almost identical about Chris Hemsworth when she was being interviewed about Ghostbusters. Everyone seemed to get the joke then (although that film had it's own political problems to deal with!) and I do wonder if the people against progressiveness have jumped on a few daft reactions to Carey's comments and are using them as just another attack on "woke culture", when in reality I think only the most stupid people took offence.



Well he's right. He didn't say she isn't talented. Margot Robbie is very talented, but it's a fact that her beauty has played a major part in her most memorable performances thus far.

The characters she portrays are often times the main male characters love interest who uses her beauty as an advantage throughout the story. Especially in the Wolf of Wall Street. She made the Jordan character (portrayed by Leo) leave his wife ffs because he wanted to bang her the moment he saw her.

Many love her Harley portrayal not only because of how she played the character, but because of how hot she looks in the outfits.


While I do think she is actually a good actress, her looks certainly have helped her. Especially when your breakout roll is one involved with being hot as hell and being nude...

In comparison, looks have helped plenty of actors in the early parts of their career (who also happen to develop into actually good actors) such as:

Brad Pitt
Leonardo Dicaprio
Christian Bale
Harrison Ford
Heath Ledger
Zac Effron
Hugh Jackman


There are plenty of beautiful people who have starred in Neighbours, she and Guy Pearce are the only two who have been able to transfer that into an international film career. That’s because they both have something special that transcends a pretty face.


There are plenty of attractive people in all shows/movies no matter how small or big. She is a talented and great actress imo, I don't dispute that at all. If she was unattractive, do I think they would have cast her in the Wolf of Wall Street, her mainstream breakout role? No. I was trying to make the point that her looks have helped her in getting roles and being popular in the beginning of her career, just like what happens sometimes with attractive men, but putting looks aside, they can still develop into, or already be, good performers.


Yeap, but for some reason saying that being good looking helped Brad Pitt (for example) doesn't seem to be a political problem...


Neither is this though. It’s an obvious beat-up.

It was a sweet joke and Margot wasn’t offended. Anyone who is on her behalf needs a hobby.


It's not that they need hobbies. They're rightfully offended since that against their woke core values.

Christians extremists get often offended too for similar reason.

And so do Muslims, though they're far more dangerous. They don't protest in twitter, they kill you. Last week there was a French girl that said Islam was a shitty religion. She has already been told by the French Muslim community that she's gonna be killed. She's under police protection 24/7 right now, but they'll kill her sooner or later. She's a Dead Woman Walking right now. It's a pity, she's a pretty chick. But she's dead.


He is right, though...

I mean, she's hot as hell and Hollywood is an image based industry. Of course her looks are the main reason for her success. She has talent too, but if she was average or ugly looking, you think she'd get the same opportunities? Of course not.


What's the problem?

It's winter, and we all know it's a season for snowflakes 😄


jim is an walking STD..... he also pressured his girlfriend into suicide, he is a real POS


'That was unacceptable': Jim Carrey is dubbed a 'sleazebag' after telling female journalist she is the 'only thing left to do on his bucket list'


well, that was a joke.... and i would be fine with it, but his art and trump bashing is then seen as hypocritical as this is the kind of joke trump would make........ so what is the deal jim?
