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Trump supporters are liars, frauds and felons

That is why they support Donald Trump. They are the only things that separate Trump from Biden-- lies, fraud and felony convictions.



Tina please dont let this political stuff put you in duress. We have almost no say in who is installed at this point. I know its hard to understand but all these people are serpents. None of them care about you past the point of using you to increase their power standing within this agenda that is basically trying to erase us anyways. Its not worth getting upset over. Trump will be installed. He is playing his part. This New World will be sold under the guise of Pseudo Christianity. You need to keep yourself strong and independent so you have a chance to survive this. Letting these serpents and their show get you worked up is only going to have a bad effect on your health. These people they put before us are all controlled. Even Biden and Trump. The Agenda is worldwide and elections really dont matter all that much.


"It is the duty of the Illuminati to control every movement within any government, to provide security to its population, therefore we create the rules, we decide about nations policy." - William Van Duyn - Head of the Illuminati - Bilderberg 2014

Let me know if you want to read the full speech from Van Duyn. He gave that speech 1 month after the Vatican declares Lucifer as God in 2014. I can dig that video out as well if you want it. Occult research and understanding of the Global Scheme is somewhat off-putting at first but in the end its very freeing. It allows you to let go of a lot of fear from the unknown. I am not a stressed out person. This agenda is so big its like being a grain of sand on a beech. Im basically what is called a starfish thrower at heart when it comes to this stuff so I cant help but try to warn/explain it to people when I have the motivation in hopes that it can help free them. Ive basically always been like this.

When the politics work your nerves just turn it off. Watch good films etc. Im kind of in shock how politically active this site is right now.


Okay. I will remain a strong independent! Thank you so much for your advice!!!🙂

Let me know if you want to read the full speech from Van Duyn. He gave that speech 1 month after the Vatican declares Lucifer as God in 2014.

Yes. I would like to read that.


Im being genuine Tina. I dont care where people stand because all this political stuff is just a show. I use to make arguments for the right side of things before I became sick of being backstabbed by so called "conservatives" and went beyond politics in order to understand what was happening. I think you genuinely care about people. They weaponize that and use people for their own goals. Its a very sick type of manipulation that takes place. Those that become entangled in it on the left or the right at the populace level become hyper aggressive in times like this and will attack what they perceive as "the other side" relentlessly. All they are really doing is damaging themselves and those in the same situation we all are in... the bottom. Its juvenile and people need to grow up.

This system uses us as pawns. I dont care where people stand ideologically because none of it matters when you understand what our "rulers" are really all about and what their goals are for the world. Once they are done using us as pawns for their goals we are discarded like pieces of garbage while they go off to celebrate together (Both left and right) behind the scenes with their rituals, orgies, sacrifices.... whatever. I just dont like to see people get suckered by the Occult and used no matter where they stand. If more people knew the truth they would never fall for it.

Ill pull some info quick. Need a few minutes to pull it from where I kind of store it in a resource base for other. Give me a few moments. Theres not enough room left in this post.


Be warned Tina... Van Duyn and all the rest of these people are serpents with forked tongues. They are experts at deception and manipulation. Their words often mean things that are hard for people to understand because they can mean different things from their perspective. After a while you lean their vocabulary but it can take time. So if Van Duyn says something you agree with do not be deceived. Hes a jackyl. I know a bit of the inside baseball with him and he looks at normal people like ants. These people can wipe out 100 million people and sleep like babies at night. They are pure sociopaths but its not all their fault. These people are programmed from birth and its sick. Hard for people to understand that but its true.

WILLIAM VAN DUYN - "2014 Bilderberg Opening Remarks"

Vatican Declares Lucifer as God. This happened one month before Van Duyn at Bilderburg in 2014

Very Short video only 3 minutes or so I use sometimes to try and accelerate peoples understanding of how deep this goes. You might not understand a lot of the information but it gives a good historical snapshot about how deceived we all are by these Occultists.

This is a transcript reading of an interview from the top researcher in this field of the Occult and I can vouch for him being genuine for reasons I dont really want to say in the open. Fritz has been on top of this since the late 80s. Hes also been framed, imprisoned, slandered etc. for exposing these people so much. I know its a little long (About an hour) but its packed full of info and always helps people get somewhat dialed in to whats been going on. Take note of the name "John Todd" in this. If you decide to educate yourself on this further he is a key figure. Todd is highest level to ever defect.


