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AsBelowSoAbove (199)



Pretty late in the game Tina. I just cant see a sitting president being ousted by his own party. Dont get to worked up. Debates are basically just to get people worked up and let the talking heads have something to spin. After the next debate nobody will remember the first. I know you are stuck in this left vs right stuff but it doesnt really matter and not worth getting yourself upset over. If it makes you feel better I dont ever hear anyone say they actually like Trump anymore they just think he is the lesser of two evils. You pretty much know where I stand on all this by now. Im not even sure my wife will vote at this point. Sometimes shes as done with all this "political show" garbage as I am. I watched the debates in full. They both looked lousy. I had a laugh when a presidential candidate announced he never slept with a porn star LOL. Thats breaking new ground. This modern Idiocracy culture is just too much. Cant even watch a political debate without porn being mentioned. Nation of pervs with porn brain. Next debate maybe they start dropping F bombs and lighting farts. The Golf talk was pretty ridiculous. No self awareness whatsoever. People are hurting out there and e get clown show debates. Dont worry this country is already fooked. The entire planet is. Dont give up. Its all alot of BS and noise. Make sure you are getting out and taking care of yourself. Dont rule out turning off all this garbage. Both sides are trying to whip their own up into a frenzy as well as the opposing side (Optically anyways of course). From what I remember with him in interviews it was Iron Man 2 that burned him again. He did a lot of work on that character and went all out for it but they cut alot of his footage out. I mean.. people are so sensitive these days I would say a pissed off and angry Mickey Rourke would intimidate them. He didnt want to play nice with Marvel and that was probably the last straw for a lot of these younger directors. Hollywood is also full of egos. Someone like Downy is not going to want Rourke out acting him in his own vehicle. It was probably a bad move for Mickey to take such a commercial type role. He really should have stuck to smaller projects where the creator had more control. LOL.. Thats the DVD I still have. Yes its great. I never fell into this mode of dump all your DVDs for streaming. Just between me and you we still have VHS tapes of some films as well and yes we watch them. They still work just fine.... shhhhh its a secret LOL. Yes Abyss is basically a love story. Basically starts that way and ends that way. I guess Terminator is also a love story but IMO the Abyss is written better. Kudos to Harris and Mastrantonio making that work so well. Im not even going to give my thoughts on Titanic because people tend to freak out and get triggered. I also wasnt impressed much with true lies. I actually think Last Action Hero is a far better film and Cameron fans have a meltdown over that notion. Seems like the last few year Abyss has gained more of a following. I think people miss the more serious tone of Cameron and Abyss is a very thoughtful and mature film. "IF" they ever decide to try and bring it back I think it would be better suited for a series ... HOWEVER.. I dont see the point if they are just going to ruin it. The Characters in the Abyss were all likeable even Biehn who is technically a villain but in reality hes not. Its a unique film and hard to classify. Kind of like De Palma and Mission to Mars which I also think is an underrated and overlooked film that failed at the time of release. The Abyss was better IMO though. Although.. the way film is going its questionable people will even watch these sorts of movies 10-15 years from now. I could see there being cliff notes versions of film similar to books where people never actually watch them in their entirety let alone try to analyze the meaning. Things are heading south faster than I thought possible. I still buy the DVDs or record to have a copy but its mostly older stuff. DVDs in envelopes are thin and dont take up any room. Im going to take your word for it but Ive never mentioned him refer to his acting technique as method. Ive seen him talk about him taking a more natural approach and then improvising on the fly which I find amazing considering how good he was. Hard to say about his looks. Wild Orchid he had definitely screwed with some. Cheek implants I think it was but Im no expert on plastic surgeries. I think he had it reversed soon after which is why he looked fine again for Desperate Hours. Who knows. I kind of overlooked the surgeries because I liked his acting and intensity. To me he is top 5 actors of all time. Maybe even #1. Its hard to narrow things down that much. I dont know of another actor like him when he was on his game and fully committed. There are times in Angel Heart, Rumble Fish, and Desperate Hours when im just in disbelief how good he is. Pope as well. Year of the Dragon also. Wrestler, Pledge, Thin Red Line deleted scenes. Just an amazing actor. Kudos to these modern Directors like Aronofsky, Rodriguez and Miller for taking a chance on him again. Mickey is his own worst enemy in so many ways but I also get it. Im not sure he has even had a "Happy" day in his entire life. The industry is nasty and full of serpents. Mickey basically growing up a street kid so its a miracle he didnt killed someone. My guess would be the boxing saved him from that. Im not 100% sure where I learned that. It was either in a film commentary or a documentary about McQueen. He turned down a LOT of big roles. Steve got to the point where he didnt want to act anymore. I think I remember them having to basically beg him to do "The Getaway" which is basically my favorite film from both McQueen and Peckinpah. I cant really support it with a reason why other than I just like it the most for whatever reason and I basically like all McQueen's films. Basically a film about a troubled relationship in an impossible situation more than anything else but for whatever reason it works. Who knew Peckinpah could make that concept work so well? It still has on of my top 5 endings of all time when McQueen and Ali Macgraw drive of into Mexico in an old beat up truck after giving the driver a stack of cash. That entire scene is magic on film. Close encounters was his role though. I want to say he turned down the role of Chief Brody in Jaws as well. Spielberg liked McQueen quite a bit. Dreyfus is great in Close Encounters but McQueen would have been golden. Yeah