MovieChat Forums > Kobe Bryant Discussion > Is anyone else out there having Kobe fat...

Is anyone else out there having Kobe fatigue already?

It's only been two days, and it's tragic, but enough already. Let the families mourn, if you knew him personally, mourn, but let the rest of us non millionaires just get on with our lives.


Saint Kobe with his endless 24/7 onslaught of media coverage and apparently being best friends with every single person in Hollywood? I never seen anything like it.


I have....




Yeah, it's sad that he and his daughter, not to mention seven other people, got taken out prematurely, but enough is enough--everything's already been reported and re-reported. The media are just repeating the same stuff for the hundredth time, with nothing new. It has become tiresome, but unfortunately this is what they always do, and we'll probably have to listen to it 24 hours a day for at least another week, or just avoid news broadcasts for awhile. At least he was an actual celebrity--somebody just about everyone has heard of--unlike Nipsee Hustle or whatever his name was. Hardly anybody ever heard of that guy before he got killed, yet the ridiculous media hysteria went on for weeks and weeks.


Naw it was just this Sunday.


His death and the death of his young daughter and seven other people is no less tragic because of lazy news outlets and lazy reporters who stick to a story like glue instead of finding other news to report. They do that ALL the time with every tragic event.

There have been plane crashes in the middle of the ocean. Only wreckage is found floating. No actual news is reported for days. But every news outlet shows the same pieces of airplane floating in the Pacific for days and days with the voiceover, "No news yet as to what caused the crash."
But the news ghouls keep reporting nothing. Just turn off the news for a while.


Bravo! You are SO right. It’s not the public that’s driving this, it’s the media. Same shit as with Diana Spencer, whose claim to fame was that she was famous. The media LOVE a good wallow. I, a former journalist, began actively to avoid ALL news the day I saw the same clip of the plane flying into the World Trade Center something like 100 times in an hour on CNN. “If it bleeds, it leads.” It’s disgusting.

And I am a much happier person because of my self-imposed news blackout.


Views drive it.

Why post were you on?


They stick to a story because is what people are interested in. If they werent they’d move on to the next.

They mightve been other accidents but nothing as tragic and polarising as this. People are in check and look for the news for reports and updates.

Not every news channel is the same. Depending on your source. If you’d tired of repetition. The newspaper has other sections.


I worked in news for 20 years, but you think you know more about how the media work than I do. You define “arrogant.”

You also define “no reading comprehension.” I clearly stated that I actively avoid ALL news, yet you suggest that I “read a different section of the paper.” I wonder who reads the paper to you?


Your arrogance shows when you think you have the slightest idea of who you are talking to.

Yes, if this part of the news bothers you. The newspaper has many different sections not focus on this subject.

At least I am suggesting and trying to help you than moaning.


Yeah, he supposedly worked in journalism for 20 years (dual columns in the Boston Herald *eye roll*) then somehow wound up unemployed and working for the biggest BMW dealership in Boston. Then, all of a sudden he was in high-end retail for a number of years which eventually plateaued into being an expert on home stereo systems. Most recently, he claimed to have retired from that after more extensive years and gotten into real estate and then suddenly, he was back in retail. He's really crammed a lot into his years and they just don't add up. Plus, he's an expert on a nonexistent discipline in the martial arts and on women, more so than most men, in the company of Casanova. The guy has an absolutely superhuman resume and he's only 5'8" and 150lbs.


Sounds like a good story I would write in a comic book.


Just don't immortalize him any more than he already has himself.


I thought with 5’8 150lbs he was enough.


hes gone

Nothing anyone can do about it.

That's it


I was surprised the coverage wasn't larger to be honest. I remember how Michael Jackson's death was blanket to blanket coverage. Obviously, he transcended things. Same with Robin Williams that seemed to blanket the news wall to wall for about a 5 days to a week.

Of course, they didn't have to compete with the impeachment of a President and more importantly a massive deadly virus outbreak.


Again it was tragedy. But the story never floated. It wasn't Michael Jackson or even Robin Williams.

After 48 hours outside of ESPN it spent at most 5 or 10 minutes on a cable news cycle.

Then it was almost forgotten.


Pretty much.

Death is tragic and I have sympathy for his surviving relatives, but it's being milked to beyond oblivion.

The conspiracy theorist in me feels like it's there to distract from bigger news in the world. The cynic in me wonders what on Earth a basketball player did for humanity to get that kind of coverage. And the sympathetic part of me feels bad for his family to have to constantly see and hear about it non-stop.


Now that's a humble and a pretty good post.


