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Breaking news - Mars is part of the Moon (according to T-rump)

T-rump has informed Americans that Mars is part of the Moon, according to his Tweet this afternoon.

Tweeted the self-described genius:

"For all of the money we are spending, NASA should NOT be talking about going to the Moon - We did that 50 years ago. They should be focused on the much bigger things we are doing, including Mars (of which the Moon is a part), Defense and Science!"

Of course, his T-rumpanzees will back him up on this, and call the truth (Mars is not part of the Moon) 'conspiracies' from the Left. BubbatheNut and friends will not hesitate to jump to his defense.

I can't wait until tomorrow when T-rump tells us that the Moon is really made of Swiss Cheese...and there's a man who lives inside the moon.


LOL I had to make sense of this, luckily it does actually make sense...


Too bad he has the writing abilities of a child.


And the mind of a child.


A nasty, mentally ill child.


And if you lived 100yrs you idiots would never accomplish 5% of what he has done.


What has he done craigc?


The jury is still out on that one. They can't admit to the fact he's done nothing at all. Poor T-rumpanzees....



So I suppose he's saying he wants to change that, and remove the Moon from the current goals equation.



Yeah it's like reading Engrish, except the original language was English....


No he means the 'talk' (the focus) should be about Mars instead of trying to bring large fanfare to the Moon component.

Risk is we only focus on the Moon component, which we have done multiple times and then we will see about Mars. Every step of the project, everything we build, everything we send to the Moon, everything we do on the Moon should be directly related to getting to Mars.

We could end up with a base on the Moon and 'thats all' if we don't push ourselves.


Nothing he says makes sense - nothing at all. Which is why he appeals to T-rumpanzees like those on this forum. They're not interested in anything 'sensible'. It would make their simple-minded lives too difficult.


HAHAHA at your backpedaling when what he said 100% makes sense.

Moon to Mars is meant to be a well known project ... I guess not? I knew exactly what he was referring to, as should everyone who isn't clouded by TDS..


Deleted account? Looks like we lost another sock puppet from Bubba.


Lost? Where? ...


the moon is a part of Mars or Mars is part of the Moon?? WTF?!?


Screw it, split the difference and go to one of Mars' moons


t-Rump is an ignorant idiot. I just hope he in out of the White House ASAP.


I could see the moon maybe being a step in NASA's plan to get to Mars but that is obviously not what he is talking about because of his 50 years comment. So exactly what he is saying is a mystery probably even to himself. This is what happens when he tweets while on the toilet. He craps on both.


The problem is MORE than his TWEETING on the TOLIET. People keep saying they watch TAPES and INTERVIEWS of him from the 80's or 20 years ago and are SHOCKED at what a HUGE DIFFERENCE they see with the way he talked BACK then in comparison to NOW.

They say he can't COMPLETE a SENTENCE or a thought anymore, and can't even string together a SUBJECT and a VERB (basic sentence structure) without trailing off into some other COMPLETELY DISCONECTED thought.

In other words, what they say they see when they study the way that he use to be is OBVIOUS signs of DEMENTIA having set in ... the same way as his FATHER also suffered from it and had it before he passed away.

To put it still another way, that TWEET is still more EVIDENCE that his FKed up BRAIN is ROTTING AWAY.


Yuck 🤢


It turns out he was probably responding to something one of the IDIOTS on THE TRUMP TV channel has said …

because they also figured out how the SCAM MAN was watching the PROGRAM on his way back to the US from ENGLAND …

when someone on that PROPAGANDA FILLED channel said something about going back to the MOON again would be STUPID and that we needed to go to MARS instead.

So the STUPID SCAM MAN was just PARROTING and repeating SOMETHING else STUPID that he'd heard some other STUPID IDIOT saying on the IGNORANT FOX channel


He’s the perfect puppet. He’s moronic and so predictable.


So he would have to explain in detail (in a tweet) a well publicised space exploration project, titled 'Moon to Mars' mind you so that the ignorant realise what he is talking about? His short hand reference makes perfect sense for those who haven't been living under a rock this year...