not bad for director who was basically never given any real support (outside The Thing of course) and basically had films that always bombed at the theatre. I even think Memoirs of an Invisible Man is a good film. Carpenter absolutely hates it. I think hes crazy. People point to Village of the Damned as his weakest film sometimes other than Ghosts of Mars but I challenge people to go watch the original Village of the Damned. I think Carpenter improved on it with his version. People always make the mistake of forgetting hes a low budget filmmaker. They also forget the pace at which he made films from the mid 70s to the late 80s. Basically one film a year and most became classics and are still beloved and mimicked today. Its a shame we never got to see his remake of Creature From the Black Lagoon because the script was very interesting. From what I can recall he created an entirely new mythos to the gill man. I like that he inspired so many because I like Carpenters preference to keep things mood oriented. It Follows, I trapped The Devil, Starry Eyes, Dredd, Planet Terror, Doomsday... all fun to watch. Carpenter could also nail any genre. Starman is a Love Story basically.. Nailed it. Comedy.. Big Trouble in Little China Nailed it. Biographical.. Elvis nailed it. Horror, Action, Adventure... Carpenters range was amazing. Then theres the music.. sheesh. Some of the best scores from the 70s and 80s are Carpenter. I didnt just spend so much effort learning about him just because I liked his films. I was also impressed how he could do so much with so little to work with at the pace he did. Some of his films are very in depth in the research and writing department while seeming very basic and even silly to the casual onlooker. Maverick filmmaker. I think Howard Hawkes would be proud. I have said it for years I dont think we will ever get another John Carpenter. I dont know of anyone before him that could match his skillset either. More silliness from you. Read the statement you actually quoted. All you did was repeat what I just said. Look I can tell you have never read a shred of Doctrine from any of these sects. I suggest you go to that site and start reading. Its very easy and basic. Basically 3rd or 4th grade level but its easy to understand. They cover many religions. Its not going to go deep into theology but it will get you in the ballpark somewhat and lay out some of the major points of their system and ways of thinking. Right now you just sound like a moron or are high/drunk/Both/All of the Above etc. Im going to put you in time out for a little while until you stop with all this nonsense you are doing that I am well aware of now. I dont need YOU to reply to ME repeating what I already know after explaining it. This is ridiculous. If I catch you spreading disinformation again I will likely step in so fair warning. These little silly snake games you like to play dont impress me and you are not very good at it enough to keep me interested. As I said before send someone who knows what they are doing and also what they are talking about. I feel like Im talking to a late teenager or 20 something year old. Im more laid back when talking about films because thats largely based around people preferences. This type of info is fact based and Im much more straight forward and serious so I tend to not screw around or put up with this kind of idiocracy. Have a nice night and take care. OK now you have moved on to just agreeing with what I just gave links for. You dont actually read posts do you? Look.. AGAIN... Slither off. Im not stupid and I can see what you are attempting. Your not going to able to follow what Im talking about and its just going to keep confusing you and causing you to look ignorant and confused as this goes on. You can try to do that insult stuff all you want but you and I both know what that attack the messenger stuff is about as well. Especially when you dont even address the information Im talking about. Its cute that you keep trying so hard but its become boring. Go dig up some information and try to get others informed. That is if you think they "deserve" to be informed which you have already made clear you dont and you seem to the the decider in your mind of what people care about and what they do not. I will now respectfully ask you to stop replying to me so I dont have to block you. These alerts from you vomiting out inconsistent bipolar nonsense in replies to me are annoying. Apologies for being a little harsh. Ive been doing this too long and I dont put up with goofiness like this for very long before cutting it off because its a waste of my time. More than enough leads in those links to get you started. Good luck debunking it LOL. Like I said that "trust The Plan in Accordance with Alice Bailey would be over your head. Its obvious you dont know who she is or have ever even read her books before. Go to the Lucis Trust website. Some of it you can read their for free but you better know how to read "Occult" because their vocabulary has different meaning. Its not that hard to figure out but you have to actually read. Being that you seem to have trouble reading these short posts you may need a warm up. Try a crackerjack Box. Sometimes theres a toy in there. Good Luck and Good Bye As I said in another reply this is a trap. Satanic Church is already waiting for it. Ill put a couple links in. Satanism in Schools Careful what you wish for This was always a set up. Any fool can see that. I encourage people to check out those links before celebrating this as some sort of "Win". The Occult is not stupid. By playing this little game they have managed to get a lot of good people to cheer for the promotion of the very thing they claim to be against. Religious Freedom is a double edged sword. Its not just Satanism you have to be are of its also Luciferianism. 13 principles of Luciferianism. This is a quick and easy read. Most people already live by these principles and dont even know it. If you truely want to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ I suggest you take a look because Christianity has been twisted by these serpents since the very beginning. Even if you are not a follower of Jesus Christ it is good to know as you will be less of a sucker when these "People" try to dupe you both online and in the real world. You want to become WISE AS THE SERPENT but NOT Become a Serpent. Know Thy Enemy. Luciferians and Satanists are not the same but they do collaborate for the final goal of the Agenda. OK great take care. No hard feelings and have a nice night. View all replies >