MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Every day,, when I open MovieChat...

Every day,, when I open MovieChat...

I see this fat fuck's lying, grifting, egomaniacal face staring out at me from the trending section. Argh!

It's time you went away, Donnie, where you can finally be forgotten, deep in the historical trash heap of losers.


its great! it just means everyone loves Trump and wants him back as the real President.





I see Trump!


Congratulations in playing your part keeping him there, dumbfuck!


As I said, he was already there in the trending section.

I don't participate in the gross insulting that seems to be favored on this site, but I feel compelled enough by you to say, "fucking blow me, cocksucker."


I see this fat fuck's lying, grifting, egomaniacal face

I don't participate in the gross insulting

STFU lying faggot.


I don't participate in the gross insulting that seems to be favored on this site

I was referring to the gross insulting of users insulting an OP if the OP says something the user doesn't like, such as you calling me a dumbfuck, for no good reason. I replied in kind.

As for calling Donnie a fat fuck, the gloves are off when it comes to Trump.


At least Trump was a great President and put America first.


Well I didn't call you it for no good reason, the reason was that you were complaining about something you yourself were guilty of which was, to be fair, pretty fucking dumb. I'm very sorry if I hurt your delicate sensibilities with my name-calling, if I had known you were so thin skinned I would have reconsidered. Although you seem to have zero issue engaging in insults against things you yourself don't like so I just think you're a gigantic hypocritical thinned skinned megapussy.



What do you ride? A tricycle?

Bikers love Trump.



I'm a BMW biker, not a Harley MAGA lover, and I'm also a Democrat who would support anybody against Trump in 2024, even if it is tired old Joe Biden.


Good luck, you won't have as many mail in ballots bolstering the totally legitimate vote next time.


Sorry, Miyagido. You stopped making sense two messages ago.


You can count that high? I'm impressed!


Trump is back again.


And again.


I see Trumps everywhere!


The libtards see Trump in their nightmares!


No doubt! They hate Trump so much that they talk about him everyday all day long. Its sad really.

I couldn't even get a response about the video you posted. Not one person would comment about dems complaining about elections being hacked.


They never acknowledge it, anything that shows them for the hypocrites they are will just be ignored outright and they'll continue pushing their narrative to fool the idiots.


"I'm a BMW biker..."?

What a real American. Not.

Everybody knows real Americans love Donald Trump.



It's too bad American MC manufacturers can't make bikes as good as German ones (Italian ones too). Yes, I ride a not-made-in-America bike because they're superior to Harleys, Indians, and whatever others are out there, all patterned after the antiquated 45 degree V-twin engines pioneered in the early 20th century. My Beemer, a K model first introduced in the late 20th century, will run rings around any American bike made, and go faster to boot.

If I could find a decent American made bike, I would buy it.


You would never make it in an MC "Kbiker". If you somehow managed to become a prospect, you would never be given a patch.

Bikers love President Trump.

So do working Americans and patriots. Men and women who own a small business, parents, military veterans etc.

America First is winning. Onwards to 2024!



Wrong, I'm a biker and I hate that lying fraud Trump with a passion, as much or more than Tucker Carlson hates him. Also, I do make it in an MC, a BMW MC for people who love sweet bikes and great technology, who are not in love with their bikes for the rumbling sound they make (the only good thing about the 45 degree twins) and because they want to look cool while riding them.

Like I said, if I could find a decent American made bike, I would buy it, even for the sake of those "working Americans and patriots. Men and women who own a small business, parents, military veterans, etc."

BTW, I am a military veteran who served a year in a combat zone. Never wounded but plenty scared all the while, just like everyone else.


Military veterans love Trump.


I'd done with your nonsense, Miyagido. Bye bye.


You never have to reply to me again if you don't want to, I literally could not care any less. But I'll reply to whatever the hell I feel like.


That's your proof? Three photos with a few military members with Trump while he was president is not proof. I am a US Army veteran and Trump disgusts me. Most veterans I know feel the same way. Draft dodging Trump called us losers and most of us haven't forgotten about that. Trump will never be president again. Sorry for you.


