I loved it

The CNN townhall was hilarious. Trump nailed it. Political junkies are all caught up in the left right paradigm. The guy knows how to read a crowd and perform. The reaction to it is even funnier. Some think he'll be a great president while others consider him the devil Incarnate. Our politicians are just tax leaches. The real issue with the country is jackasses thinking the government is a solution. You're the solution to your problems. Not some overpaid mouthpiece who uses law to better themselves while stealing your earned cash.


Everyone seemed to adore his onslaught of lies!


Lol. Nothing like the onslaught of lies in reaction from EVERY political junky, especially here on Moviechat.


What did he lie about? And if the far left moderator had the facts on her side it wouldn't have been too hard for her to set the record straight. Trump mopped the floor with that nasty woman.

The fact that CNN was cheering him on really says something.

Also it's odd you'd accuse Trump of lying when CNN literally has been caught lying multiple times and ran a smear campaign against him for over 6 years.


What did he lie about????!!!!

Right out of the gate- THE ELECTION WAS A HOAX >>>I WON!

Providing a teeny amount of debunked proof before bludgeoning on to the next lie!


no proof Joe actually won. when is the investigation?


We know for a fact that the election was stolen. The FBI committed election interference by telling social media to censor the laptop story and according to the polls 1 out of 6 Diaper Joe voters wouldn’t have voted for the son of a bitch had they known about it. There you go, Trump wins.

Yatzo cannot point to one single thing that Trump lied about. I however can point to many things that CNN has lied about.


Explain exactly how twice impeached indicted one term disgraced sexual abuser ex-president Trump is winning. I would ask you for proof but we both know that you don't have any proof at all.


Yeah twice impeached and indicted by a far left death cult that said that they wanted to impeach and indict him before he even took office. AG Bragg ran on indicting Trump (he didn’t know what for at the time but he said he would find something), he could have done it any time he wanted. The far left DemoKKKrat controlled house said they would impeach him, didn’t know what for at the time but they promised they would find something and then they impeached him for things that your cult leader Diaper Joe is literally guilty of. Make no mistake, if everything was the same about Trump except he was a DemoKKKrat instead none of that would have happened. The system is rigged to systematically favor your cult, the fact that you don’t recognize your liberal privilege is disturbing.

You’re just pissed that President Trump received universal praise from your cult’s propaganda machine that usually spoonfeeds you the things you want to hear.


As usual you provide no proof just rants. It must hurt to be as stupid as you.

The Democrats were so good at outsmarting the Republicans that they rigged the 2020 election using millions of co-conspirators without getting caught. What does that say about Republicans? What does that say about you?


It says that the DemoKKKrats can do whatever the hell they want and will never be held accountable because we have liberal privilege in our society. So are you saying that AG Bragg and the far left death cult House of Representatives 2019-2020 didn’t have the power to just indict or impeach him if they wanted to? Maybe you should take some kind of retard remedial civics course because you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.


Why are you so angry all the time? I just asked you to provide proof that you claim to have. Why do you you not want to share your proof?


Not angry at all, just concerned that your far left death cult is trying to destroy our democracy and hand global leadership over to Diaper Joe’s pals in the Chinese and Russian governments.


Angry and stupid is a bad combo. No way to go through life


Again I am not angry and I am far more intelligent than you or the typical DemoKKKrat. I am a very concerned that our government is in the hands of far left radicals. The fact that you don’t recognize this says a lot about your lack of character.


LOL, you are dumber than a bag of rocks. Your posts are written proof. Im not even american, but the whole world can see that the american republicans are the racist, homophobes. Literally the whole world knows that, so putting KKK in democrat is actually hilarious projection. The fact YOU dont realize that proves your lack of character. I care about my fellow humans and love my children more than guns. Unlike your sick party. Right-wing Republicans are literally the laughing stock of the world. But keep your head in the sand, stay oblivious


the whole world

You mean your little bubble?


Lol, the irony of Magat saying someone lives in a bubble is too funny. Thanks I needed a good laugh! Haha oh thats good stuff. Im not from America, I watch and read global news. Like the rest of the world. Theres more to the world than your ridiculous, warped facebook feed


I am not from the US either. And now?


Except you are. And now??


Will a MAGA supporter deny that he is from the US?


The one that lied to try and prove a point. It was a good try though!




Please show me what I have said that is racist or homophobic?

Literally the whole world knows that? Seeing how it isn’t true I find that highly doubtful, and by saying DemoKKKrat I’m just being accurate. The modern day left has far more in common with the Klan and the Nazis than the right ever did.

Also how by owning a gun am I putting them over children? First of all I could potentially use them to save the lives of children, secondly I have no intention of ever using them to hurt anyone unless self defense.

You sound very angry and that you have a lot of issues, seek help you loser.


You and other Republicans are the laughing stock of the world. You're just too gullible and stupid to see it.


LOL because one internet troll hiding behind an anonymous username who could be your sock account for all I know says so?

No your cult leaders Diaper Joe and KKKamala are the laughing stock of the world. Diaper Joe’s buddies in the Chinese and Russian governments are treating him like a dog. No one takes that slut KKKamala seriously, the bitch can barely put together a coherent sentence without cackling.


*yawn* It's so easy to trigger you. It must be miserable for you to be so stupid and angry.


LOL there you go, refusing to address anything I said just like that evidence you pitched a fit over getting. And no I’m not triggered at all, I’m just a concerned patriot who has to put snowflakes like you in their place.


Still angry... How is your boycott of Bud Light going, snowflake?


Not angry at all, just concerned about the damage your cult is doing to our democracy but still getting a kick out of putting you in your place. I never drank Bud Light to begin with but their stock has pretty much crashed so I would say good I guess.

How's your cult leader, Dylan Mulvanny doing? Is he still making a bunch of annoying tic tok videos?


