MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > How did he lose re-election

How did he lose re-election

great economy
world peace

seems Dems played on some covid fears, fauci delayed vaccine to after election

not a bad play by dems, but they elected a war monger with dementia, now America is a disaster , the red tsunami is coming


You expect Biden to be branded like Trump, instead of like Silent Calvin Coolidge. Biden won by being the anti-Trump, and got a share of small government conservatives who like that sort of leader to bolster his impressive victory of retaking the Midwest blues, and picking off some reds like Virginia, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada.

If you Ultra-MAGA anticipate Trump theatrics, and you’re not getting it from Biden, then it’s no wonder you falsely interpret dementia.

During the debates (assuming a rematch) the cognition of Biden, especially when contrasted with generational peer, DJT, felon, will succeed in showing the electorate who really belongs in the minimium security nursing home in a straightjacket. The orange menace!


If you Ultra-MAGA anticipate Trump theatrics, and you’re not getting it from Biden, then it’s no wonder you falsely interpret dementia.",allies%20that%20he%20found%20Mr.

Here.. From the Washington Times so you don't bitch about it being from FOX

"Mental health experts say the false memories might be signs of confabulation, a neurological disorder linked to dementia."

Eat shit


”Here.. From the Washington Times so you don't bitch about it being from FOX”

Strange logic. That publication is probably the most blatantly conservative major city newspaper in the country. It was founded by a Korean, Sun Moon, a man who has claimed messiah staus and who wants to repair relations with North Korea. It’s currently owned by the Unification Church, and funded by partisan think-tanks like Heritage Foundation.

While it may have some semblance of journalistic ethics, and the article you shared has sources from medical professionals, it clearly takes a stance that Biden has dementia and works backwards to prove it.

Biden misremembering details of humorous anecdotes may be confabulation, or it could be oversights that we are all prone to make. It’s a far cry from Trump’s over 30,000 lies and inaccuracies since 2015.

Perhaps the truth is closer to, hey, Biden remembered the Air Force Two pilot from 2010, and therefore likely has no dementia. A bias leap would, in my mind, jump to the worse case scenario of mental degradation because Biden forgot that he passed in 2014 before reaching the 1 million mile goal to surpass his record at Amtrak. He may also be fibbing slightly so that man will have attained his goal “in historical spirit” because liberals care about the hopes and dreams of others.

Such a ridiculous article. Woodward and Bernstein this is NOT.

If the Democrats want to put forward a younger candidate in 2024, I have no objection, but Biden’s done an admirable job in his first term, and I would certainly trust his judgment over his predecessor who may suffer from the same issues (we may never know because of his criminal tendencies), may also pass away in office in his early-80s, and likely will be a convict by spring.


An Admirable job in his 1st Term?? What is this guy giving you a blowjob or what?? Inflation is through the roof, something we never had under Trump, a Southern Border in the worst shape it's ever been under Joe Biden, just fuck off with this nonsense you're spewing because this man is gone in 2024 and if he did such a great job, his Poll numbers would be higher and people would want him for a 2nd Term and that isn't the case


Same ol’ talking points… blah blah inflation… blah blah border... blah blah illegals.

From a so-called small government party advocate, you types sure do expect the president to have a lot of power and to wield it.

There will always be periods of expansion and recession, or where demand can’t meet supply, bull & bear markets, high gas prices in summer lower in winter, corporate gouging to manipulate public sentiment during election years, and so on. The reason you don’t approve is on display in the playbook of your party leaders… they want a dictatorship. They don’t value democracy, or the unpredictability that comes with freedom. How do you feel about this? Isn’t it terribly embarrassing?! For all their bluster about free-market capitalism (a smokescreen that only accurately communicates a greedy disposition) the GOP just wants autocratic leaders who are beholden to nobody, not even the law.

Famous quote I’m paraphrasing from Barack Obama, “this job is like turning an aircraft carrier, not steering a speedboat.”

