MovieChat Forums > Will Smith Discussion > Pitiful attempt to increase Oscar rating...

Pitiful attempt to increase Oscar ratings

No one watches any of these award shows anymore (Grammys, MTV Music video awards, Emmy awards) People have tuned out. They're so disgusted by these woke actors and celebs running their jaws. No one gives a shit. As soon as I saw this I knew it was fake AF. If it seemed believable, well these two men are actors and they added in the slap sounds.


You mean making all the nominees black?

This shits been going on at the essence and hip hop awards for years.


People stopped watching because these shows lost what little integrity they had. Giving out awards not on merit but on what was socially trendy. They spent so much time keeping the blacks, gays and other minorities happy and where did it get them? Their fucking ratings plummeted.


Not escorting Will offstage after the incident and letting him accept the award for best actor lets me know that this was in fact a publicity stunt.




Black-on-black violence is largely ignored by the left, so I'm not surprised they let Smith continue after assaulting Rock.


Agreed. And it backfired as I'm sure they intended Will to be seen as the hero.


All these whiney old men proving how relevant The Oscars are by blabbing on and on about The Oscars being irrelevant.


You brain is damaged.


Grow a brain. You conspiracy tards are a plague to rational thought.


I don't care that much about the Academy Awards. There are some Oscar winners I like such as One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Driving Miss Daisy, and Forrest Gump. But there are decisions they made that make me shake my head. Like Sean Connery winning for the Untouchables, Jack Palance winning for City Slickers, Tommy Lee Jones winning for the Fugitive, Kim Bassinger winning for L.A Confidential, Al Pacino not winning til Scent of a Woman, and Morgan Freeman not winning til Million Dollar Baby.

I don't mind Forrest Gump winning best picture but Morgan Freeman should have won for Shawshank Redemption.


Let me guess, you don't think we landed on the moon, either.


And a flat-Earther as well..
