MovieChat Forums > James Gunn Discussion > James Gunn on Zachary Levi’s Pfizer Twee...

James Gunn on Zachary Levi’s Pfizer Tweet: ‘I Can’t Be Changing My Plans’ Because of Something an Actor Says


Why would anyone care that someone called out a pharmaceutical company? I mean, I know people are upset, but what's the big deal?


Hell, I'm still confused why ppl are upset with Chris Pratt. Every attempt to cancel him seems like a stretch in logic.


I'm also confused, because for so long we were told to never trust "big pharma". Then the second they rush out some vaccines, everyone was just willing to stake their reputations behind these companies.


Because vaccines save lives. Except for the ones that harm people, but you're not supposed to talk about those.


“Evil Big Pharma” virtually cured a disease I have that often made life unbearable and did a lot more for me than any bullshit pushed on me by people preaching natural alternative medicine.


So all the people who died unceremoniously to rushed and untested drugs like Vioxx or Thalidomide should just keep quiet because some small percentage of people feel Big Pharma is their saviour?


My question is, "Why do people care what actors or directors think about medical situations?"

I listen to my doctor. That's his job. He studied and trained unlike news, talking heads, actors, reporters, or politicians. When they speak about this stuff, I ignore them. When they talk about filming, then I listen. That's their job.


Perfectly said.


my doctor
...bought by Big Pharma?


Alex Jones then!


Alex Jones


He actually isn't. He told me what I could do and let me make my own choice. No pressure. The only time he was insistent on a treatment was when I needed an emergency antibiotic. He saved my life that day. June 11, 2021.


He actually isn't
How do you know?


Why do you pretend to care?


You wrote:

listen to my doctor
I asked if your doctor is
...bought by Big Pharma?
You wrote:
He actually isn't
I asked:
How do you know?


How's about this?

No online discussion with you.



Levi's probably out of the DCEU after Shazam 2 anyway.


It's not just the right-wing anti-vax nutters who loathe Pfizer and "Big Pharma", lots of sane lefties despise the company for price gouging and doing things like raising the price of insulin to where people literally die because they can't afford the medicine they need to stay alive. And then there's the left-wing lunatic fringe, some of whom are also irrationally anti-vax, or who despise all medications because they think that organic food and herbs will cure fucking everything.

So no, criticizing Pfizer isn't cause to cancel someone, not until they say *why*.


So no, criticizing Pfizer isn't cause to cancel someone, not until they say *why*.

Criticising Pfizer does not justify cancelling anyone at all. If you don't like something a celebrity has said, deal with it. The left, the so-called purveyors of tolerance, never fail to twist themselves into knots the moment someone dares to express a different opinion.

This "anti-vaxxer" nonsense is the modern-day equivalent of screaming "Witch!" at someone. It's moronic. During the COVID-19 outbreak, many people were anti-mandate, not anti-vax. There's a difference. Nobody should have to inject something into their body just to appease self-righteous people like you, whose main hobby has been yelling about the eViL rIgHt-WiNg SuprEmAcIsTs since 2016. Considering all the information that has been coming out over the last year, you might want to step off your soapbox, take off your mask and go outside for some fresh air.


Other people's lives matter more than someone's "personal freedoms". And anyone who doesn't understand that needs to be assessed for Anti-Social Personality Disorder, a.k.a. Sociopathy. Use your fucking personal freedom to SAVE others next time, not endanger them, if you want anyone else to respect your choices or your "freedoms"!

Just don't fucking start with me on this one, I saw COVID-19 at work before the vaccines came in, when the only way to save people from a slow, horrible, choking death was to prevent transmission. I saw people withing away because they were literally too short of breath to eat, saw them slowly die as the disease ate away their lungs or sent them into excruciatingly slow multiple organ failure, I saw the agony of their families and the children left without parents, I saw families fighting at deathbeds over who'd infect momma with a deadly disease when she'd been so careful and I saw assholes like YOU screaming that the only thing that mattered in a time of crisis was the minor inconvenience YOU had to suffer! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!
