MovieChat Forums > Silverscreen81

Silverscreen81 (66)


Sproles and his huge horse teeth Boring and lame Ages of characters Watched this a few days ago and Bill Murray... Dad's pock face It's almost as if Feldman.... Will the Bud Light queer, Dylan be inspired by this film? Three hot chicks + the ugly one The ghost in apartment #14 Does she have balls and a wang now? View all posts >


The first girl in the beginning of the movie was literally using a cell phone. I think they stylized sets and had them wearing retro clothes to make the characters almost hipsters. Just saw this for the first time today. Really didn't understand the hype and how it's a cult classic. Chase was so annoying in this with his tweaker eyes. He seems like a dick on and off camera Also not sure why the title is what it is. They never took a Christmas vacation!!! Unless them driving to the mountains for a damn tree was the vacation? Women who focus on their looks and are stuck up have absolutely no personality. All of their energy is focused on how they look that they have no time for much else: to be smart, or interesting, or witty, or really anything. Can't tell you how many snotty, stuck up women I've met who had the personality of a wet mop. They're the most boring people alive. The same thing goes for men, too. I've met men that had the same issue....they were hot af but boring as hell. I swear when I saw this in theaters she said she donated to the United negroes college fund. Something tells me it was later edited because of snowflakes and culture appropriation. Mandela effect? There's so many unanswered and nonsensical things going on in this movie. My guess is that whatever crap she's seeing or experiencing is brought on by the person controlling the simulation. But what would be the point in trying to wake her up and get her attention if that would ruin it? So confused 😕 Too many plotholes Here's another plothole: why are they struggling to pay bills if she's a surgeon working 30hr shifts?? Yes, her mother was terrible to her but then she said her mother was her "best friend" at the same time. Made zero sense. It sounds like her mother tortured her even after her mother died. How could anyone's mind be "blown" by this? You can tell just by looking at the actor that it's not 11 year old Daveigh. Jesus Christ. I knew that 20 years ago. Nonetheless, she was portraying an underage girl still in high school. I noticed when Kelly and Ozone are talking at her door, she gives Ozone the orange gift basket to hold while she reads the card. She then says goodbye and goes into the house without the gift basket but in the next shot, she's sitting on the couch looking at the basket. Looks like you live on here. Just a lonely, retarded troll with no friends looking for attention. So pathetic. View all replies >