Besides blaming the Democrats for all of our countries woes and continually whining about it here what are you doing to make things better?

Don't lie. You know you think Bud Light is the best but since you're trailer park buddies hate it you drink it in secret while you scream at your TV and computer.


Doing everything I can to vote those fuckers out. That and continuing to be a good citizen, not much but far more than your cult has ever done.

Nope, I drink Corona. Nice try though "soldier".


Corona is owned by Anheuser-Busch InBev, dumbass.

It's hilarious that you think ranting here makes you a good citizen.

How did that voting fuckers out work for you in 2020? That red wave was amazing!


Again I never partook in any boycott, so your entire argument is pointless, dumbass. You are arguing things I never asserted. And I’ve been drinking Corona for over a decade, me continuing to drink it is not giving them any additional business so your premise is debunked.

And yes I never said I was doing much but I am doing far more than you are. I am clearly on the side of righteousness while you are on the side of racism, fascism and nazism.

LOL you fuckers lost the House you delusional fuck. How amusing.


You are arguing things I never asserted
You do the same thing, dipshit. You lack of self awareness is astounding.

The Republicans barely won the House but they failed miserably when trying to retake the Senate. Besides, with the Republican controlled House why aren't they trying to solve problems that face Americans today? Maybe when they stop being outraged over drag queens and beer they will offer solutions to real problems.

I’ve been drinking Corona for over a decade, me continuing to drink it is not giving them any additional business so your premise is debunked.
What? You are really stupid and gullible. By drinking Corona your money goes to Anheuser-Busch InBev. Anyway, by drinking Corona you are supporting the LGBT+ people that you are frightened of.

Have a nice day!


First of all show me where I did, secondly does this mean you admit that you did?

All you people did was flip one senate seat in a traditionally DemoKKKrat state. DemoKKKrats didn’t flip the Senate either in 2018. You are in denial, you still lost the Mid Term Election and you’ve lost the house.

They absolutely are trying to solve problems that Americans face today, the problem is your cult leaders are still in a position where they can outvote/veto them. It has to pass the senate and be signed by the president, you need a remedial civics lesson, numbnuts. The only drag queens that they are outraged over are the ones that you people want to show to children and they should be outraged as it’s child abuse.

You are literally the person who brought up beer, I never boycotted Bud Light so your obsession with it is quite odd.

I accept your concession, shit for brains.


Accept this...🖕🏻

Good night.


Your lies and logical fallacies are dismissed and your concession remains noted.


Sure thing, Cletus.


Your lies and your logical fallacies are dismissed and your concession remains noted.


If believing that helps you sleep at night then go for it. Claiming victory over an anonymous user for whatever reason proves that you really are stupid and gullible. The fact that you support Trump proves that too.


Your lies and logical fallacies are dismissed and your concession remains noted.


You keep repeating yourself. Are you having a stroke?


Your lies and logical fallacies are dismissed and your concession remains noted.

Give me something of substance to respond to and maybe I'll give you the attention you are so desperately craving.


Democrats are deliberately crashing the economy for their own political purposes. This is nothing less than fascists taking over the US government now since WWII has been forgotten.


No, Robo is right. You guys literally are the laughing stock of the world. Its hilarious how brainwashed you guys are. When you have tp resort to terrible put downs like" hows your mascot dylan mulvaney", youve lost teh argument. Time to take a walk.
Also drinking corona isnt something Id brag about!


You people are literally praising Dylan Mulvanny for doing nothing more than putting a dress on, the world is laughing at you liberal fucks, literally the Middle East, China and Russia are all treating Diaper Joe like a dog. Seek help you loser.

Also please show me where I “bragged” about drinking corona? All I said was that I drank it you liar.


The whole word is laughing at you and your ilk. Your stupidity knows no bounds.


It’s hilarious and sad at the same time
robo. He’s just rambling now.
Also you’re the one who keeps bringing up Dylan mulvaney fella. Little case of projection there. I think someone has a crush!


Also republicans are the laughing stock of the world. This is coming from a non American.


Right and I’m just supposed to take your word and not anyone of the billions of other people in the world. Get over yourself, kid you aren’t that important.


LOL keep telling yourself that. Trust me, outside your hate filled bubble, the world is laughing


I see you completely ignored my question as to why I should listen to you and not anyone else. You seem to have a high opinion of yourself which is the sign of a narcissist.


I literally brought up Dylan Mulvanny because he brought up Bud Light (which I never did), learn how to read you moron.


LOL stupidity? Like lower taxes? Like a strong national defense? Like not allowing violent criminals out of prison? Like not obsessing over transgender bathrooms?

All the meanwhile the entire world is treating Diaper Joe like a bitch.


Wow you are really obsessed with Mulvaney and the trans community. Not hard to tell how you really feel. It's 2023 you can show your true self and come out of the closet


He doesn't sound that degenerate.


Sure does. You his white knight. You are projecting too little fella


Takes one to know one I guess.


Lololol. Good try kid. At least you can finally admit it. Must feel good to get that off your chest


Lmao, ok groomer


Oof that was so awful. Very weak son. Try again !


You’re just rambling now. Trying to deflect. I understand. It’s ok


Yikes, keep coping


Lol another swing and a miss !Please at least try to make sense when you post hahaha.


LMAO keep up the effort, you'll get there! Haha


Now you’re just mimicking what I said. Hahahaha sad. Time to move on sport


This isn’t going well for you when you have to resort to mimicking what others say to you.


Lmao, come on bud, you can do better! Haha


All you have left is repeating what y said to you first hahaha. This is going terribly for you. I’d sit this one out now it’s like I’m talking to myself. Enjoy your day. It’s your last day of school for the week. Have a good one !


