MovieChat Forums > Woody Allen Discussion > Protected by higher-level pedophiles and...

Protected by higher-level pedophiles and their 'rings'

Not a chance he'll be ''brought down''.

Former FBI special agent in charge of LA and Chicago, Ted Gunderson, accused the CIA of trafficking children and investigated tunnels beneath schools.

He identified sub-CIA groups called ''the Finders''.


Intensive investigations by police detectives, child psychologists, and child welfare workers concluded that Allen did nothing, the child was not molested in any way, that she was lying, and that her mother coached her to do so.

Allen is protected by the truth.


They did not conclude that, they concluded there was not enough evidence, and how could there be? It is not like he videotaped it.

And Allen married one of his adopted daughters, so it can't be denied that he had unholy desires towards his children.

But Allen was minting money for Hollywood, Mia Farrow was not. I suspect that has something to do with it.


OMG! Once again: Soon-Yi was never HIS adopted daughter. It was the adopter daughter of Farrow. And as Allen and Farrow were never married, Soon-Yi wasn't even his adopted step-daughter.


Soon-Yi was adopted by Mia Farrow and her then husband André Previn in 1978, the couple divorced in 1979. After that Mia Farrow and Woody Allen were romantically involved between 1980 to 1992, for 12 years, during that time several more children were adopted by Farrow and Allen, and in 1992 they broke up because Mia Farrow alleged Woody Allen molested one of the children they adopted.

Soon after that Woody Allen started dating Soon-Yi, which became national news.

Am I getting this right?


Short summary, but okay. The relationship between Woody Allen and Soon-Yi is surely unconventional, but neither illegal nor immoral.


But there is no doubt Soon-Yi was one of the children under his care.


Not really. Farrow and Allen even had separate apartments.


Yeah, they adopted 3 children together, Allen even fought for the custody of those children, but of course they were not living together at all.

You really expect people to buy that?


Again, they were NOT married. So it is unconventional, maybe even strange, but not illegal.


We can not prove it was illegal, that does not mean it was not.

It looks pretty bad from where I am standing.


Listen to Petey The Pedo! Loves to stick up for his own kind!


You creepy little shithead. And ignored...


Says the guy sticking up for pedos. You are gross


Putting me on ignore like the true snowflake you are


Where is the evidence that Allen is a 'pedo'? You can only stick up for pedos, if they're *actually* pedos. Marrying an adult woman, who ISN'T one's daughter (adopted or otherwise) and sticking together in a monogamous relationship for over twenty years, isn't pedophilic. I don't approve of Allen's betrayal of Mia Farrow (after all, Soon-Yi was *her* adopted daughter), or the age-gap between Allen and Soon-Yi, but, once again, NOTHING about their relationship meets the definition of 'pedophilic'.


She's not the only one......


Where are the other allegations? Give me a link.


Also, Epstein.....


A lot of people knew Epstein. Are they *all* pedos? And why specifically pick on Allen?

Is this some more anti-Semitic 'Jewish men are all predatory monsters' bullshit?


Keep justifying it. It's cool. Just say you love pedos and move on. This is a Woody Allen page genius. Not here to talk about someone else.

Anti -semitic? You are the worst. Like when a woman cries misogyny anytime a man disagrees with them. Grasping at straws now. Crying false anti-semitism is so weak. Where did I mention anyone jewish other than Woody? On a WOODY ALLEN PAGE


Why has Mia Farrow never argued that Soon-Yi was one of Allen's adopted children? I mean, considering how angry she appears to be towards him, for, allegedly, abusing Dylan Farrow (who *is* their shared adopted daughter), you think it would be an 'easy win' for Farrow to say "Woody Allen married his OWN daughter!" but even that would be a lie too far, since it would be easy to refute with actual documentation.


That says something, doesn't it? I think that means Mia Farrow was making serious accusations, not a media smear campaign merely to hurt Woody Allen.

Think about it. Woody Allen was quite influential in Hollywood, who would make up things like these about him? For what reason? It was not the trendy me-too time.

Mia Farrow had nothing to gain from this, that is why I think her accusation should be taken seriously.

