MovieChat Forums > Johnny Depp Discussion > Depp ain't gettin' any money and you kno...

Depp ain't gettin' any money and you know it

and no, he's not going to be in any more movies neither. Same probably goes for Heard they destroyed themselves these last 2 months. Good riddance.


Disney wants nothing to do with this.


Depp was the only reason to see those terrible Pirate films. You think Orlando Bloom could carry a film on his own? I really hope Depp tells Disney to do one though.


No-one involved in this farce, could ever win.....Primarily because both parties entire filmography ('Nick Of Time' aside) was ever worth a wet Ethiopian-fart....let's face it.


Arizona dream
The first Pirates (ok I enjoyed almost all of them)
Fear and Loathing
What's Eating Gilbert Grape
Platoon (I had NO idea he was in Platoon :O )

All good movies.

Cry Baby is a cult movie and quite fun.

So I would say that he has some movies that are at least worth watching.




Eh? Depp is a superstar. "Nick of Time"? You're taking the piss right?

In addition to the hit films already mentioned: Rango, Public Enemies, Black Mass, Ed Wood, Donnie Brasco.

Heard is a fucking nobody though.






If anything, now is the best time to hire Depp.

He won and left Heard shattered.

If they cast him, millions of fans will want to watch.


I agree.


It's not about the money. He didn't need to receive a dime. It was about vindicating his character. Not that I have any love for the man, I'm not a fan of his politically and he's just a little too pretentious. I enjoyed his post 2000 movies and am completely aware he is just a man. That being said, I don't agree with destroying a man for revenge. Or the other way around. If Depp lost his jobs/reputation, then Heard should have too. That or both keep their careers. I just don't like seeing men have their careers destroyed with no chance of defending themselves fairly because if anyone stands up for him, we're anti-feminist, misogynistic, women haters. And I'm a woman! I'm not saying she didn't go through hell, I am pretty confident BOTH were toxic to each other. But she can't cry sex abuse when she was being just as ridiculous and toxic.

Anyway, since this is a Depp board, he needs to go away for a while. Go do his concerts, figure out himself, take some time away from Hollywood and eventually, he will have a come back. He's loved and this won't be the end of him. He needs to never go back to Disney and let Pirates die. He'll be back on his terms eventually.


We need a like button :(


Thank you! And I agree. I have been reading so many good posts everywhere and no way to acknowledge it. Sometimes I don't feel like making a whole post, lol




He should do one of those indie films and Hollywood should give him an Oscar.


Yes. Fuck Pirates. That ship has sailed. In fact, I hope they offer him Pirates 6 and he tells them publicly to stick it up their ass.


Agreed. The way I see it, Pirates 5 is a good way to end his story.

I really like Depp as Sparrow, but the writers don’t really know what to do with him. They go back and forth with him.

At least Pirates 5 fixed the problems the other sequels created. Barbosa is dead and Sparrow is back as Captain of the Black Pearl.


I only ever liked the first one. I hated the second 2 sequels (too dark and twisted for me) and never watched 4 and 5. But he made those films. Jack Sparrow is iconic and no one will ever be able to take his place. It sucks that, even before this, they were looking to nix Depp...either for a woman or to hire a younger actor for prequels. Either way would have sucked. I am sure they thought they had an out with the Amber Heard stuff...nixing him for 'new' stuff while looking pious about it. Kinda bit them on the ass. I hope Depp meant what he said about not returning. Disney needs to deal with this without him in the films. But it does make me mad that this is how his Jack Sparrow empire comes to an end. It wasn't right.

Boricanator (815) - I'll have to finally sit down and watch them. It did seem like they went a little lighter/more fun for the 4 and 5. I just never had the energy to keep up with them. I really hated World's End.


That ship has sailed.

I see what you did there. 🀣




I feel like if they have never given him an Oscar for all his other work; they're not gonna. I don't even pay attention to Oscars anymore for any kind of clout. Not after the nonsense they pulled with the LotR movies. But I agree he should go back to the indy movies. Movie's where he can express himself or stretch his skills. Or really, whatever he wants to do. He doesn't have the big studios hounding on him now. I am also sure him and Burton will find a project to do too. He'll be fine.


I just saw some high flying US lawyer interviewed. He said that as far as Depp is concerned, this was never about the money. It was about reputation. Pure and simple.


I didn't see any of the trial, but this makes a lot of sense.


You're dreaming if you think Depp is never going to work again. Simply type "Johnny Depp" on Twitter to instantly find a random sample of one person after another defending/gushing over him. And that's about as pro-MeToo/cancel culture group of left-leaning human beings as you'll ever get. Even if he'd lost the case he'd probably still not have trouble getting work. This isn't Kevin Spacey or Harvey Weinstein. The anti-Depp crowd are the fringe in this situation.

As far as Disney goes, admittedly it's possible they'll continue on without him (although, who knows really, with the amount of backlash they're getting). But this is the same wokesters who decided Splash Mountain was too racist (lol).


I don’t care about him being in anymore Pirates movies but I hope with this case behind he will act again. I hope he gets back to more independent and lower budget movies.