LOL, sorry you're so triggered. hahaha


You obviously don’t know what triggered means. You keep using all the buzzwords incorrectly. Stay in school son


LMAO stay triggered, cry baby



Not really, first of all I wasn't the one who brought up Budd Light, secondly I'm just curious why you people are so obsessed with him and why he's such a hero to you for doing nothing more than putting on a dress and making stupid tic tok videos. You people have very odd criteria when it comes to selecting your cult leaders.


LOL. What ever you have to tell yourself!! Also, I’m not one of those people. You are just so obvious haha


I’ll take that as your concession seeing as you seem to have now given up on engaging with me. Pathetic libtard.


No. You are just a joke of a human. As everyone a see. You aren’t worth my ir anyone else’s time junior.


There’s nothing to concede to. You lost when you started repeating what I said back to me. Also I’m. It a liberal you fuckin moron. Now go back to jerking off to Dylan mulvaney. You goof


I gave you plenty to respond to you moron. And that is one disturbing fetish you have, seek help you loser libtard.


HAHAHAHAHA. Repeating what I say to you in hardly a response. Your just weak brained parrot. Stick to sister kissing and trans people obsessing you simple minded hillbilly.. Time for you to go on ignore since you cant think of one original thought


You're just too much of a chickenshit to engage in an actual discussion and now you're trying to flame me out, it's very immature.


Trump will be your President soon!


Everyone loves Trump.


Uh-oh... It looks like a bridge is missing its troll.


Its just me, its Bubba.


Why did the demrats need "millions of coconspirators"? They needed just a few, well positioned.
You use this made up thing as an argument against the Reps? What does this say about you?


(cat meme)


everyone loves Trump...even ROBO!


Every other word Trump said was a lie, starting with the election he lost.


Prove to me that not only the election was fair but that Trump knew it was. Until you do you haven’t proven he lied about anything. I however can point to many lies CNN has told.


STFU, you turgid twat.


Naw I don't think I will.

I'm guessing you also are unable to meet Yatzo's burden of proof. Figured, DemoKKKrats often lie and try to flame out their opposition when the facts aren't on their side.



Prove to me then it wasn’t a hoax. Prove to me that there was no election fraud and that the FBI didn’t interfere by telling social media to censor the laptop story. Yes you have to prove a negative but you asserted a negative, that’s no ones fault but your own. Until you can then you aren’t justified in saying he lied.


they cant prove anything. even though Nancy said that Trump would steal the election again.


LOL, I thought we were supposed to just accept election results? I guess that’s only when the DemoKKKrats win, when Republicans win I guess it’s OK to invent lies and conspiracy theories.


Go find the culprits knucklehead.
No one else can


We already know the culprits, the FBI agents who told facebook to censor the laptop story. The problem is your cult has weaponized the justice system and will never do anything that makes their cult look bad.


Show us the proof, court documents included


I have posted proof repeatedly, and I have shown more proof for my assertions than you have for your assertion that Donald Trump after being denied by Pelosi the additional security he asked for, somehow incited a coup by telling an unarmed crowd to "march peacefully and patriotically".


“ Fight Like Hell”
Let’s wait and see if Jack Smith and dozens of witnesses comes to your conclusions.😂😂😂



DemoKKKrats love using the word "fight". Also he didn't mean that literally unlike Diaper Joe who literally told his mob to have a "revolution" against the SCOTUS and kill them.


“We fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”
DJT on J6


The DemoKKKrats talked about punching Donald Trump in the face and they use the word "fight" all the time. Diaper Joe told his mob to go kill Justice Kavanaugh.

Trump didn't literally mean go fight with your fists, and he was right, the DemoKKKrats are actively trying to destroy the country and make us weaker. You're grasping at straws, kid. J6 is a non-issue, the fact that you people keep bitching about it is only exposing your own immaturity.


Trump meant to storm the Capital & create chaos to pressure Pence to stop the transfer of power to Biden.
He then watched the carnage for three hours in the White house before releasing a pathetic video.
Hundreds of people attest to this that were there on J6.
You're radicalized..., get help


He meant to storm the Capitol by telling an unarmed crowd to be “peaceful and patriotic” that doesn’t even make sense even by libtard standards. Diaper Joe however did directly tell his mob to kill Justices Kavanaugh, Barrett and “MAGA Republicans”, not to mention he incited 574 violent insurrections by BLM and Antifa which left dozens dead, thousands injured and billions of dollars in damage. You’re a biased brainwashed libtard cultist.


You're right, hr did say “peaceful and patriotic” but he also said “We fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

But what's most disturbing is what he did the rest of the day


And the DemoKKKrats love to use the word "fight" not to mention telling their mob to punch Donald Trump in the face. And he was totally right about "not having a country", look at the damage Diaper Joe and his cult have done to it.

Oh what he did the rest of the day? Like denouncing the incident 3 hours later? Funny Diaper Joe and your cult leaders have NEVER told BLM and Antifa to stop torching cities and killing people. Waiting 3 hours shouldn't bother you. We are coming up on 3 years since the summer of insurrections and murder and Diaper Joe has still not done what you are bitching about it taking Donald Trump 3 hours to do.


OK, so Trump and the MAGAS had nothing to do the the J6 riots?


Trump had nothing to do with it. A very small minority of "MAGA" had something to do with it. It still wasn't as bad as any of the BLM/Antifa riots that your cult incited and that they still haven't denounced. Diaper Joe, KKKamala, Pelosi and Schumer had everything to do with the Summer of Far Left Carnage.


Trump orchestrated the whole thing nitwit!

He never apologized to Mike Pence about the attempted lynching, what a guy!


Show me one shred of evidence that Trump told them to go do it? Because all evidence shows the complete opposite happened, A) He told the crowd to be peaceful, B) He put in requests for additional security that day (kind of odd if you are planning an invasion) and it was denied by your cult leader Pelosi.