But I understand for every rich and powerful person, there are PR firms behind them, and those PR firms hire "social media consultants", AKA trolls, to defend those rich and powerful people on various social platforms. Just like you defended Dalai Lama before, just like what you are doing now.

I, on the other hand, have nothing to gain from this.


Woody Allen was NEVER powerful. He was respected, but he had no sway over Hollywood, and practically worked outside the studio system on relatively small budgets.

And the only people making serious allegations, real or otherwise about Allen, are Mia Farrow and Dylan Farrow. Who else has come forward with allegations anywhere near this serious against him?

I don't know for a fact whether Allen is innocent, and I'm going to refrain from categorically stating that Dylan Farrow is a 'liar', because there is, admittedly, a possibility that she is telling the truth, despite investigations that uncovered nothing, but it's also highly possible that Mia groomed her to make such an allegation, whilst she was still a child, in order to discredit Allen after he effectively betrayed Mia by hooking up with *Mia's* adopted daughter, Soon-Yi Previn.

It's curious that there was no dirt on Allen *prior* to his acrimonious break-up with Mia, unless Mia is saying she's a bad mother who turned a blind-eye to her partner's abuses...Why does Mia only start pointing the finger at Allen *after* he's broken-up with her and publicly announced a relationship with Soon-Yi?

Also, there weren't *allegation(s). As far as I'm aware there was *one*, admittedly very serious, allegation.


When you keep defending rich and powerful people, like you defended Dalai Lama before, that says something about you.

Woody Allen is not rich and powerful? Yeah right, now I think everyone knows you are lying.


What 'power' did Allen have? He wasn't a studio exec/major producer. He wasn't even a multi-millionaire film star. He had to basically go cap in hand to get his relatively low-budget films financed, bouncing from studio to studio. And several big movie stars, like Jack Nicholson, chose not to work with him, despite Allen's *artistic* prestige (which I will admit), because he couldn't afford their fees.


A quick search shows that guy is worth about $140 million.

I am sure that sort of money is enough to hire PR firms and "social media consultants".

And just like Dalai Lama I can see an army of trolls rush to defend him here. Many are the same ones, I am definitely seeing a pattern.


So what if he paid PR firms and social media consultants, as you contend? That's his right.

He's not the one making documentaries badmouthing his former partner and accusing her of being a liar. He's not used his power to ruin lives, as Mia has with her power.

You seem to be a very sad, misanthropic individual who gets off on shitting on other people, and things that other people value. You're pretty pathetic, a bully even, an ABUSIVE one at that. You need to look at yourself.


Name calling? Just what I would expect from a troll on payroll.


Woody never slept over at Farrow's house - ever.
They did not live together.
Look at Farrow's life, her family, her marriages, her children and adopted children - 3 suicides.
In the media blitz I can understand people having doubts, but when you have doubts you read and research and find out, you do not make things up, and present it in public in the worst possible light - complete with all kinds of lies.
And it doesn't matter what people believe who don't know anything and who are just attacking Woody for their personal reasons.


Woody never slept over at Farrow's house - ever.

When I read statements like these, it kind of makes me laugh.

Unless you were Woody Allen otherwise how would you possibly know that?


Woody and the kids testified to it. That's how they know that Ronan was lying when he claimed to have seen Woody in the middle of the night getting into bed in his underwear with Dylan.

There is a lot to find and unpack in this. Woody did not have a toothbrush at Mia's even or any clothes.


You just know for certain who was lying?

12 years of relationship, 3 adoptions together, Allen fought for custody of 3 kids, but Allen never ever even once slept at Farrow's house, no cloth, no toothbrush.

And you just believe that?!

But like I said before there is an army of trolls here paid to defend him. I suspect you are one of them.

I knew @FilmBuff was a paid troll, I pointed that out few years back, that is why I usually ignore him. He used to exclusively rave about Disney's shows. But I am guessing now it is all hands on deck.


When in doubt, it's usually fair and reasonable, at least according to the standards of most liberal democracies, to err on the side of an individual's *innocence*.

How do *you* know for certain who was lying? Why do you assume the worst about people, and automatically dismiss any evidence that goes against your belief in an individual's guilt?