As I said going to the moon could be a step in going to Mars. But he had no idea. To him the moon was just something we visited 50 years ago which nullifies any chance he knew it was a stepping stone to Mars. Thats a big problem with this guy. He does absolutely no research. He hears "moon" and thinks "nope, we been there already."

Not a Trumper? Kid please. lmao. Only a Trumper would come up with the cockamamie excuse that he was choosing not to explain something.


Err going to the Moon IS a step in getting to Mars, there's no 'could' about it ... This has been publicized for a very long time by NASA and the POTUS. The project is titled 'Moon to Mars' ffs. Hence the shorthand reference. Just because you have no clue about current space endeavours ...

Could you be any more ignorant?


"going to the Moon IS a step in getting to Mars, there's no 'could'"

Deflect harder. Trumper.

He said NASA shouldn't be focusing on the moon because we went there 50 years ago but he agreed they should focus on Mars. Yet Mars requires us to go to the moon. So either Trump thinks "Moon to Mars" contains a different moon than our moon. Or he thinks the "Moon" portion can be removed from the project. The whole point of his tweet was we should not spend money on whatever "Moon" meant in his head.


LOL you're honestly fooling around right? Noone is this stupid...

Have you been under a rock this year? The mission is already well known - The GOAL is Mars, which is what everyone should be talking about, not the moon which is but a stepping stone. This is precisely the point which DT is making but for some reason your moronic TDS afflicted brain can't comprehend that.

The SHEER IRONY that the reason this has blown up has nothing to do with the POTUS and instead everything to do with the complete ignorance of TDS sufferers regarding NASA's space exploits...


What happened here? Lol! Who was this poster who just hauled ass? Meltdown .. 🌋


A deranged lunatic of the Trumper variety. His name is tr1p1ea but it shows up as [deleted] for some reason.


Haha so Trump says something completely logical, you fail to understand it - but it's his fault. Got it.

So glad you morons are a minority in actual society.


As I expected. You don't want to answer the question which is why you replied to me here instead of there. I'll ask again.

Which planned moon mission is Trump saying NASA should not be talking about?


Oh wow you still don't get it? Aside from the fact that no-one ever said that, he is talking about not losing sight of the goal, which is Mars. The project involves the Moon - which you admitted earlier that you did not know.

He has not made reference to any other project, which you seem to be confused about.

Head over to the NASA website to learn more before replying.


Seems like someone with a lot of time on her hands.


The STUPID part of this is the WAY THE SCAM MAN who ran the FAKE UNIVERSITY and the FAKE CHARITY had his VP standing there saying that the PLAN was to GO BACK to the MOON AGAIN.

So what he's done is MAKE a FOOL of PENCE for standing there at a press conference and telling us how we were GOING BACK to the MOON again (because in other video clips he also points out how we haven't been there since 72).

So when the SCAM MAN stands there and says that going BACK to the MOON again would be STUPID, that also makes HIM STUPID for either NOT KNOWING or else for FORGETTING what his PREVIOUS POLICY regarding going BACK to the MOON again is suppose to be.


Its like you are pointing at me but subconsciously talking about Trump. Trump said NASA should not be talking about going to the moon. Which NASA mission to the moon do you think he's talking about? I doubt you'll answer. Just more deflection. Right Trumper?


Is his the reply you referred to earlier?

He is talking about 'Moon to Mars' quite obviously ...

Try doing some research or like, paying attention to widely publicized news reports regarding space exploration etc...


Ahh but you've ignored half of the conversation. You've just acknowledged Trump thinks NASA should not be on board with "Moon to Mars." You're half way there Trumper:

"They should be focused on the much bigger things we are doing, including Mars (of which the Moon is a part)"

So which Mars mission is he saying NASA should focus on then? :)


Looks like you stumped cupcake, there. Good job!


It'll be interesting to see how he dodges it.

My guess is he'll reply with another "pay attention" response referencing "widely publicized" reports about space exploration that everyone is familiar with except Trump.