Has Diaper Joe ever apologized to the family of David Dorn? Or any of the other dozens of people who died in his Summer of Carnage?


Not true at all.
“The speaker of the House does not have the power to block an order from the commander in chief,” Drew Hammil, deputy chief of staff for Pelosi, told The Dispatch Fact Check via email. “This is fiction.”
The Jack Smith investigation has all the evidence that the J6 commitee compiled and it shows that Trump was planning this coup since his defeat in November


Security for the capitol was up to Nancy Pelosi and the DC mayor, both of them denied Trumps request for more security because it would go against their “defund the police” narrative. J6 is 100% on Pelosi.


That's just not true.
Where do you get your information? Not FOX I hope.
You've been lied to...again!


LOL another “fact checking” site, whenever the left “fact checks” something that pretty much means it’s true.

And FOX is a lot more objective and accurate than the Fake News you watch like CNN and MSDNC, hell Babylon Bee is more objective than the far left fake news, and that’s an intentional farce.


FOX just lost an 8 million dollar lawsuit for LYING you fool


Your far left fake news peddled a false narrative about Russian collusion for 4 straight years which has now been proven to be false. Are the journalists who won Pulitzer Prizes for peddling this nonsense going to return them? They should if they have any journalistic integrity. FOX is about as objective as it gets, the problem is your cult has brainwashed you into thinking that anyone who doesn’t peddle their far left bullshit is lying and far right which is false.


$8 million, that's a lotta lies you believed.

As far as Russia is concerned, read the Mueller report, that orange asshole had his ties, and most of them went to jail!


LOL the Russian collusion hoax has been proven to be a far left lie, someone in your cult apparently forgot to give you the memo that you are supposed to stop peddling that shit. Read the Durham report.


The Russian collusion hoax produced six arrests in Trumps orbit


Glad you’re admitting it’s a hoax. Also you’re operating under the assumption that these arrests were legitimate and not politically motivated. We live in a world of liberal privilege, the left can literally get away with murder yet if Donald Trump has too many scoops of ice cream everyone around him is investigated.


Six of Trumps “very best people “ went to jail as a result of the Russia investigation.


They were victims of a far left witch hunt which we now know were based on lies and disinformation. Adam Schiff should be in prison but the son of a bitch will weasel his way out of it because of liberal privilege.

Edit: also if the Justice system always gets it right why did your cult throw a temper tantrum when Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted? Why does your cult want to release criminals from prison? By your standard they should be there.


I'll just go with the word of the Electoral College and the fact that no one has yet to show any widespread fraud. That is how elections work in this country. Funny how it's only fraud when Trump loses the popular vote.


You need to educate yourself on a burden of proof, the fact that according to you he hasn’t demonstrated his claim doesn’t mean the claim is false nor does it mean he lied, it just means the claim is unsubstantiated. The claim was he lied so you therefore have to prove that A) The election was fair (good luck with that one) and B) Trump knew that and intentionally lied.

Funny how questioning elections are only “conspiracy theories” when you cult “wins” them.


So what evidence of wide spread voter fraud is there and why does it suck so bad that no court will give it the time of day? Is every conservative judge that corrupt in your view?

Like I said, the opinion of the states and Electoral College is good enough for me.

There is nothing wrong with a conspiracy theory, provided it is not built up on crap.


I don’t need to provide evidence of widespread voter fraud. The FBI illegally told facebook to censor the Laptop story and the polls show that if 1 out of 6 Diaper Joe voters had known about it they wouldn’t have voted for him. It’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s an objective fact the election was stolen. If you were so confident it was fair you wouldn’t be so defensive whenever anyone says it wasn’t.


Then you should not be claiming there is fraud if you have no evidence.

What poll are you talking about? Some imaginary one?

Naw, I just think it is entertaining to ask people who make weird claims, to show their evidence. You are entertaining to say the least.


The poll is the voices in his head.


Sounds about right. :)


Trump will be President again. Unless the dems steal the election again.


OK, dude, you caught us! We stole the election in 2020 and will do it again in 2024 and there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you can do to stop us!



At least you're honest. That's more than I can say for anyone else in your death cult.


Oh you also have to demonstrate that not only was the election not stolen (which it was) but that Trump knew it wasn’t stolen. Good luck, kiddo.


You really should read the instructions on the package:

DO NOT consume Orange Qoolaid both orally and rectally at the same time.


You really should see a therapist to help you deal with your TDS.


Trump's Delusional Supporters. Yep that's you. You actually believe that Trump will be re-elected in 2024.


Trump Derangement Syndrome. You need Trump in your life, he’s the only person who gives your life meaning. Bitching and moaning about his mean tweets is the only thing that brings you joy in your sad, miserable life. Trump absolutely destroyed that nasty woman from CNN and it’s driving you nuts, if it wasn’t you wouldn’t be posting here.


TRUMP'S DELUSIONAL SUPPORTERS! We're taking your stupid acronym's meaning away from you, Democrats own it now. Get used to it, LOSERS!


LOL, do whatever you want it doesn't make it true though. You people are beyond pathetic, you literally live to hate Trump, your miserable existence wouldn't have any meaning without him.


I don't need Trump in my life to make fun of him. I've disliked trump long before he was president because Trump is not a good man. I could say you have BDS as much as you post about Biden here. By the way, Trump didn't destroy anything except for a platter of Big Macs. You're angry because you know Trump will never be president again.


LOL you literally do, your life literally revolves around hating Trump and inciting violence towards his supporters. There is no such thing as BDS, Diaper Joe is a fake President who is attempting to weaken the United States and embolden our enemies. Trump mopped the floor with the far left CNN, DemoKKKrat puppet. He utterly humiliated her and I seriously thought Biden was going to have to step in at one point and loan her a diaper.