When you called Farrow and Dylan "disgusting":

I don't see any of that liberal democratic spirit, so drop the act. You are a paid troll, that has become quite clear to me now.


I didn't call anyone disgusting. I checked the message you're referring to, and it's clear, to anyone not speaking in bad faith, that I referred to a particular act (i.e. turning people against Woody Allen/gaslighting them to question their own work), NOT a person, or group of people, as 'disgusting'.


I was referring to "to err on the side of an individual's *innocence*."

You certainly did not give any benefit of the doubt to Farrow and Dylan.

I was not referring to name calling, which you did frequently, even to me in this thread, remember?:

You seem to be a very sad, misanthropic individual who gets off on shitting on other people, and things that other people value. You're pretty pathetic, a bully even, an ABUSIVE one at that. You need to look at yourself.

Now who was shitting on a women and a 7 year old girl? Who was an abusive bully?


The presumption of innocence and due process have really taken a hit in recent years. Although, public opinion isn't bound to legal rules.

Great job pointing/calling out the logic leaps and assumptions here.


She was never under his care. He'd only seen her a few times in the background as one of 8 or more kids in Farrow's house. According to both Allen and Soon-Yi, their first real interaction came when she was 17, and that was just a ride to school. They didn't get to know one another until later, around the time she was 21.


Soon-Yi herself said that she never thought of Allen as a father figure.


Not completely. Allen and Farrow never adopted any children together. When they started dating, Farrow had 7 children, some her own, some adopted, including Soon-Yi. While they dated, she adopted Dylan, but Allen was not involved in that. She also had a child while they were together, Ronan, who Farrow claims is Allen's biological child, but is almost certainly Frank Sinatra's son.

Eleven years into their relationship, Allen became the adopted father of two of Farrow's children, Dylan and Moses. He'd barely interacted with the others. Soon-Yi, whom he later began dating, had nearly no interaction with him at all until her junior year of high school, when he gave her a ride to school after she broke her ankle. They didn't start dating until she was 21.

It was after Allen left Farrow that she concocted the story of the molestation, and allegedly coached Dylan to tell the story.

While on one hand, we can never know with certainty about anything we haven't experienced first-hand, the idea that Allen molested Dylan is ludicrous. He's never been accused by anyone of anything remotely similar before or since, and the police who investigated concluded that Dylan's testimony was coached. She was clearly repeating the things her mother told her to say.


The only part of your post I take some issue with is the suggestion that Ronan "is almost certainly Frank Sinatra's son." Perhaps you're right, but, as it stands, it's another unverified conspiracy theory, and I think it's best for those of us with the truth on our side, not to indulge the same type of BS conspiracy theories that many of Allen's detractors are prone to. Whether Rona is or isn't Allen's biological son is arguably besides the point. The question is, did Allen molest Dylan Farrow, and, I suppose, was Soon-Yi ever Allen's daughter (since so many bad faith actors seem to be relying on the erroneous idea that she was, as 'evidence' he 'must have abused Dylan').


Suggestion that Ronan is Woody's son is pretty bizarre since he doesn't look anything like Woody and does look like Frank Sinatra's clone.


I think you'll find that on balance, I believe Allen is innocent, but I will extend the same standard of 'innocent until proven guilty' to Farrow here, with respect to Ronan's progenitor. It's eminently possible that Ronan is Frank Sinatra's son, and I agree he looks nothing like Woody Allen, but I'm only going to go on what can be proven, rather than make assumptions based on hearsay and tittle-tattle.


> Ronan, who Farrow claims is Allen's biological child, but is almost certainly Frank Sinatra's son.

I don't see why any sane person would not see that as an indicator that Farrow is a schemer and liar. She lied about Ronan's father because it got Woody to pay for him - which he was and is happy to do anyway.


Absolutely nothing about the situation gives any reason to suspect Woody Allen of any wrongdoing, while Mia Farrow has been demonstrably crazy the entire time. I really think those who castigate Allen want him to be guilty despite the truth.


Yeah, ... could be the "A" word ... anti-s---


That was one guy's answer, the guy who had a personal relationship with Mia Farrow and who Mia treated well and made a friend.