He responded with a nonsense post which is laughable, at best.


What I like is how instead of admitting you made a mistake, you prefer to act like a child.

Now you have the delusional wonder dog here barking with support.

Then again accepting a loss, like that of an election that occured 2+ years ago for example, isn't one of your strong points...


Quote the mistake I made. You won't because you can't.


Ahh I see, reading is not your strong point, English isn't your native language?

Like I said, he is not talking about 'not being on board' with any mission. He is talking about focusing on the overall goal of the Moon to Mars mission, instead of one of the steps. It's not hard to grasp and I'm certain you do realise this now.

But get that you're just backpedaling now because you were made to look like an idiot for thinking this was a home run when all it did was prove your, and everyone else's ignorance here.


"He is talking about focusing on the overall goal of the Moon to Mars mission, instead of one of the steps."

Nope. You are lying in his defense. He said "For all of the money we are spending, NASA should NOT be talking about going to the Moon." I asked which NASA mission focuses on the moon and you said "Moon to Mars." There is no mission that only focuses on the ONE STEP of going to the moon. It is a false idea implanted in his stupid brain. So where did he get it from? Well I'll tell you.

Neil Cavuto made the comment that NASA was planning to go to the moon. He injected his own half-assed opinion saying it was a waste of money because we've already been there. This is the problem we run into when Fox is where Trump gets all of his information from.

Neither Neil Cavuto nor Trump got the memo that Moon to Mars was a worldwide-known NASA plan. :)

"Ahh I see, reading is not your strong point, English isn't your native language?"

Says the guy who just wrote three separate sentences into one. Not to mention "English isn't your native language" is a declarative statement and not a question just because you stick a question mark at the end. :)


I applaud the fact that you went and did some actual research on this matter. I get that you can't bring yourself to agree at the misconception surrounding this thread, but it's a start.


Even frog admitted to understanding, so maybe there is hope for you after all?


Nope. Haven't done a single ounce of research whatsoever. Didn't have to. Not sure why you'd think I would. You claimed I made a mistake somewhere. I want to see you quote it.


So the first 10 times the misconception around this thread is pointed out and you disagree like it's something you can actually disagree with. Somehow. You actually have zero life dude.
Egg on your face.


You've written all this text to defend Trump's brainless tweet and you couldn't pull it off. You've tried diversion after diversion but got nowhere.

Seriously though. You wanna talk about no life? Here you are diverting and lying and pulling these rabbits out of your hat to defend a president of a foreign country who had no idea about the NASA mission he was tweeting about. Did you have to work at being an imbecile as well as a coward? Or were you just dropped on your head as a kid? Because if you were dropped its only fair to let me know I'm arguing with someone who is mentally challenged and not just a spineless, grifting, mental lightweight.


Wow sorry to work you up dude. Your level of aggressiveness has escalated with each post. You didn't get the tweet, that's fine.


You can hide behind that all you want. All your poking, prodding and obfuscation have no effect on me because you Trumpers puke it out on a daily basis.

Oh and I got the tweet just fine. The tweet informs us he's an idiot. Its just that you're the only one dumb enough to defend Trump's belief that NASA had a moon mission that was separate from the Mars mission.


You're working over-time trying to spin this in your favor. You do have stamina - I'll give you that. Too bad it's wasted trying to defend T-rump's stupidity.


The moon and mars are both sh*tholes anyway.


Tomorrow he will announce a tariff on all the Swiss cheese we get from the moon. Or from Mars. They’re both the same thing according to him.


The Moon needs to stem the flow of Martian migrants across its orbit.


T-rump will hold a presser, and point to a photo of what looks like a Martian and announce we have 'too many Martians coming into America!"

Sarah Huckabee Sanders will then pull him aside and say, "That's a photo of Kellyanne Conway, sir."

T-rump will later respond, "I never pointed to Kellyanne's photo and called her a Martian!"


So that means we really went to Mars 50 years ago?


Who knows what he means. Even he doesn't know what he means.


Dementia has bloomed under that wig