Trump did not humiliate the CNN moderator. He actually made a fool of himself as he spouted lie after lie. All Trump did was talk over her......as she was "reminding" Trump of his inconsistencies ( AKA down right LIES), he talked over her and would not allow her words to be heard. Trump is like a bull in a China shop.

I have not liked Trump since he mishandled the pandemic. Trump was defiant about wearing a mask before we had vaccines to protect us. He lost me then. I was stupid enough to vote for this fool in 2016 and I wish to hell I could take back my vote!


Donald Trump & Kari Lake are still hard at work keeping the Big Lie alive for their brainwashed cult.
It truly is embarrassing...., Trump knows he's going to lose in 2024 so it makes sense keeping the "rigged election " BS alive.
Anyway, here are the facts again for the zillionth time https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/exhaustive-fact-check-finds-little-evidence-of-voter-fraud-but-2020s-big-lie-lives-on

I'd like to add Trump paid over a million dollars to investigate "massive widespread voter fraud" in 2020 - didn't he tell you?


So then no proof? Thought so. Maybe next time you'll do your homework first before making an ass of yourself.

Also PBS is a biased far left disinformation distributor , their "fact checking" doesn't mean much, also who fact checked the fact checkers?


Does Trumps proof mean anything to the MAGA zombies? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/17/trump-research-voter-fraud-claims-debunked


You posted an editorial article, that isn't proof numb nuts. And we know that the FBI censored the Hunter Biden Laptop story which is election interference and 1 out of 6 Diaper Joe voters wouldn't have voted for him had they known about it, there you go the election was rigged.

Also you have to prove that not only was there no fraud (which you haven't) but that Trump also knew that (which is impossible). Even if Trump hasn't presented evidence that is sufficient to you that doesn't mean the election was fair, you said there wasn't fraud so you have to prove there wasn't fraud, not having evidence that there was fraud isn't evidence that there wasn't fraud. You have the burden of proof, junior.

You haven't proven Trump lied about anything, but you're welcome to try again.

EDIT: You also never answered my question: Who is fact checking the fact checkers? I have a feeling if the "fact checkers" were saying the complete opposite and not what you wanted them to you would immediately question their credibility.


The Hunter Biden Scandal is the worst I think I have ever seen. Rogue government spooks running an operation AGAINST the sitting elected President, using tax payer money and colluding with politically active billionaires and corporations, in order to control who wins a Presidential Election.

And now that it is outed, one of the major parties ie the dems, and a significant portion of the population, still support this.

It is beyond belief. Even as it happened and we claimed it was happening, it was dismissed as absurdly paranoria.

Except, it was completely true.


That's what the far left death cult does. They smear anyone who tries to expose the truth about their corruption, all the while peddling their lies and false narratives. It's truly sick. These people have weaponized the justice system and the FBI to go after their political opponents which is something that happens in banana republics, not the United States of America. It's truly scary how sick and demented the far left is.


Their... committment to this delusional world view, is terrifying.


What's terrifying is your worship of a criminal.


What criminal am I worshiping? Good luck with that one because I’m an atheist and I don’t worship anyone.


Libs just say shit. It don't mean nothing. THey know it is shit when they say it.


Just a heads up, I have a feeling moviefanatic505 is just here to say the complete opposite of what I’m saying. He’s been stalking me for years and it’s really creepy. He’s like the annoying little brother.


I think you are being very kind. He seems to be a soulless troll boi to me.


He is one pathetic piece of garbage but I think a lot of the shit he says is just a failed attempt to get under my skin. He called Candace Owens an “Uncle Tom” because apparently she doesn’t behave the way he thinks black people should behave.


Standard lib racism. Any black that doesn't conform is ok to attack with racist slurs.


Lol don't you dislike atheism? Moviechatuser497 is an atheist. Just know who you are snuggling up next to.


I have never said anything that would give you cause to think that.

I MIGHT have said something in defense of religious freedom or against the anti-religious bigotry of the Left.

That you translate that in your head to "dislike atheism" is just you being you,

Because YOU are all about groups, so if I stand up or speak out FOR the rights of religious or christian people, it can only be bacuase I support them and thus hate their opposite.

That is you projecting your hate and bile onto me.

Which, is typical for you personally and lefties in general.

You are unable to understand that other people are differnt than you.

This has been studied and supported by academically peer reviewed scientific experiments.


Um you adopt the us vs them mentality at the drop of a hat. That is not my paranoia you do it and boast about doing it. Generalizing is also your thing isn't it? Aren't atheists generally Leftists?

You do not like anti religious bigotry, guess what moviechatuser497 is guilty of doing exactly that.

I myself am not an atheist actually. I myself support religious freedom I just do not kiss ass and boot lick like you do. Leftist/Democrat=bad Conservative/Republican=good. This mentality makes me sick and it is evil. Wake up! It is not that simple and you need to call out corruption on both sides! See I can do this you literally can not do it. I think this behavior is evil!

Yeah I am not buying anything you claim to be scientific. Fyi the guy moviechatuser497 you claim to be so civil was one of the first encounters I had on moviechat. See how civil he is with this exchange we had. I have proof to back it. His old screen name was ultimate hippo. See how civil he is to me when he realized I do not think The Dark Knight Rises is the best movie of all time like he does. Do not take my word for it here is proof.Tell me where I insult him and look how hostile he gets when I disagree with him. You act as if I am rude first and I have proof I was civil. Tell me where I was a jerk and who escalates things first.



Interesting. Good that you saved that.

It is one thing to have a discussion and come to a point of reasonabel disagreement, but you refuse to let it go and respect a difference of opinon.

You are indeed, the rude one.

And I do NOT take the US vs THem at the drop of a hat. I see that we are in a US vs Them situation right now.

Yes, Atheists TEND left, but that does not mean that they ALL are LEFT and even if one particular one did lean left does not mean that I "dislike" him.

