MovieChat Forums > Woody Allen Discussion > Woody Allen Says He Accepts a "Large Num...

Woody Allen Says He Accepts a "Large Number of People" Won't Ever Believe Him


Tricky one. Marrying his very young step daughter doesn't look good.

But Farrow's crackpot tendencies are also noteworthy.


Soon-Yi Previn is the adoptive daughter of Mia Farrow and André Previn.

Previn has stated that Woody Allen "was never any kind of father figure [to her]," and added that she "never had any dealings with him" during her childhood. According to Previn, her first friendly interaction with Allen took place when she was injured playing soccer during 11th grade and Allen offered to transport her to school. Following her injury, Previn began attending New York Knicks basketball games with Allen

He was her mother's boyfriend, never her stepfather, and didn't even live in their household.


When you marry a woman, her kids become your step kids. The end.


How does it look?


Except they were never married.


They didn't even live together.


Makes no difference.

When you have a long-term relationship with someone, their kids become your step kids. You become their step father. Not sure what's confusing you here.


"When you have a long-term relationship with someone, their kids become your step kids."

Not according to any law. Besides not being married, they also didn't live together.

"Not sure what's confusing you here."

No confusion on my part. You just claim something that isn't true.


Of course it 's true.

"Not according to any law."

Law is irrelevant. It's about cultural norms. Ending up with your partner's daughter, whom you first met when she was ten is... you know... a bit weird.


I'm definitely not saying it isn't weird, but what you say is not correct. You can have a long distance relationship with someone for years and never even meet their child.


No argument that it's a bit weird, Zinger, (in fact downright gross), but "step-daughter" is a legal status, not a cultural one.

I just wonder why Allen thinks that anyone actually cares about him and his grubby life.



You're wrong. Woody's girlfriend (not wife) was Mia whose adopted daughter was Soon-yi and they began relationship when she was 21. But she was just one of countless of Mia's adopted kids and she was/is a tyrannical cult-like parent. A few even died under mysterious circumstances.
Anyway was Woody and Soon-Yi "normal"? You mean compared to the normal disfunctional relationships?
But bottom line is that Dylan is a liar, just like many other Me Tooers. Why would they lie? Attention, fame, money, many reasons. For Dylan it's paid off brilliantly: she singlehandedly made Woody a pariah, but some had the courage to oppose her: Diane Keaton, Alec Baldwin, etc. Just like Tara Reade, someday all liars will be found out.


I don't think Dylan's a liar, but I don't think what she says is true, either. Read Moses Farrow's story about this stuff, it's really quite sinister.

Woody and Soon-Yi's relationship is effed up, though. I mean, they've been together a long time, so that counts for something, but it started off on the wrong foot, I think. I'm a huge fan of Allen's work (he's one of my favourite writers of all time), but I'm not going to deny that dating your girlfriend's adopted daughter isn't weird. It's, uh..."incest adjacent".


So much ignorance and pure BS has gone into ruining Allen's career and reputation. He did not marry his stepdaughter, and she was not a minor at any time during their relationship. He did not molest his daughter; an intensive police investigation resulted in police detectives and child psychologists concluding that the child was lying and that she was probably coached to lie by Farrow. The entire public perception of Allen today is one of the most egregious examples of mass stupidity of all time.


Thank you. I really hate when otherwise apparently intelligent people say, "Woody Allen? How can you watch him?"


That's one of the keys to peace in life, I think: just accept that you have no control over other people and move on.


Thats sad though,altough he is in peace with it. I think the majority of people in the world believe him by the way


I have accepted that I may never know what he is. Life goes on.


Sensible of him!

Because the public is aware that people in the entertainment industry do not tell the public the truth, they tell the public whatever will sell their product. That's part of an entertainer's job.


Boo hoo for him. Meanwhile those of us who believe he's guilty as sin have no real affect on him anyway. His own daughter maintaining her accusations against him for decades & his own journalist son supporting her accusations is very damming. The step daughter marrying business certainty doesn't help his case either.


Moses Farrow talks about the kids being brainwashed into believing the story. That's actually plausible (if you read up on memory and brainwashing and stuff like that), and at least as sinister as what Allen is accused of.

