MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Still a rapist and now a pedophile....

Still a rapist and now a pedophile....



Proud rapist to you pal! :)


Nothing ever coherent or convincing from the Loony Left.


The information so far proves he didn't go to the Island or any of Epstein's properties. And me, I wish Trump would just retire rather than put us through the choice of GeezerA or GeezerB.

Why not deal with realities? Yesterday, Trump said the Civil War could have been avoided with negotiation. He apparently thinks there's some kind of compromise on slavery that would be acceptable to all parties. And yet, I don't hear the MSM jumping on that.

They must really want Trump to go up against Biden. No one can get out the Dem vote like Trump!



WTF does this even mean??


The rape "victim" was playing out a pure fantasy based on one of her favourite L&O:SVU episodes. She was a self-declared "massive" fan of The Apprentice, helmed by her supposed rapist lmao. Clearly, she had a sexual obsession with Trump that went too far.


All of that can be true, and yet she was the victim of rape. Are you some kind of rape apologist? The civil trial concluded. It’s a settled matter.


The only victim is Trump, and the crime false allegation based on sexual fantasy.


Tell it to the judge..


You mean... a person with an opinion? Yeah, I have mine as well. Trump is innocent.


Trump was found civilly liable. Your boy is a rapist.


[–] BlackMass (600) an hour ago
You mean... a person with an opinion? Yeah, I have mine as well. Trump is innocent.
That is NOT how legal proceedings work in a Court-Of-Law. DJT was found liable, has to pay, will be found liable AGAIN, and will have to pay some more. Why? Because opinions like yours affected by words from DJT embolden him to continue saying things about E. Jean Carroll that don't stand up in court. It might sound good as an opinion from you, but DJT will be paying out REAL dollars and not getting any valuable opinion points in return.

That is if you are not falling for the grift and donating to him? Please don't say you're sending the Grifter any of your hard earn money?!


Affected by the words of Carroll, more like. Who on earth is a "massive" fan of a show built around their supposed rapist?


Trump being a pedophile rapist makes him fit in quite well with the modern Republican party... XD
Look at people like Lindsay Graham and tell me that guy doesn't have a gaggle of chained up underage kids servicing his perverted sexual fantasies with a straight face. I dare you. :-P
And, I mean, Matt Gaetz... A confirmed pedophile, loves Trump, sooo... You know what they say; birds of a feather flock together. :-P


And don't forget Boebert's public handies and Gym Jordans "wrestling stories"


or was it clinton?


Thats not the Biden page!