You are AGAIN, not understanding how generalizations work.

If you are not just shit talking, there is something very dysfunctional in your thinking.

If you do not have an Asperberger's diagnosis, you should immediately be checked for it, or something like it.


I respected him liking the Dark Knight Rises. He is who spewed out insults first. Yet I am the rude one? Did he respect me disliking the film? No he said I would understand the film better if I understood it more. What does this imply?

Yes you do take that stance. You apply every situation to that. You did it with the Batman. Funny thing is though you have nothing to say about Rooney Mara as Tigerlily. What is funny is her race is actually hammered in. Catwoman's race is not essential but you have made it essential because you like seeing her be white.

You are not a doctor do not tell me what I have and what I do not. That is rude behavior.


Again, you just showed a complete lack of understanding the very concept of generalization.

AND by still harping on Catwoman, you just demonstrated my other point about never being able to let shit go.

Yes, you are either a complete asshole or someone with a real medical problem who needs to be given professional counciling on how to manage your handicap.

BTW, my honestly pointing out that you seem to have sympthoms of a real medicial issue, is not rudeness. It is actually KINDNESS.

My motive and intent was human kindness, to try to help you, out of the goodness of my heart.

Not that you deserve that. You are a shit person.


I know what the dictionary definition says. You seem to want to state I do not know about it when it is obvious I do.

I am not letting it go because you were proven wrong. Catwoman's race is not essential therefore she can be interpreted anyway the artist wants. Also guess what even if it is political they have that freedom. Just like how if you made a film you can make political moves as well. It is your film. Not that I believe it was political but even if it was it is up to the artist.

Nope I have been diagnosed and I am just fine. I come from a family well versed in the medical field. Received counseling when I was younger. I have no substance abuse issues nor do I break any laws. Own my own house work a job and pay my own bills. I am doing just fine thank you very much.

You are not a doctor. Should I believe you over a professional doctor? You are not saying that of kindness you are not fooling anyone.

I do not believe your motive. After all you are one of those clowns who probably thinks they know more than doctors do. It would not surprise me if you are one of those vaccine conspiracy theorists. Just like those dumb election deniers.


You did not prove me wrong. You went weird and and dismissed what I said and insisted that you were right and then judged me based on this odd logic structure you built on top of that.

That behavior and you going back to it now, both of that together,

is you being a completely rude person, and/or fuckined in the head.

And you seem unable or unwilling to face that.

I suspect that on some level, intellectually you know you are weird, but then you just choose to pretend otherwise, so that you can still have fun being a complete ass to people.


Her race was not essential you acted as if it was. That alone proves you wrong. I also exposed your hypocrisy. You are only outraged when a character that is typically white is changed.

I am civil to people who actually call out corruption. I have no time for grifters for the right or partisan hacks. This goes both ways. It is why I never liked Steven Crowder. Oh and look at that I was right all along about him being a total prick and a scumbag. Even your Goddess Candace Owens called him out. Crowder really showcased the family values with how he treated his pregnant wife in that leaked video. Anything to say about that? Let that had been Obama or some liberal you would be posting about that for days on end.


1. The idea that race has to be "essensial" for a race change to count as a "race flip" was a. something you just made up, and b. just a matter of semantics.

2. You held to that like a fucking weirdo.

3. You are a fucking asshole.


Nope it has how it has always been. If a character has to stay the same way they were presented when originally created we have lots of apologizing to do to many races. It is not semantics it is logic. If Abe Lincoln was portrayed by a black man I would understand being outraged. Same way I do not want a white man portraying MLK. If the race is not essential I do not care how they are portrayed. You should not either. What makes you think an artist is required to follow your guideline? See I can sit back and accept an artist does not have to follow a guideline I myself set out. You can't do this. You have an entitled attitude.

I would rather be weird than generic.

I love you to buddy.


No, it has not always been that way. It has NEVER been that way.

You just made that shit up. Your position on this is nothing but gaslighting and stonewalling.

And you either can't see it, or are just lying further about that.

Either way, it is a fine example of how you either think or pretend you are being reasonable,

while you are actualy being a complete fucking asshole.

THus, when you create an odd and massive gap between reality and your preception, where you THINK/PRETEND that you are being civil,

when you are actually being a complete asshole,

and normal people respond appropriately to you and thus IN YOUR MIND, or your PRETENSE, you now were attacked by someone "for no reason".

You are a fucking asshole. FUCK YOU.


No my point stands. Eartha Kitt portrayed Catwoman in the past it is not the first time she was not portrayed as white. If you were outraged about Kravitz you should have been outraged about Rooney Mara as Tiger Lily. Since you were not your point falls apart. It shows you are not consistent with your logic and you are a hypocrite.

Nope you just have encountered someone who can see through your agenda. Your right wing agenda is not welcome here. I do not tolerate people who cover up for evil on their side. That is evil and you are evil for doing that. If you truly have integrity you would call out evil on both sides not just one. Since you will not you do not get respect bud.



You pulled that definition out of your ass. Then you declared yourself the winner based on your made up semantic shit.

Then you HARPED on supposedly winning and insisted that that "win" thus proved shit and built more on top of that.

You are fucked in the head and you are an asshole.


Nope totally relevant. Be consistent with your logic hypocrite.

So then no character should ever be swapped then? They all should remain what they originally were? That means this applies everywhere no exceptions correct?

I trust a professional doctor over you.


It is YOUR logic, no one elses. You made it up. And since then you have been stonewalling on it like a fucking asshole.

AND that you went back to it at this late date, made my point about you not letting shit go.

If you do not have a medical problem, then you are just a big fucking asshole.


So then answer my question then. Race swapping is never okay even if the race is not essential?

I would rather be an asshole than evil. You are evil.


OK? We were not discussing whether it was ok or not. We were discussing the semantics of the term.