I don't think this case is as easy as believing the victim/accuser, mostly because it's hard to know who the victim is...or, rather why she's a victim (molestation or brainwashing).

It's not like a lot of the other accuser's stories in that regard.


The "brainwashed/implanted memories that have somehow held for life" narrative I find to be a lot more far fetched than the accusations themselves which Dylan Farrow has consistently maintained her entire life & such accusations coming from a man's own daughter is on its own very compelling. Said daughter carrying such a damning and traumatic accusation her entire life I find doubly compelling. Added to that her brother supports her accusations and has even disclosed witnessing odd and very inappropriate behavior by Allen of his own e.g.Woody Allen crawling into bed with Dylan in the middle of the night and making her suck his thumb.

It won't really matter much in the end as he will very likely die a free man, largely unaffected even by the court of public opinion as his many fellow degenerate Hollyweird associates will continue protecting his reputation the best they can.


I think that side has a good case as well. I've just read a lot about mind manipulation and I honestly don't see it as terribly far-fetched, especially given the ages of the children and Moses Farrow's testimony.

There's a bunch of testimonials about Dylan being coached, changing her testimony, Farrow making threats, etc. But for me the smoking gun remains Moses' statements about brainwashing. Also pretty telling is that Farrow was calling the production team about wardrobe fittings for Manhattan Murder Mystery and had to be told by Woody's team that, "No, Mia, you won't be working on his next picture". She was still going to make the movie...?

My personal theory is that Mia Farrow considers Allen's relationship with Soon-Yi to be incestuous and paedophilic. Now, I know that relationship is controversial, too; how much more so for Ms. Farrow?

The thing is, opinion is one thing and law is another. So my theory is that Farrow knows she can't nail Allen to the wall for anything to do with Soon-Yi, but felt that he deserved jail time for those crimes. So she coaches Dylan to give the testimony trying to get Allen convicted for a crime she thinks he did, just not with that person.

So that's my best guess based on the aggregate of evidence and conflicting testimony.




All that i have seen and heard on the subject over the years has Dylan Farrow maintaining a consistent accusation. I've heard nothing of substance to discredit her or her brother Ronan who both lack compelling reasons to carry such a burdensome lie. It isn't as if Woody Allen marrying his step daughter on its own helps paint his ethical & sexual boundaries as highly suspect.

I can buy a scorned woman spinning a tale. I can accept the idea that Mia Farrow isn't all there. But the narrative of a scorned crackpot ex wife who successfully implants false memories of abuse in her daughter's head that sticks for life & apparently also planting some false corroborating eyewitness testimony in her son which also holds for life. They grow up relatively well adjusted adults and still maintain the accusation against their own father and all because of their mother's masterful brainwashing that happened when they were children? That sounds more like a bad movie than it does with being consistent with real life.


I don't think they're lying, I think they think it happened. I think Mia planted memories by sticking to her lie (not theirs). So, I don't think Dylan or Ronan are lying, I just think they've been manipulated (going off of Moses' story and the early reports of Dylan's shifting testimony).

Yes, Allen's marriage doesn't make him seem terribly innocent.

The problem for me is always Moses Farrow's testimony. Assuming all three siblings are telling the truth, Dylan and Ronan's side doesn't account for Moses' statement, but Moses' statement would explain the contradiction with Dylan and Ronan.

Read about Paul Ingram and the book Remembering Satan. It's scary what people are capable of doing to another person's memory, and I don't doubt that it's possible for Mia to just maintain her story long enough for false memories to take firm root in the heads of her children. And, again, that's what Moses said happened.


I can read/hear it over and over again but no matter how many times I see the "planted memory" theory it still doesn't make it anymore convincing. As I said I can buy into the idea of someone trying it but by no stretch can I buy into the idea of false memories of child abuse being planted so thoroughly by an "crackpot" scorned mother/ex wife that they lasts into adulthood with complete conviction by two well adjusted & honest now grown adults. Woody Allen's own creepy step daughter marrying behavior & the statistically, quite improbable life long lasting child abuse memory implant being his main defense makes me pretty confident in his guilt.


