MovieChat Forums > Anne Heche Discussion > She sat up on the stretcher and flailed ...

She sat up on the stretcher and flailed around and is now dead.

This isn’t a conspiracy post.

I wonder what made her sit up. Was she conscious or a nerve reaction?

Did she go into shock after?


She had terrible burns I.m sure it hurt like Hell to lay on her back.


Yeah definitely her back looked ok in the vid.

Must have been all lower half.


This isn't a conspiracy post, either, but the timing of the way she sat up just as they were putting her in the ambulance so we could see no more looked staged. I thought of one of those Zombie Apocalypse movies when I saw it.




The reporter said ‘he’ as well. He thought it was a man.

No conspiracy.


You guys are a bunch of assholes. Can’t wait till the movie comes out about her.


People that inhale hot air and/or chemicals will not have their lungs completely fail instantly. Often the lung tissues will respond like your skin when you get a sunburn. It will initially be irritated but still functions to some degree, but when the tissue starts to basically get the formation of blistering and fluid buildup that is when the ability to get oxygen gets killed. Depending on the degree of heat inhaled and toxic fumes she might not have had the lung start failing until several hours later. You can find instances of race car drivers involved in burning accidents that are capable of walking to the ambulance or sitting up and talking to rescue worker only to see their lung fail 8 to 12 hours later when they are in the hospital. Lung damage can be a bit like exposure to radiation... you might not feel that bad when it happens but it can fuck you up later


OK interesting cheers for the reply.


They said mostly from a brain injury. It takes a little bit of time for the swelling to start. Like twisting your ankle, it will start to swell.The brain is in the skull but it has a space between it and the skull. A impact at that speed will cause the brain to smash against the skull bone and cause damage.Like jello it moves around.


This happened to Liam Neesen's wife, Natasha Richardson. She fell on a ski slope in Quebec and died a few data later.


They said it was from lack of oxygen. That not getting into the blood will cause organs to die. I suppose her first was to her brain.


Her brain shut down. Without the brain to make the lungs expand and contract, and to make the heart beat to carry blood to the other organs the body ceases to function. This is why they need to be kept on life support to do what the brain won't do. That's also why if there is any attempt to harvest organs for donation it must be done before the machines are shut off.


Nice of you to mention Natasha Richardson.
That people still think of her after what seems like a long time is very touching.


I've read a few recent articles on Liam Neesen and it breaks my heart to hear he's still in mourning. He's said they would have been married forever had that not happened. Also too I grieve for Vanessa, her mom. Her Aunt Lynn is buried beside her.


She was either in extreme pain or delirious.


The weirdest thing was she seemed to be totally covered up face and all.


Yeah they must have had ventilation though wasn’t a body bag.



She wasn’t burned on top half, her clothes were still in tact.


What are u talking about? She was naked above the waste and her back skin was discolored? Which was also wierd. Was was she topless? Iguess her clothes were on fire and they removed them? Her skin did look discolored.


At the scene of the first crash:

Video of her sitting up:

Image of her sitting up:


Yikes so that was her skin.


On the stretcher she is clearly wearing the same tank top as she was in the car. The color looks different because it is in much brighter light.


CORRECT whynotwriteme. It's in bright light, plus it's been dirtied through exposure to smoke and soot. It is not "her skin"; it's her tank top. It's not that difficult to understand, sheez.


I was right all along then, cheers.


Not her skin


Exactly, was right in the first place.


Oh.. thought you said “yikes so that was her skin.”
Anyway, let’s just be glad we are all alive and not having our skin burned off.
Also, in case you’re curious, I’m watching The Fog right now.


Yeah much to be grateful for.

Nice one, great film. The original anyway.


It was the original. I don’t really like the remake..
What is your favourite film of all time?


Good stuff.
Fellowship of the Ring.
What’s yours?


What a shame, RIP. But at least her bra sure didn't burn up and melt on her skin. She had perky ones!


What a moron....
