MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > American left: in about 10 years,you wil...

American left: in about 10 years,you will love Trump

Why do i say this? Well because thats exactly what happened in Italy with Berlusconi. Berlusconi and Trump are a lot similar. They are both bilionaires,sexist,and politicians. In Italy,when Berlusconi was in power,he was the devil incarnate for the italian left. Exactly like Trump is the devil incarnate for the american left. Then,during the last few years,Berlusconi lost a lot of political power,and now the italian left has new enemies,and they almost "miss" Berlusconi. They now apprecciate him more,they say he was better than the current leaders of the italian right,and it almost seems they love him now. I think in America it will happen the same. When,in 2021 or 2025,Trump will leave the White House,all the anger and the hate the left felt towards Trump,will slowly start to disappear. There will be the new leader of the american right,and the american left will focus on him/her,and in about a few years,the left will say "Uh Trump wasnt so bad after all".


Why, do you have someone worse lined up?

To make him look good, the way that Trump makes Bush Jr. look good?


Exactly my first thought. Hasn’t America already experienced this with Dubbya to Trump? Or is the OP suggesting it’s an inevitable decline with each new conservative leader to the point where a completely moronic psychopath is elected? Oh well, on the upside that would mean not far to go then.


No,Bush wasnt hated by the left like Trump


short term memory loss apparently. he has a million dead Iraqis on his hands over a lie


Yeah but Dems like Biden voted in favour of the Iraq war. And nowadays Michelle Obama says that she and Bush "share the same values"


Harris will make all of them look good.


I'm gonna be laughing my butt off the day they do that. They have enough anti-Trump propaganda from the past 4 years to sink an aircraft carrier! (I'd use battleship, but those aren't big enough). It'll be the funniest thing ever to see them saying someday "Oh, he wasn't so bad after all."


Agree totally. I remember in the early 2000s, Bush was lower than Hitler on the Democrat pop charts. Now that we have Trump, they look back with nostalgia to the Bush years. They smile fondly at pics of Bush and Obama's domestic partner sharing candies like buddies at Trump's inauguration. Trump has opened the way for a much more forceful Right Wing leadership in the future. The next Republican leader, either succeeding Trump or replacing the farce of Biden/Harris in 2024 is likely to be far to the Right of Trump, a much more polished Politician and far more ruthless in his suppression of Leftist dissent. They are going to miss Trump very much.


What they'll miss most is that they won't have anything to talk/complain about so they'll still talk about him. Everything they deem bad in the future will still be Trump's fault according to them.

Hate night TV will be at a loss but they already lost half of their viewers for insulting half of the country. I expect them to make jokes about political figures but they spend their entire shows with viciousness strictly about Trump and most of it's not even funny.
Jimmy Fallon wasn't too bad at first (like that awful Kimmel or Colbert). Some of his Trump jokes were in good humor. I can take a joke.
Jimmy caught a lot of heat for having Trump on his show shortly before the 2016 election (when he got the chance to mess Trump's hair, which btw he was a great sport about it).
I guess Jimmy didn't get the memo that that's not allowed to show any decency toward our president. Eventually he became (or was forced to become) more vicious in his supposed comedy. Probably the only way you can stay on the air is to only show distain for Trump. Comply or be cancelled.

Years before he ran for president he was a fairly well liked figure. (No one I paid much attention to though). He was respected even if people disagreed with him. You can find those videos on YouTube.

It's a shame he gets zero respect as president. If Obama had been disrespected like that I would have thought it was wrong too even though I didn't think he was a good president.

They will end up missing Trump but their hate is so deep for him (like no other human I've ever witnessed) that I don't think that will go away.


Yes. Trump isn't half as bad as what's to come in the future. Trump is not even far right. he's just a taste.


Besides corporate establishment sometimes doing it, I have never ever met a left winger who has ever said good things about bush.

I still consider Bush worse. massive warcrimes dont go away just cause trumps an incompetent idiot


This already happened with G.W.


Are you inferring the left will grow brains by then? These are the same idiots who elected a Muslim 7 years after 9/11...


yes Obama pretended to go to church for decades...


Oh yeah! With his pastor Jeremiah “Not God Bless America, God Damn America!” Wright.... My mistake all the hate and Barack HUSSEIN Obama didn’t condemn any of it, including BLM. Oh, the confusion....😆


Your post is a confusing mess I agree.

Yes hussein obama... its almost like people have families of different origins... this doesnt mean they have the same religion. are you really this stupid?


Oh, the name calling..... It doesn’t take long to out a liberal/Democrat.😂


OMG I called a stupid comment stupid. and triggered snowflake republicans.

ya how dare I call a spade a spade. I know that doesnt suit your reinvention of reality where conservatives are tough and liberals whine when criticized.

look at you crying like a little baby aww


I forgot, facts scare liberals. Keep believing what you want about Obama..... Republicans don’t get “triggered”. There’s no sense in talking to insults with ZERO FACTS. Also, it would take a hell of lot more than a liberal to upset me.....


Yes the "facts". that a man well before knowing he'd run for the presidency let alone any public office. pretended to go to church for decades and decades.... as a 20 some year old he went to the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem because he was secretly a muslim and planning his take over all along.

Im not sure what meds you need but you need them..


There’s a Harlem in Kenya? Or was it Illinois, Connecticut, Hawaii or wherever else he photoshopped a birth certificate from? It sounds like the drugs you Democrats are taking must be amazing!


Yes I know its all a conspiracy. your tin foil hat fell off


The Gong Show was canceled


Thank god ... I was worried for a long time.


Italy isn't the US. Also it'd be the right hating the left once Kamala takes over.