JFK was against secret societies, he spoke of exposing them and paid the ultimate price for it.


So you know about the war? The one most humans aren't aware of?


Im not sure I follow you AmeriGirl26. I know about the war against the Occult/Illuminati that John Todd/Lance Collins, Tom Collins, David Hill, Jack Hyles and a few others started back in the early 70s. The same war people like Fritz, Cathy Obrien, Kay Griggs, Cisco Wheeler, Sherri Waldrop AKA "Svali", Cathy Fox and a few others still fight today. Fritz being the major one still left but he is staying somewhat under the radar right now for various reasons. If you are familiar with the names above you will know what Im talking about. This has been going on for over 50 years now and yes most people have no clue what is going on or has been going on all that time. Its pretty rare I meet anyone new that even knows who any of those people are. Many have been killed or just disappeared. We still dont know what happened to John Todd only stories which have never been verified. Fritz is still healthy and well but hes been dragged through hell exposing as much as he has.

As far as the Occult goes Van Duyn is still in control of operations at the top of the pyramid and next year 2025 is Externalization of the Hierarchy so people will begin to learn who their "Rulers" are. After that its paving the way for the "Reappearance of the Christ". That has been leaked to happen in 2030 by defectors. He is 24 years old right now born in the year 2000. Their Christ not ours unless you are in the occult which Im guessing you are not. From what I can tell it will be the Templars (Illuminati Sect) that will reveal him as the "World Leader". Crazy times we live in. Feels like 2025 snuck up on us. That year marker was predicted in 1919 and I have not seen any deviation from this agenda then to now so I anticipate this agenda will continue to go by the numbers. Whatever happens dont give up.


No, I don't know who those names are, but I know there's a spiritual war going on, and it's probably been going on since before our universe was made. But it has times of being quiet, and others of heating up on our planet. I heard about something something worrisome that happened on the night of the Millennium and after 20+ years, the things I've been seeing happening make sense as a result of that.


Hmmm. Well it is a spiritual war of course. We are basically stuck in this Agenda of bringing Luciferianism to worldwide acceptance and the One World Religion. Those that are pushing and controlling this Agenda are the Occult or also known as "Illuminati". Many sects and front groups for these "enlightened ones". They control the world. The hidden hand.. "Deities" at the top levels of Druid Priest Class. They control all Politics, Religion, Entertainment, Nations etc. The reason you dont know those names is because the people fighting this have always been suppressed and slandered. The information is out their though.

Their Agenda is also out there for all to read if you go to the Lucis Trust Website and read the works of Alice Bailey. Theres also people like Mabel Collins, David Spangler among others. These are Occult writtings though and can be confusing somewhat when its new to people. Their "Christ" is basically Lucifer. He is to return under the cloak Of Christianity and the guise of Jesus Christ. Its all counterfeit of course. New Age Movement (Which is 100% Occult) has slowly and effectivly been merging into Christianity for many years now and you can see that in the "MAGA" movement along with this push of Dominionism which is how their "Christ" and Luciferianism become the one world religion. Anyone not with them gets executed by Law (Noahide Laws).

I know this sounds wacky for people still deceived and misinformed but I didnt write it or develop this Agenda ....they did. They are highly intelligent, endless resources, and completely sociopathic and evil. Its beyond politics so being stuck in this left vs right mentality is just programming. Basically its a war on Humanity and for our "Rulers" to become Gods.

I can cite sources but these posts are limited in how much.


Poor Tina.
Too far gone, I'm afraid.
Basically brain dead at this point.

Rest in peace.




Who draw this Tina-troll out of his dirty ass? 🤔


Robot says what?


Famous Jewish Comedian Amy Schumer says she will move to London if Trump is elected President!

What's your response?


If I could afford to leave the country and live elsewhere. Yes.


What would be your top three choices of countries?


America, America & Texas !


Good riddance. I can't stand that nasty beast.


This is just too much hypocrisy, propaganda, unabashed hatred and stupidity for one post.


Sorry you feel that way but deep down you know that I'm right. No morally upstanding person is a Trumpster.


So half the population of America are immoral frauds, liars and felons. Sounds like a horrible place, you might want to consider leaving.


Deep down, I know you're an idiot and have no morals yourself.




Oh that was real mature.