The way you moved the goal post there?

That is teh type of shit someone does, when they KNOW, they are losing the argumet.

YOu are a troll boi and an asshole.


I said I do not believe it should matter if the race is not essential. You really think I am the first person to say this? You reject this logic so I am asking when it is okay? I am not moving the goal post. Since you think you are the sole judge of what movies should be based on I am trying to get a grasp on what your logic is.


Those other people did not have a fucking hissy fit over the sematics of it, and then be a fucking fag asshole about it, lik eyou did. Fucktard.


So what’s wrong with being atheist you intolerant fuckwad?


The reason I got annoyed is because you are so married to your ideology. Rather than go okay you know what that is fair and logical. What was your response? I get it you found a way to bypass the complaints of white guys. Which shows you will always think the white man is targeted no matter what.

At least I am not the moron who gives racist folks my money willingly like you do. That makes you a special kind of idiot honestly.


No, the reason you got annoyed was because I was willing to let it go and approach the discussion from another angle.

You dishonestly counted that as me conceeding, and then you gloated, and claimed that you have won the point, and continued to cite it for a retarded long time.

That is you being a fucking asshole.

AND, you are a pussy too, becuase any man that acted like that in real life, would be told to get out of people's faces.

But on line, you can keep going back and being all the fucking asshole you can be.

You are an asshole.


No you were not. I asked you okay then why were you not upset about Mara as Tigerlily. You had no retort.

Okay I do not like when people dismiss a legit point. It annoys me. I consider it asshole behavior to dismiss a logical point.

You only calling out racism towards whites is you being a jerk.

I do not get in anyone's face. Therefore I would never be told that. Do not be flexing internet muscles it makes you look bad.

Rather be an asshole than be evil and corrupt like you.


You asked a lot of stupid shit that avoided the real point, taht you just DECIDED that race flip required "essensial" and then you focused on the sematics of the case.

Becuase you are a dishonest asshole.


Nope I feel I raised a great point you could not refute. I also found it hilarious you claim white men are targeted when the majority of roles in Hollywood are straight white males. Seriously? Give me a break.


Except I did address that point. YOu just didn't agree.

So to you, that means that the words and ideas I presented, actually don't exist, EVEN IN THE PAST, in the sense that I did say them.

Or at least that is the way you act.

And you don't see that that is both LITERALLY INSANE, and increadibly ASSHOLE of you.

You are the bad guy. And a pussy, because no man would try to act like this in person. PUSSY, PUSSY, PUSSY.


Not only did I disagree you were proven wrong. You wouldn't own up to being wrong either. That's wimpy cowardly behavior. Be a man and own up to bring wrong.


See that bit where you not only declare yourself the winner, but go further and build delusions based on your self declaration, and then attack me based on that,

that is you being not only bat shit crazy, but you are also being an complete asshole AND a complete pussy.

YOu are a fucktard.


If you actually had a legit complaint I would give it to you. In case of Catwoman you do not.

Keep on giving racist people money. I will laugh at how stupid you are for doing it.


That bit where YOU declare my complaint non legit and based on YOUR declaration, act l ike a complete asshole/pussy?

That's YOU being the rude one.

That you percieve it as... sane, and then are surprised that I respond harshly...

If you being fucking stupid, on top of being a fucking asshole and a fucking pussy.

Hey faggot, when is the last time you told a grown man to his face, thaat he was stupid?


No it's calling a spade a spade.

Lol tough guy huh. If a guy is acting dumb I have no issue saying it to his face.

I know for a fact you don't say stuff in real life you do on here. You wouldn't say a word to Kaepernick's face about him kneeling. I would pay money to see you do it.


1. Said the faggot.

2. You are a liar. A pussy like you would never dare.

3. Kaepernick? I don't know that I would just walk up to him and get into his face, that's kind of being an ass. But, anyone that tries to tell me that his protest was about cops and not America, I will tell them that that makes no sense. But expressing disagreement is not what I am talking about and you know it pussy, I'm talking about how brave you are, ONLINE, while being a pussy in real life. Just constantly being a complete dick to people, and not letting it go no matter what. Yeah, that you would never do. Cause you are a pussy.


So eloquently spoken.

If someone was rude like you yes I would.

I support his protest. I'm glad you dislike it. I would do it in front of you just to piss you off.


1. Made my point. You claim is fucking retarded and asshole. As are you.

2. Liar. YOu would not. None of you toll bois every do this in real life, not without an army backing you up. You all pussies.

3. Not without back up you wouldn't. You are too much of a pussy.


Nope the claim is perfect. You are mad because you can't refute it.

No wrong. I give what I get.

Let's debate seriously. Your ugliness is showing and it's bad.


1. Your claim is retarded.

2. Nope. You only think that because you are so fucked in the head, that you don't realize what a fucking asshole you are.

3. YOU CAN'T. You are too fucked in the head. My ugliness? LOL. You are a fucking asshole.


Nope it's logical.

Nope you are just angry.

Your ugliness continues to shine. It's your behavior.


Dude. I explained repeatedly how you fucked up.

You are just spamming your denial now.


Lol. So I messed up because you couldn't refute it?


And who is “fact checking” YOUR delusional conspiracy theories?
Qanoners from outer space perhaps?


You never answered my question, since we are supposed to believe your “fact checkers” who is fact checking them? My guess is your mobs Antifa and BLM.


Pillows and Q for u


As predicted you’re too much of a coward to answer my very simple question you BLM terrorist.


Sure Q-boy, better stock up on bear spray and flagpole spears


Still too much of a coward to answer my very simple and straightforward question.

Better luck next time Antifa thug, hopefully the next time you are torching a city and trying to murder policemen there is a brave patriot like Kyle Rittenhouse to put you in your place like Trump put CNN in their place.


What a pleasant human being you are, MCU497(!)


