MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > the worst president in usa history???

the worst president in usa history???

i think so! look at all the awful crimes this man has committed. he has stuttered on live television, made a dumb joke about hairy legs, dozed off during an interview, and looks like a typical 78-year-old man. wow, truly unspeakable horrors. no president has ever done anything worse than that. he should be publically flogged and quartered, and his corpse should be burned and sent to the bottom of the ocean for these unforgivable atrocities.


If he was an actual president, yes but he's just a puppet.


good point, he doesnt have the brain power to make those kind of decisions.


Give credit where credit is due... he has managed to keep from drooling all over himself like every other dementia patient that is as far gone as he is. So kudos for being able to remain drool free.


Well done, OP, you blew up my sarcasm detector.


Also you can’t deny his countless racist gaffes.


When he referred to black people as roaches? No one cares because liberals can say or do anything.

Biden could poop on the tomb of the unknown soldier and everyone would call him courageous and brave.


I can think of two big racial gaffes of his. When he referred to not want his kids to go to a desegregated school because it would be a "racial jungle" and then I think he said Obama didn't have a "strong negro dialect" so that made him a good president.


Sarcasm is not your strong point.

He left Americans and Afghans behind to die. Was it comforting to you seeing people cling to the landing gear on planes as they took off. Please explain how that was good for their country or ours.

An entire nation fell into the hands of our worst enemies, and every sacrifice that soldiers for the past 20 years made are rendered useless. Please explain how that was good for our country.

The taliban abuses women, rapes children, murders gays, and pledges destruction to America. Please explain how that was good for our country or the poor people who are now living under their rule.

He said there would be no mandates, but mandated vaccines and masks therefore costing Americans their jobs, and the ability to pay for their families. Please explain how that was good for our country.

Cut off drilling in our country causing oil prices to spike. Gas is now well over three dollars (closing in on four dollars in some parts of the country) when just before he came into office gas was just over a dollar. Please explain how that was good for our country.

Cutting off drilling also caused home energy prices to skyrocket. Please explain how that was good for our country.

He ended boarder wall constriction allowing thousands of covid infected migrants into the country along with drug cartels, gang members, murderers and rapists. Please explain how that was good for our country.

His economic policies have also cause lumber prices to soar, making the cost of buying a home unattainable for many.
Please explain how that was good for our country.

Inflation! Inflation! Inflation! The price of EVERYTHING has gone up under his rule. Food prices have nearly doubled in some instances. Please explain how that was good for our country.

I can go on... but I'd like you to explain why all of this hurt, and pain is worth making a joke of.


waiting for Mensa-tard to defend this senile geezer.


and they say only the libs get triggered, lol. you are the most offended soyboy libtard on this whole site if my wittle post really ruffled your jimmies that much.


EVERYTHING you have posted here is truthful and accurate.
As for making a joke of this situation. only one that is like minded to Biden can think this is funny.
Biden has shown nothing but contempt to this country, its citizens and the American way of like. He hated all of it. He will force many senior citizens into complete poverty.
While he has inflated the cost of EVERYTHING, he has granted only a 1.3% increase in social security, less than the increases under Trump, when the inflation was low. Just imagine a person of his age showing contempt for seniors. But then again he seems to have contempt for everyone and everything except some of the lunatic left who's asses he is kissing.
He is demonstrating just how rotten it can get when people simply let raw hatred blindly determine their vote
He is also proving just how much the media will lie and spin to keep brainwashed people from admitting to the truth about this man.


"Truthful and accurate".... Bwahahahahahaaaaaaa!! Oh man, that's rich...that's a good one! I like you man, good stuff.


I'm not a Biden fan myself either, I agree he's an awful president, but your post is just filled with right-wing mumbo jumbo. I won't get into all of the factual errors, as there are many, but I'll go over just a couple... Gas prices "just over a dollar"...LOL! Yeah, in 1992 maybe. Gas prices fluctuated under Trump a lot, and at its highest, it was over $3 as well. Less price average than Biden? Yes, but that's not how you framed it. But what I really love are the crocodile tears for our Afgan friends. Like you care. If you did, I'd love to see the anti-Trump posts that you posted when he left our Afgan allies and friends The Kurds on the battlefield alone in their fight against Syria/Russia. It was a great betrayal resulting in many Kurdish deaths. I don't think you gave Trump much guff for that, mainly because you don't really care about Afgans at all. Or because you only consume right-wing media and they probably didn't talk about it much, as they don't with Trumps failures. But now you do care about the Afgans, right? Ok, great news! So you think we should shelter thousands of Afgans as refugees in our country then? Or is there another way to both leave Afganistan and keep our Afgan allies safe that I'm not aware of? Unless you're willing to allow them in as refugees in your backyard, stfu about it.

