MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > How did he lose re-election

How did he lose re-election

great economy
world peace

seems Dems played on some covid fears, fauci delayed vaccine to after election

not a bad play by dems, but they elected a war monger with dementia, now America is a disaster , the red tsunami is coming


He didn't lose it, it was hijacked.


So you believe that thousands if not millions of people somehow got organized, worked together without any problems across state lines and then rigged the 2020 election without being caught? Are you really this stupid? It's been 3 years. Where's the proof? Maybe today is the day you release your evidence that the 2020 election was stolen.


you and Nancy and Hillary still believe that Russia hijacked the 2016 election.


No he doesent . nobody does .

We cant have an argument about that becuase you wont find anyone willing to support the idea Russia hijacked the 2016 election.

only crazy magas believe elections they lost were automatically rigged.


I am just repeating what Nancy said for 2 years. I am grateful that mueller investigated and said that Trump was the legitimate President.

2016 Presidential Election
Joe Biden, 2019: “I absolutely” agree that Trump is an “illegitimate president.”
Hillary Clinton, 2019: The election was “stolen.”
Jimmy Carter, 2019: “Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election and was put into office because the Russians interference on his behalf.”
Kamala Harris, 2019: “Absolutely right” that Trump “didn’t really win.”
Karine Jean-Pierre, 2016: It was a “stolen election.”
Jerry Nadler, 2017: It was a “tainted” and “illegitimate” election.
Nancy Pelosi: The 2016 election was hijacked.


[–] tvfan (4123) 17 hours ago
He didn't lose it, it was hijacked.
DJT's victory was plucked from the Jaws of Defeat by being "Hijacked"?

Interesting conspiracy.

No, not really.


People disliked him even more than they disliked Biden.

That's what it came down to, without getting into the details and the reasons.


And look how well that's going now. Biden was ultimately chosen because he's a submissive puppet and knew they could control him unlike Trump.


Covid was planned and happened on purpose and so were the Race Riots in the summer of 2020. Liberal cities let their cities burn and refused to accept any help from Trump to stop the riots so they could play dumb and blame the Civil unrest on him.


You're flat out insane


Don't forget a lot of people turned against him because they got tired of his obvious and external self-narcissism that he's well known for. Also he kind of screwed up the Pandemic situation by downplaying it a bit too much (pretty sure this was for purely economic reasons)


He delayed the death shot because he knew that Trump was against mandating, forcing, and coercing it.

Trump was also suggesting and recommending something different that actually works without any of the sides effects of the Fauci-vax that has injured, crippled, and killed millions.


was also suggesting and recommending something different that actually works

just when I thought you couldnt come out with anything more batshit than your previous claims of , amongst other things, "the deep state" , you've pulled this out of yo ass!

So , er ,
What was Trumps miracle cure that we didnt get to see ?


He lost because he was an idiot and self-obsessed narcissist. And people disliked him more then they disliked Biden. And many people were afraid of him. That's why he lost. That's why he will lose again. Because same people didn't go anywhere and they still don't like him and are afraid of him. When it will be time to vote - people would not like that psychopath to come back again and all that press horror to begin again.

Not to mention that many republican voters view themselves as patriots. And Trump is full on russian little b*tch who takes orders from American biggest enemy and would make America "russia's bitch" and trumpists even paralyzed congress on russia's ordered and were willing to leave people without salaries for months. So lots of patriots will not vote for that traitor and would not show up for elections.

It always surprised me how Trump was so stupid and could not play his game smart. He was elected, he could end wokeness, migration piece by piece by giving orders to do this and to do this. Quietly. But all he did was endless talk and no action. He kept doing petty fights with press, saying obnoxious idiotic things. Non stop every day. To the point when democrats got so scared of his stupidity that they threw everything they could to take him away from power. Simply because of fear how crazy he was.

Same with Mask. He could just buy Twitter and end censorship there. Quietly. And still be respected space pioneer. But he started sitting there and retweeting nonsesne every day and getting into petty idiotic fights with everyone. And keep doing
changes to Twitter no one likes. And now he is clown and people ridicule him and think he is an idiot. And want him to fail.


After you post rants like that, I recommend that you check your vitals.