Biden also is a draft dodger. He is despicable and should be impeached.



Very true.


Don't worry. He's almost finished. The hush money thing is a nothingburger, but the Classified Documents Scandal is going to be his coffin.


The walls are closing in. :)


Yes they are. Expect a Shakespearean/Scarfaceque ending.


The hush money is a tack the CD scandal is railroad spike.




Sadly, as long as this narcissistic egomaniac stays in the news cycle* then he is bound to remain trending here...
*fun fact- I googled the phrase "narcissistic egomaniac stays in the news cycle" and the first result was this article!


Well if people that had TDS would stop creating new posts then that might help too.


Or if you and the rest of his deranged supporters would quit commenting on ancient threads! I'm not gonna hold my breath on either point, though, because the fact remains: He craves attention so he's in the news daily, therefore he's going to trend here...


Thats because I support President Donald J Trump and think he is a great President. You guys are more than welcome to post about that other guy. Tell the World about all the great things he is doing to make America great again.


I have to push back a bit on the TDS label. It's a two-way street.

MAGA people contend that liberals are the deranged ones, who believe that everything from Trump's mouth is a lie.

But liberals contend that the MAGAs are the deranged ones, who believe Trump can do no wrong, that everything he says is true.


It started when Hillary called Trump supporters "basket of deplorables".

Speaking at a fundraiser in New York City on Friday, Hillary Clinton said half of Donald Trump’s supporters belong in a “basket of deplorables” characterized by “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic” views.

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

She said the other half of Trump’s supporters “feel that the government has let them down” and are “desperate for change.”

“Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well,” she said.

Trump’s campaign criticized her comments.

“Just when Hillary Clinton said she was going to start running a positive campaign, she ripped off her mask and revealed her true contempt for everyday Americans,” Jason Miller, senior communications adviser for Trump’s campaign, said in a statement.

Whether Politicians lie or not is debatable. It would be like me saying the glass is half full and you saying its half empty.

The main problem is that democrats claim moral superiority but then do things like this:

“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.

The owner of a small eatery in Virginia, which gained national attention last summer for kicking out White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, says she remains proud of that decision.

In fact, booting Sanders from the establishment has been great for business, claims Stephanie Wilkinson, the owner of the Red


I remember well Hillary's "basket of deplorables" comment. That alone might have cost her the election, though there were other mistakes, such as her not campaigning enough in Wisconsin. Back then, I hoped she would win and become the first female president. I don't like everything about her, but I like nothing about Trump. I take it from others of your posts that you are on the opposite side of that argument from me, which is okay as long as the discourse is civil.

Whether Politicians lie or not is debatable. It would be like me saying the glass is half full and you saying its half empty.

I liked that quote, Very apropos.

When you say "...democrats claim moral superiority but then do things like this:" '...kickiing Sarah Sanders from an eatery in Virginia,' you're referring to much smaller portion of the hardcore liberal assholes who claim moral superiority than the much larger portion of MAGA people who stormed the capitol on Jan 6th at the behest of Trump, who then did nothing to try to stop it until hours later, even when deplored to do so by Ivanka and others.

Let's just do this: agree to disagree on our political stances.


MAGA people who stormed the capitol on Jan 6th at the behest of Trump, who then did nothing to try to stop it until hours later

This is leftist fantasy, this never happened. Stop spreading misinformation and gaslighting people.


Come back to reality. Ashley Babbitt would disagree with you when you saying January 6th didn't happen.


The reality is there was no storming of the capitol, neither at the behest of Trump or not. And no amount of gaslighting from idiots like you will change that.


Millions of Americans watched live on TV the violence caused by Trump and his supporters on Jan. 6. and won't forget what happened. Nothing will change that. This is just one of many reasons that Trump will never be president again.


I guess Ashley taking a lot slug in the neck was all just made up by the media, then.