Border is spelled "border", not "boarder" btw. And lumber prices started going up in 2014. Increased lumber prices do nothing to the price of a house already built.

I was you a few years ago politically. Until I realized both sides are awful. We're led, on both sides, by some truly corrupt politicians. Our leaders have failed us. They have been bought out by corporate interests. Democrats by Wall Street and the "Green" movement. Republicans by the oil and gun industries. Senators and Congressman go in middle class or poor in some instances and come out multi-millionaires. This country is in a sad state and I'm not sure I see a light at the end of the tunnel.


You really insulted me over a typo? Also, you do not know me and you do not know who and what I care about. You are a dreadful condescending person.


With all that going on and he says White Supremacy is the country's biggest threat right now. In turn creating more racial tensions. No Joe, it's actually you. You're the country's biggest threat right now. Or the people you work for rather.


YES, the Divider in Chief!


I never understood why we should care about Afghanistan in the first place. Many other countries have strict Muslim totalitarian rule, why should we care what happens here? Oh, of course, it's for the OIL, the precious OIL that the corrupt American scumbag capitalist society depends upon to carry on doing what it's doing, of course!


I really don't think it has anything to do with the oil. Afghanistan doesn't have much oil compared to other countries where the US doesn't seem to give a shit. They have less than 2 billion barrels of crude oil... compare that to say Venezuela which has over 300 billion... Yet we just let Venezuela crash and burn when it would be so much easier to just go into Venezuela, eliminate the communist nutters in control and put in a puppet government.. Yet we don't. We don't seem to do anything even though it would be providing more than 100 times as much oil as Afghanistan.

So I think you might want to look a little deeper. The typical liberal always assumes oil is the reason the US does anything, but I don't see it in Afghanistan. I mean the original reason we did anything there was just to fuck with the Soviets the way the Soviets fucked with the US in Vietnam. But once Afghanistan toppled the Soviet economy it didn't seem like there was any reason to give a shit one way or the other with the country.


Well, there was 9/11, spearheaded by Muslim extremists, and Afghanistan with the Taliban was a hotbed of extremist Islamicism, so that's the reason the US military was there.


good post...



the dude touched little girl on there boobs on live tv you are right he should be publicly flogged and quartered, and his corpse should be burned and sent to the bottom of the ocean for these unforgivable atrocities.


This made me laugh way more than it should've. Good job, OP.


another nazi regime troll....


sieg hell to jesus!!!! let the horned one do something again, or something!


Yeah, you're an evil loon.


Socialism is simply "helping other human beings", what's so wrong with that?


helping everyone to prison, you mean
go outside - fine! don't wear a mask - fine. Go shopping without vaccine pass - fine/jail. Want to go to work without vaxx - jail/fine.


Are you describing something that is actually happening in the real world?


lol - are you new?


there is literally not happeneing anywhere in america. maybe in your fantasy world, it is. the same fantasy world where anybody not a trump supporter is a hardcore gender fluid tranny who wants to kill any straight white person, probably. if somebody DID get arrested for not wearing a mask in a store, it was probably cuz they caused a massive scene and had an outburst tantrum like a wittle snowflake.


You are really not paying attention, are you?
Anyways, this is what's coming up now - read the article.

Not long ago, there were also stay at home orders with heavy fines to boot.

Start reading newspapers, you ignorant moron.


Firstly, nobody reads newspapers anymore. Get with the times, boomer.

Secondly, you cant find a single legitimate source for you tin-foil-hat conspiracy delusions in American publications so you have to outsource to the UK. Nice. Lemme brush up on my Mexican history from my favorite Nigerian publication.


You haven't been paying attention to the state of the US media, have you, moron?


Actually I have. I’m just not a big crybaby snowflake like you.