Right. Just like the red waves of 2022 and 2023? Lol


He lost because the Democrats took a bogus virus and made a Crisis out of it and almost 4 years later, people are finally beginning to wake up and realize this whole thing was the equivalent of the common cold, but for 2024, this isn't going to work this time out because the American people are wise to it and you're seeing it now


[–] BKB (2185) an hour ago
He lost because the Democrats took a bogus virus and made a Crisis out of it and almost 4 years later, people are finally beginning to wake up and realize this whole thing was the equivalent of the common cold, but for 2024, this isn't going to work this time out because the American people are wise to it and you're seeing it now
Wait, wait, I think I saw the movie you are talking about!!

New York City taxi driver and conspiracy-theorist Jerry Fletcher continually expounds his ideas to Alice Sutton, a lawyer at the U.S. Justice Department. She humors him because he once saved her from a mugging, but is unaware he spies on her at her home. Her own work is to solve the mystery of her father's murder. Seeing suspicious activity everywhere, Jerry identifies some men as CIA workers, follows them into a building, and is captured. The interrogator injects Jerry with LSD and questions him using torture. Jerry experiences terrifying hallucinations and flashbacks, panics, and manages to escape by incapacitating the interrogator by biting his nose and kicking him.

Below average thriller. Your version is a comedic farce!!


A bogus virus? Do you really believe that the Democrats somehow created a deadly pandemic just to make Trump look bad? Fuck! I know you're stupid but this is stupid on a new level for you.


You truly are an idiot. This whole virus was created to take down Trump? If that was the case why did it not suddenly disappear once Biden took office?


It disappeared because MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: We got Trump out and Biden in you dumbass!! Jesus, I knew Liberals were fucking stupid & hard headed, but this is too much.. One more time for the slow and weak minded around here: If Hillary had won in 2016, you wouldn't have heard 1 word, 1 WORD about Covid-19 and it's true


Except it did not disappear you moron! People still were in hospitals and getting the virus. I have a relative in the medical field. You realize Trump promoted the vaccine right?


He had to promote the vaccine, otherwise, America would've lost their minds over it for not taking it seriously, despite being Bogus to begin with?? WAKE UP!!!! For Trump, this was a no win situation no matter how you looked at it


No I thought the vaccine was a plan to kill us all? I thought everyone who took it had a death date? You idiots move the goal post so much you can't keep any sort of lie straight. So then the vaccine did absolutely nothing? If that is the case Trump deserves blame for killing people with the vaccine right? I love how you idiots think. If Turmp wins it is fair and square if he loses it is voter fraud. Nice logic there.


Hey?? I didn't take the vaccine and turned out just fine and why?? Cause I take care of myself and workout daily and eat right, unlike 95% of the world dumb enough to fall into line and most likely fat as fuck too, probably like you so go start the day off by getting a Booster!! Funny how every time I bring this up, no one can explain how an unvaccinated person like me defied the odds and didn't come down with Covid, especially after Joe Biden pretty much said if you didn't take the "Jab" you could die without it?? Well?? How about it??


I also took the vaccine and I am not dead. I eat healthy and also workout daily. Nope you are not moving the goal post again or deflecting. Your orange deity advised people to take the vaccine. I like how you conveniently overlook that. Oh and someone can survive a car accident without a seatbelt does that mean they should stop wearing a seatbelt because of that? Kudos you did not get Covid. However some people took the vaccine even though healthy for cautionary reasons. So then your orange deity was wrong for telling people to get the vaccine. I am glad I got that on record. He is a garbage president then for advising people to get the jab.


If you truly do what you claim you do?? Then you shouldn't have taken the "Jab".. Nuff said.. You were hoodwinked just like every other sniveling liberal. Oh, and Biden basically said if you didn't succumb to the "Jab: you faced losing your employment over it, so fuck off with this nonsense


And your president was promoting a jab. And you claim he has credibility? You are an idiot. I am still alive to tell the tale. Jabbed and boosted and no health issues. Anything else you want to offer or you done? You can piss off with defending Trump. He is trash and a deceitful moron like you are.


He had to promote it, otherwise, he wouldn't have been re-elected for sure, Democrat Fraud aside.. It was a "Damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation.. What the fuck would you have done in that situation??


Nope no excuses. You should tell people the truth, not just what you need to get re-elected. Your defense for him is noted and dismissed. If we are to be consistent with your logic he had no business telling people to get vaccinated.


Fuck off with your liberal nonsense Ok?? Sound good?? Good because there's no point in trying to beat this into your thin skinned head


Lol I will take that as a concession. Keep licking those boots moron.


Do you really believe that the Democrats somehow created a deadly pandemic just to make Trump look bad? Fuck! I know you're stupid but this is stupid on a new level for you.