I guess all you have is bullshit and gaslighting so just deflect when called on it. Jan 6th was a mostly peaceful protest and everyone knows it, no matter how loudly you retards screech otherwise.


lol "Mostly peaceful." Yeah, except for those righties who weren't peaceful.

Hey, what did Ashley Babbitt say in her personal ad? "Willing to take a hot load in the throat!"


It was mostly peaceful in the actual sense not the CNN sense where it means the literal opposite. I'll repeat myself for the very slow in the audience ie you -

The reality is there was no storming of the capitol, neither at the behest of Trump or not. And no amount of gaslighting from idiots like you will change that.

I don't care about your attempt to ragebait as it's merely another attempt to deflect because you know I tell the truth and cannot prove me wrong. Take your L


You can repeat yourself all you want. The video proves you wrong.


lol no. The video proves you wrong. Gaslighting denied, groomer.


I guess you selectively watch your videos. I'm referring to the right-wing trash smashing windows and attacking cops. You know, that stuff you say didn't happen.


It was a mostly peaceful protest kid. I never said that stuff didn't happen, here I'll repeat what I actually said yet again for you -

The reality is there was no storming of the capitol, neither at the behest of Trump or not. And no amount of gaslighting from idiots like you will change that.

A few idiots fighting a few police does not equal an insurrection and you trying to claim it does is left wing trash gaslighting. And again your gaslighting is denied, groomer.


Do you have anything besides name-calling? "Kid" and "groomer" are strange terms to call a retiree who's fathered two kids and remains married to this very day.

Your words, which I'll repeat again from your own text:

"no storming of the capitol"

You can call it an attack, a "storm", an insurrection or whatever you want, but trash like you attacked the capitol. That is a fact.


More nonsense from a Qtard.

Clown, like your fellow magats.

Hey, what did Ashley Babbitt say in her personal ad? "Willing to take a hot load in the throat!"

Do you have anything besides name-calling?

You can stfu you hypocritical little faggot how about that?
There was no storming or attack or any of that nonsense, I have no idea what you're babbling about. Video shows mainly peaceful protestors being escorted around by the police after the police opened the doors and ushered them in. That is the fact, not whatever gaslighting bullshit you try to spin it into. Gaslighting denied. GTFO and welcome to my block list faggot.


Reported. Human garbage.

reply are brainwashed. What I saw were people breaking down the doors and crushing the police. YIKES. You need to watch the footage of the actual storming of the Capitol, not the lame and "peaceful" protestors. My goodness, wake up.


So much anger about a riot. How you feel about antifa or blm?


You must be talking to that angry guy who's doing all the name-calling. I'm sure he'll feel about the same as you do with the old "butwhatabout."


YOu were doing some name calling too.

And as I expected. Not all riots are bad to you, just the ones you can use to panic monger about the other side.


Yes, after being attacked repeatedly, I did respond briefly, not not repeatedly. Yet you called me the "angry" one? You immediately let it slip that you've already picked a side. No point in me getting into another worthless debate with another hater who's just pulling the old "butwhatabout" line.


Clearly the sides are picked. You want to act like the riot of 1/6 was the worst thing evar, and that anyone on that side, is terrible becuase of that.

Meanwhile you ignore far larger, more widespread, destructive and DEADLY riots by the other side.


Covering up for your side yet again. Pathetic.


At least "my side" didn't attack the capitol.


Oh no I was replying to Corbell. See what's annoying is violence and rioting is fine so long as the right wing side is doing it. Had the storming of the capitol been done by liberals he would drone on and on about it. He would claim they are evil for doing it. However since it's right wingers who are doing it all is excused. Funny because even though I lean left I denounced the rioting and looting done by the left. I would call out evil done by anyone. He will only call out wrongdoings by liberals. It's the us vs them mentality. As opposed to calling out corruption where it lies.


Well said.

I didn't follow much of the rioting/looting stuff I heard about, to be honest, so I don't usually comment on it. The January 6 stuff I saw plenty of, so I'm very comfortable stating my opinions on that.