I don’t think Republicans understand that, or they’re ignorant of civics or something. Actually, they are probably just dishonest like their preferred candidates. In cases where they’re not, GOP voters examine their life, their good or bad fortune, and suggest an Executive leader must have made some blunder or otherwise lofty decree to sully their lives or vice versa. Despite whatever protestations, advocates of personal responsibility they are NOT. This much is clear.

Meanwhile, deportations (where warranted) are 3.5 times higher under Biden’s DHS, stock market stable, unemployment low, GDP high, global relations exceedingly well with NATO, Israel, and Ukraine. Russia didn’t roll their tanks and occupy Kiev, and as a result Putin’s carefully crafted image has crumbled to dust.

Doesn’t really sound like an America in distress to me… with the exception of Kevin McCarthy’s removal coming before George Santos’ expulsion. How’s that going to look in the history books?! :facepalm:

Yes post-pandemic inflation spiked and was worldwide. USA handled that better than most.

Perhaps refugees from Central and South America came for asylum from their own corrupt autocrats because America voted out our “Build the Wall” fanatic?!? If you didn’t want that problem for the current or future administration, then you should have voted for John Kasich or another stable politician during 2016 primaries.

You don’t get to knock down the chess pieces with a swipe, and claim victory. That phrase sort of defines the Trump legacy now that I think of it. He hires an entire cabinet, and fires them in one term. Some are even in prison or were. Some were colluding with Russian spies and shit. These are the folks handpicked by Trump. The so-called Deep State he fought were his own people. It was like a television show to him. He didn't have any grand deals to make. Just cut some corporate taxes, pow-wow with some dictators and learn, and star in his own shit-show.

Regardless of whether he is the nominee again, I can never support MAGA or the other subset of Christian nationalists now typified by Speaker Mike Johnson, but if anyone can negotiate with them, you gotta give it up for the experience and perceptiveness of Joe Biden. He has a lot of influence and plenty of allies.


Same ol’ talking points… blah blah inflation… blah blah border... blah blah illegals."

Basically, when someone replies like this, you don't have a leg to stand on and you know it


Total nonsense. I've been around here at for decent amount of time, and I'm pretty much known for giving lengthy, detailed-oriented arguments to provoke a more than minimal response. You're dealing with a "captain of the debate team" type of personality. ( that was 25 years ago. :shrug:)

My intro was just a hook, and I gave plenty of my own "blah blah" for you to consider. I damn near argued the entire function of our three branches of government as well as the evolution of the two-parties over the past few decades in this and other threads. I directly responded to your two points about inflation and the Southern Border.

As a Democrat, would I like to see improvements in those and other areas? Well, yeah, of course. The concept of "we can always do better" is practically what defines a progressive. Am I going to vote for criminal, Trump, or Ron DeSantis because my rent went up? Fuck no. Joe Biden's been a very steady and wise leader and has appointed some very effective department heads. He's a great statesman.

Here's a more logical solution... Do you know what they did in my conservative home district for the first time since practically my birth? They voted for a Democratic Congresswoman and tossed out the MAGA incumbant. Do you know that there are Republicans in Congress right now gearing up their 2024 campaigns and boasting about the improvements of infrastructure in their districts, due to the Biden-led Build Back Better Initiatives that they voted against. They sell themselves taking credit for the work of others, including the tapayers. Do they even pay taxes themselves? Who knows. They supported Trump, so I'd imagine they live by the creed of don't release tax and financial information to the voter. Promote a BS artist, and a generation of George Santos phonies will follow.


Great Dude.. Still doesn't change the fact that Trump's winning this in 2024 so get used to it


Trump who is facing 91 felony charges mostly for being a traitor will never be president again. Sorry for you, Cletus. You are obviously very stupid to think Trump will be president in 2024.


He was voted out, for the majority of Americans despised him and the votes prove it.
No concrete evidence of voter fraud found in over three years, just unproven conspiracy theories.
There are many who believe Trump is still in power alongside the military.
Why or how is anyone's guess.


Liberalism (today's left) is a mental disorder.


the election was hijacked...
