MovieChat Forums > The_Rev

The_Rev (206)


The shot of Trinity holding up Neo at the end... I love how MAGA types are forced off mainstream social media... :-P I hope his lack of roles beyond 9-1-1 is his own choice... I never realized just how much of a d*ck Richard Crenna's character was... Pretty well-made movie. Dunno why no one talked about it... Was Susie's love interest imagined? Is it my imagination, or is Wyatt dressed a lot like Charles Robinson's character? I think they're doing a good job on this show... Based on the ending of S2E10, our newest candidate for the leader of the Evil Leaper program is.... Good movie. View all posts >


Funny how you think the Right doesn't engage in silencing voters as well... :-P Your reply makes very little sense, FYI. ;-) Not sure where in my post the name "Biden" appeared... I don't like him either, but on his worst day he's less dangerous for our country than Cheeto Man is. See, all you MAGAtards see only what you want to see... I "support" Biden because the alternative orange lunatic, who already tried to discard election results and have himself installed as a dictator once before, is 100x worse than a president who means well but probably doesn't have enough going on upstairs to be president anymore... See how you and I are different? I'm willing to acknowledge that the person I am forced to support (since the alternative was and is way worse) is, while in no way shape or form a "strong" leader, at least doesn't deliberately provoke every country on earth into hating us. And yeah, I think at this point the US supporting genocide in Gaza is f*cking insane... But then, even Trump supports that, so it's not like that whole shit show would be any better under Trumpian rule... :-P Leaders of today are an absolute joke. They're only in it for the money and power. Keeping America strong economically, with a reliable infrastructure, and encouraging cooperation around the world should be their job, but nowadays they just plan their policy for short term growth and long term decline. But when the choice is between an orange dictator and a guy who's more of an ineffective peacemaker that's too damn old to be running our country... I'll take the ineffective guy every time... It's the difference between doing little to nothing and slowly pushing us towards societal collapse and pouring napalm on an already raging disaster. Trump's the napalm guy. That's a hard pass for me. That's a shame. :-P Ah... I guess I missed that detail. Thanks. :-) Oh? Cool... Hope something comes of it. :-) I think you suffer from DDS myself... Democrat Derangement Syndrome. Just by virtue of being Democrats, you think they're deranged... The problem is not with Trump haters.. It's with Trump's mindless cult followers... And yes, before you say it, there are some Democrats who look at people of their own party like they can do no wrong... And I disagree with their cult-like devotion as well. If anything I have a generalized PDS (politician derangement syndrome) tho I have HUNDREDS of years of political history to judge my disdain for the political scene... Unlike small minded people such as yourself, I am willing to recognize that both major parties are an absolute mess, and should NOT be leading our country... But since the mainstream media has convinced Americans that there's no other way, people in Independent parties never get a fair chance. Money buys elections, and Independents don't have the money to compete with the Elephants and the Donkeys of American democracy... TL;DR for undereducated folks like yourself: Baaaaaa! Stop being a sheep! Baaaaa! :-P Wow, another intelligent response from the MAGA crowd.... *rolls eyes* So what? There's so many movies with similar titles these days... It's just how Hollywood works... *shrugs* At least it's not a direct remake or sequel like most of the garbage they put out these days... Because it's good? And an honorable continuation of an iconic tv series? Good lord, people are WAY too fickle about TV shows these days... View all replies >