I do believe in calling out bad people, no matter what side they are on. You can't improve society with a 100% "my team" mentality.


Yep. He has the my team mentality for sure. Yet he gets upset when liberals do that. It is like dude you are the exact same way just on the republican side.


Except that's not happening. THe couple of hundred guys from that ONE right leaning riot are being dogpiled and witch hunted, while the vasty more numerous and murderous rioters from hundreds of lefty riots, are being given a pass.

That btw, is a serious violation of due process.

Are you for or against Human Rights?


Well, I hope everyone's for human rights.

Maybe it's just that a majority of people realize attacking our capitol for a president that lost an election is not the right thing to do?


Human rights are not subject to majority opinion.

That one small group of rioters, are being singled out for special punishment while the vast majority are being...forgotten, is a violation of due process.

If you support "majority" opinion overruling human rights, then you do NOT support human rights.


Sorry if your opinion is in the minority. That's not my opinion--I was just trying to explain to you possibly why. Additionally, these rioters 1) are caught on camera, making prosecution far easier, and 2) Their crimes are a little more than, for example, throwing a chair through a downtown window. They were chanting to hang our vice president, and had a gallows built. And the building they invaded was the capitol, not a department store. This sort of thing is why so many people are calling it an "insurrection" instead of a "riot."

I am not sure how it's a violation of due process. Due process means that a citizen who will be affected by a government decision must be given advance notice of what the government plans to do and how the government's action may deprive them of life, liberty, or property. All these criminals are getting this.

I also don't see how their human rights are being violated. They are getting standard care under the law. No one is being starved or beaten.

I am sure they're complaining about "due process" and "human rights", and those complaints are being echoed on right-wing media, but that doesn't make it true.


1. Human rights are not based on opinions. That you keep going to that, is you not supporting human rights at all.

2. Due process requires equal protection before the law. Singling out one small group of rioters for special attention, while giving others a pass, is a violation of that.

3. This of course was not the only violation.

4. What makes it true, is the reality of the situation.

5. The "gallows" were a prop.

6. THe lefty riots were far deadlier and more destructive.


Regarding a couple of your points:

2) I once got a speeding ticket in North Carolina. I wasn't the only one speeding. That defense did not protect me from the cop writing the ticket anyway.

5. Was it? They were also chanting hang Mike Pence. Considering the physical attacks, the weapons found, the plans made, and the police that were hurt, can you seriously say they weren't there to hurt anyone?

6. That's just a "butwhatabout" defense. See point #2.


2. There is NO push to investigate or hunt down the rioters or the people behind them, of the lefty rioters. But there is a HUGE drive to catch everyone and drop the hammer on all of them of the very few righty rioters. That is a violation of the equal protection clause.

5. Yep. You never see a picture of it with people in the frame, because it reveals how tiny it was. Shorter than a person. It was a prop. Weapons? LOL.

6. Pointing out that LE and the politicans directing them, are ignoring the more serious riots to focus on the one riot of their political enemies, is not "butwhataboutism", it is a valid point of evidence of violation of equal protections clause.


2. How would you even go about hunting them down? Do we have video footage of any of them? Are you certain none of them have been arrested? I'm not super-familiar with those riots, so I'm being honest when I say I don't know the answers to these questions.

With the January 6 people, we have a ton of video footage where they're attacking cops and so on.

5. "Weapons LOL." my ass. They used bear spray on the cop. Beat cops with metal bars, a flagpole, etc. Be honest--don't automatically take a side like some partisan hack.

6. There is no more serious riot than an attack on our capitol and political leaders. This was an attack on our basic Democratic institutions. How you can say any riot in the street is more serious is beyond me.


2. Well, I'm not a trained investigator, but, plenty of obvious steps that I have heard of NONE being taken. The point is, there is no major attempt. Doesn't that seem odd to you?

5. Does NOT sound like the shit one would expect from a serious coup attempt. BEAR SPRAY? a FLAGPOLE? i also note a conspicuous lack of numbers on this. They never say anything like, "300 cans of bear spray used", I mean if you are seriously trying a coup with non-lethal means, you would have to arm a significant number of troops. Yeah, never.