Yes, fc31, they did conclude exactly what I said. I don't know why I'm even debating this with a moron. As far as Allen's wife is concerned, she was never his adopted daughter. She was Farrow's and Previn's adopted daughter. Allen never even spent the night at Farrow's home. He barely knew Soon-Yi, and had very little to do with her when she was a minor. They began their relationship when she was an adult. It's too late for you to quit while you're ahead, but you can still quit before you say anything else stupid and get even further behind.


I wouldn't say my statements undermining a obviously paid shill "debate".

Insults and name calling just show your desperation after losing it.


Why would they protect someone who's not a pedophile?


It’s not hard to figure out why he’s protected.


He’s Jewish so it’s ok to like kids sexually! 🤫


No, whispering it doesn't make your ANTI-SEMITISM any less egregious. 😠

Go fuck yourself bigot, and anyone else here attacking Allen and thus CONTRIBUTING TO THIS *ANTI-SEMITIC* NARRATIVE. You should all be very ashamed of yourselves. Same goes for Mira Sorvino and Drew Barrymore. Damn ANTI-SEMITES. 👊🏿


Is it still okay to think he's creepy because he banged and married his step-daughter?


She was an adult woman at the time, but don't let that get in the way of your prejudices. 🤷‍♂️


I guess we have a different opinion on sex with your children.


She wasn't *his* child.


Child / step-child - there's no difference in my opinion.

But hey, that's me. A regular old Quaker prude.


Sorry 🙏


FBI accusing CIA of crimes... hmmmm..... interesting.

Got a link to the Gunderson quote/accusation?


I was holding off judgement on Allen somewhat, since there had been an investigation and they didn't find enough to prosecute.

Then I learned that Allen went to Epstein's party to celebrate his release from prison. I learned that not that long ago, because strangely it didn't get much media attention. It still doesn't. Even his bigger critics don't really bring it up.


That is quite something I did not know he and Epstein were friends.


It actually has been getting more media attention than I thought, after doing a little googling to respond to Trentn's post.. Allen and Epstein's connection, I mean. I got a detail about the party wrong (it was not long after Epstein got out but was for Epstein pal Prince Andrew) but Allen and Epstein were indeed tight. The kind of friends who got together at least once a month.


That's probably a lie. Because there is no moderation here people feel free to make up whatever lies they want.

The first thing that shows up in Google is this:
“Woody never had a business meeting with Epstein and not once spent time with him without Soon-Yi also being present,” the spokeswoman added.

The next thing is an article from the NYPost which is infamous for crap journalism.

As proof they use a photo of Epstein, with Woody and Soon-Yi in the frame - not with him.

Then they added:
“Multiple agencies investigated them at the time and found that, whatever Dylan Farrow may have been led to believe, absolutely no abuse had ever taken place,” he said in a statement at the time.

Allen and Soon-Yi adopted 2 children, and had to go again through additional investigations.


What'd you use for search terms? And did you only look at the first two entries?

The first article I found when googling about Epstein and Allen was this:

Dozens of lunches and many parties. It doesn't mention a specific party but this isn't a situation where there was one picture taken of the two together and it was used to smear Allen. They saw each other regularly.

Here's an article from the daily beast on the friendship:

I'm seeing a lot of articles about a party Epstein threw for Prince Andrew that some elite types attended. I might have misremembered that as a party celebrating Epstein being released since the party was held not long after he got out.

Doesn't really change the fact two of them were close. Birds of a feather.


Prince Andrew is a scumbag who slept with a pimped-out 17-year-old, but in view of all the attention that has been directed at him over this disgraceful act, do you not think that had he slept with any other underage girls, we'd now know about it? FWIW, in the UK, 17-year-olds are legally above the age of consent, which ISN'T a defence of Andrew. What he did was still a crime, and the girl concerned was trafficked, but it does suggest that he isn't a pedo. A criminal and a statutory rapist, yes, but not a de facto pedo.

The point being, many people knew Epstein, but you can't assume that all of them were sleeping with children. Even Andrew, who has been, quite rightly, exposed for his crime, was 'only' found to have slept with one underage girl, despite how close he was to Epstein.



LOL. Lot of (nonsense) novels being written on this board !


Not so funny conspiracy theory.