I am a pleasant human being and I am quite happy with the way my life is going, unlike you and your death cult whose lives literally revolve around hating Donald Trump. You need serious help you worthless DemoKKKrat.


Triggered! Here, have a tissue.


Not triggered at all, I just have a patriotic duty to call you out on your lies, disinformation and attempts to overthrow our democracy.


Do you really believe that you're a patriot because you call out anonymous users on a message board? That's nice. I too call myself a patriot because I love our country and I served in the US Army during Desert Storm. I don't know, you're probably too fat to serve in the US military anyway.


I am a patriot because if I properly educate you maybe you’ll break away from your cult and actually start acting like a decent human being. And I don’t believe for one second you served in any military branch. You’re just a crybaby libtard who likes to bitch and moan about Trump while hiding behind the security of an anonymous username.


Oh no! Some anonymous idiot on a message board doesn't believe I've served in the Army. What am I going to do? I couldn't care less what you think about me.


You’re a fraud and an insult to the brave men and women who actually did fight in Desert Storm.


Again, I don't care what think about me.


Good, but just to give you a little friendly advice you shouldn’t lie about being in the military, actual vets who put their lives on the line to keep your sorry ass safe will rightly take offense and I wouldn’t blame them for decking you and putting you in your place.


I could show you proof of my military service but you wouldn't believe it anyway.


Just trying to save you from getting a very vicious beating.


You really are a dumbass.


You’re clearly insane


You haven’t met your burden of proof and clearly you are the liar as are your cult leaders.


It looks like you you're suffering from TDS, Trump's Deranged Supporters. How did Trump put CNN in it's place? The town hall meeting was just more of Trump continually spewing his lies which of course you fell for.


Again what lies did he tell and what about me is deranged? You clearly are deranged as you seem to live and breathe hating Trump, I however just want what’s best for this once great nation which is why I’m rightly calling for your cult leaders to be impeached and prosecuted. There is no such thing as a deranged Trump supporter, that’s just a fallacious talking point that your cult has indoctrinated you with.


You continue to post this nonsense yet you provide no proof. You keep claiming you have proof that Trump won in 2020 and Biden hired a hitman to assassinate a Supreme Court Justice but to this day you failed to provide proof.


Uhhh I did provide proof, Diaper Joe called for a revolution and as a result a far left lunatic tried to murder Justice Kavanaugh.

The FBI literally violated the constitution by telling facebook to censor the laptop story and according to the polls 1 out of every 6 Diaper Joe voters wouldnt’ have voted for the motherfucker had they known, there you go Trump wins, it was a stolen election


That's absolutely horrible! So why don't you show proof of these claims? It's been over two years now and you keep repeating these claims without proof. You really are a dumbass.



Here you go for the second time:


Diaper Joe calls for a “revolution”

And as a result this happens:


FBI censored the laptop story: https://nypost.com/2023/01/24/lawsuit-seeks-fbi-records-on-censoring-posts-hunter-biden-laptop-stories/

Turns out enough voters woudl have changed their votes to sway the election had they known about it: https://nypost.com/2022/08/26/2020-election-outcome-would-differ-with-hunter-biden-laptop-coverage-poll/

There you go stolen election

now this is literally the second time I have had to give you the “proof” you’ve been throwing a bitch fit over.


That's not proof just rantings from right wing news sources.


So Diaper Joe didn’t call for a revolution? So a far left radical didn’t try to kill Justice Kavanaugh? So the FBI didn’t tell facebook to censor the laptop story? So the polls are lying?

The source is irrelevant, and there is no such thing as “far right”, there is moderate and there is far left.


You really are an idiot.


I see you don’t have an answer for my questions and apparently if a source doesn’t give you the answer you want it’s apparently wrong. Typical libtard logic. Get over yourself, kid, you aren’t that important. And get out of your cult and salvage whatever resembling a brain you may still have left.


You really are a dumbass and an idiot.


You really don’t know how to answer a simple question. I guess when you can’t defend your cult leaders you just try to flame the other person out. Very immature, I would have expected a “veteran” to act more like an adult and less like a child.


Blah blah blah...


Translation: “I’m an indoctrinated snowflake libtard DemoKKKrat cultist, who can’t form a rational argument and instead I just parrot my cults talking points. “


*yawn* You are boring and stupid.


Robin right, you’re really boring and really stupid so stay out of the Qanon chatrooms


Robo’s right, you’re really boring and really stupid so stay out of the Qanon chatrooms


LOL you literally asked me to provide proof and now that I have I’m “boring and stupid”? Ha, you libtards are so fucking pathetic.


So to summarize:

robo: "provide proof, provide proof, provide proof"

moviechatsuser: ok, here ya go AGAIN (provides proof again)

robo: "you're stupid"

Basically how every debate with a leftist goes.


Pretty much, if Robocat had the facts on his side he wouldn’t have to try to flame me out.


Trump is a great President and will be the real President soon.


The Trump is awesome.


It's a sign of good momentum but the Deep State is ruthless. With all the phony criminal charges and who knows what they will have planned for us leading up to 2024 they will find a way to cheat again. I'm trying to be optimistic.


I view all politicians as trustworthy as a walking dead character. Interesting stories but they'd wound you and leave you to be eaten alive to get a couple more feet down the path. Problem is, they're all so well paid that they believe the public in public servant is themselves.


Me too
Trumps lies are very convincing


Trump is freaking awesome.


He came down with a giant cage filled with dove.


Trump is best



CNN caved and allowed the Trump campaign to pack the hall with his supporters and even some staffers. Just like him, it was a joke.


Whoops, Trump wiped his ass with the Democrat media/party and their lemmings as confirmed by their mental breakdowns after this town hall.

Perhaps try coming up with something. Of substance before you embarrass yourself again.


the liberal tears were awesome!