6. Sure. Political leaders an aggravating factor. You know what else is aggravating factors, KILLING LOTS OF PEOPLE, like the lefty riots did. Yet, we hear less about that, then 1/6. Wake the fuck up dude.


2. Maybe you're just not up to date on any investigation that was done. I know I'm not.

5. Zip ties and plenty of other things brought. Why were those things even there to begin with? I never said it was a "coup", but the Proud Boys attacked in military formation. It was a little more than a riot.

6. How many people died in each of those riots you're so upset about? How many police were attacked? January 6 is a much bigger event than some random riot from years ago, "dude."


2. There is not a national witch hunt, so there is nothing, at least nothing equal. An d it looks like nothing.

5. People keep saying shit like "Insurrection" or "Coup" or "assault on democracy", to AVOID US FINDING COMMON GROUND, to divide us.

6. 1/6 is a much smaller event than hundreds of coordinated riots across the country for years. Yet you want to minimize those to focus on the one right leaning riot. That's a problem.


2. It's true there's nothing equal going on, but keep in mind there is a ton of evidence to follow up on the capitol riot, and sorry, but it is a more serious offense.

5. You said "coup", not me. But it doesn't really matter what you call it. It doesn't have to divide us unless you've already got sympathies with the capitol rioters. Then I could see why you'd be offender by any derogatory language. As for me, I can't stand fake patriots, so I don't care what you call them... I just call them trash.

6. I have no idea what you're talking about with "hundreds of coordinated riots... for years." Some evil boogeyman conspiracy theory? I don't believe in that sort of thing, so it's definitely not a problem. January 6 can't be allowed to stand, and I'm glad to see those anti-American clowns getting punished for their crimes.


2, THe donzes of dead, argue otherwise.

5. We would agree to treat them like rioters. But by exaggerating it, to something more, they keep the fire burning.

6. Antifa and blm are real. And we do NOTHING about them. That is real, not me pretending. YOU are the one pretending.


This discussion is spiraling, but I'll continue a bit longer. It IS more than a little riot. Those anti-American clowns invaded our capitol (call it whatever you want), and wanted to change our election results. That's not just a little thing. It is more than a random riot.

Sure, antifa and BLM are real. But saying they've coordinated all the other riots? There's no evidence of that, and frankly, I don't think they have the organizational mindset for that. Antifa seems very much like a bunch of punk kids striking out, not much more than that, and BLM is mostly all talk.

I can't believe you compare a street riot to a group of people who wanted to change our election results and you're trying to say that's the same thing.


Riots are fine so long as my team does it.


Thanks for admitting it.

me? I'm was anti-riot long before it was cool to be anti-riot. You know, back in 2016.


I was mocking you. That is your mentality. I was anti riot since I could form words in my mouth.


I guess you don't pay taxes, or work, or do anything in life outside of sick perversions.

The sane part of America misses having a normal functioning govt with our best interests. I still haven't seen actual convincing proof that Donny is ANY of the things that the loony Left keeps regurgitating. He just flaps his gums too much..

But one thing is for certain. There are LOT of remarkably stupid people out there that just want to see everyone and everything fail. Because their lives are miserable, and they can't take any responsibility for themselves. These are the Leftists and they are at front lines of ruining everything.




What the world be without lemmings.


TDS is a horrible disease to have.


I agree. Trump’s Delusional Supporters (TDS) is a horrible disease.


I support Trump and freedom.

RIP - America


More like 1776 - 1963.


Good point, even the dems didn't want JFK to be President. Had a lot of crappy Presidents for the next 20 years.


Isn't it interesting how up until not long ago JFK and RFK were regarded as almost divine characters from a golden age but when one of their children seeks to get close to the throne, suddenly he's labelled as an anti this or that nutjob. Listen to him talk, unedited, for longer than 10 minutes and tell me why he's less fit than Biden or Trump to be president.