He hasn't gone with brainwashing as a defense, to my knowledge. That's my own speculation. And with what I've read of memory and the circumstances around the accusations, combined with Moses' statements, I'm quite confident in his (Woody's) innocence.


Woody Allen never really needed to defend himself much publicly over the years. The mainstream media was never particularly hard on him regarding the subject. He's either an inexplicably 'innocent' daughter marrying creep accused of child molestation by his other daughter or a guilty stepdaughter marrying, creep accused of child molestation by his other daughter. The world will probably never know for absolute certain.


I agree with you, but there's even more elements in the story.

One element that I think it's key and it's often let aside is that Mia's brother is a convicted pedophile. Children abuse often runs in the family (the same than domestic abuse). If the brothers is a convicted pedophile and Mia abuses her children, chances are one of their parents abused them. Perhaps sexually, as the brother, perhaps psychologically, as Mia. I'm not kidding, this has been studied: abuse often runs in families, passing from parents to children, but it's expressed differently by male and female members: men are more prone to abuse physically while women use to abuse psychologically.

In general abusers feel they 'own' their abused relatives. I guess Mia felt that she owned both Soon-Yi and Allen, and they should be punished for leaving her. I think the same would have happened if Soon-Yi was 30 years old instead of 20. The age gap was just a excuse.

And there's an additional possibility that's often dismissed: what if Dylan was really raped? But not by Woody Allen, but by the brother (who is an actual child rapist, so this is perfectly possible). Coaching Dylan into thinking it was Allen who did it, Mia gets two birds with one stone: she protects the brother and hurts Allen. And that would explain why Dylan can't move on. Imagine you were really raped when you were a child, and you want somebody, just somebody, to pay for it, and eventually you find you've been accusing the wrong person your whole life, and you must stick to it because if you say the truth people will turn on you. How do you move on from that?


That's really dark. I didn't know that about her brother.

I do know that abuse runs in families, but I didn't know that Mia's family had a strain there. I mean, at the end of the day, this is more circumstantial, but it might fill in some gaps.

I still don't want to condemn anybody on speculation. Maybe that's part of the reason why I'm not willing to throw Allen out like garbage. But that's also why...I'm not sure I want to start saying that Mia was motivated to protect her brother. I don't know that I would guess the brother molested anybody.

I do think you're right insofar as Mia feels she owns Soon-Yi and maybe Woody to some extent and this is a punishment thing, but I still think it's probably more likely that she does feel what they did (or, are doing, I guess) is morally wrong and she's trying to make Allen pay for his sins because the law won't arrest him for it.

And I'll give her this: being broken up with sucks, being cheated on is extremely hurtful, and then when there's the family connection and the age gap, that would break a lot of people, emotionally and psychologically speaking, so if I'm right and this is Mia's machinations, I'm not sure I want to say she's pure evil.

As for Dylan, I likewise don't want to say she's lying and just sticking to it. First, I think if she remembered her uncle, not her step-dad, and knew her memory was wrong she could (a) say Mia manipulated her, or (b) just shut up about it, but she keeps doubling down on the Woody story. I am pretty sure Dylan believes what she says. I'm just also convinced that she was mind-warped into believing it.


And I'll give her this: being broken up with sucks, being cheated on is extremely hurtful, and then when there's the family connection and the age gap, that would break a lot of people, emotionally and psychologically speaking

That doesn't justify it. Before Soon Yi stole Woody Allen to Mia, Mia Farrow stole Andre Previn to Dory Previn. Dory's revenge was writing a song, the famous 'Beware of young girls' (Mia Farrow was 25 by then).

That's an elegant, healthy and artistically constructive revenge, not brainwashing the children and making rape accusations.

That's really dark. I didn't know that about her brother.

Here you have an article and a picture.

First, I think if she remembered her uncle, not her step-dad, and knew her memory was wrong she could (a) say Mia manipulated her, or (b) just shut up about it, but she keeps doubling down on the Woody story.

It's not that easy. That would "fix" the public relations problem, but what about her own self-image?

People who grew up in abusive families use to behave in one of two extremes: either they become abusive themselves, either they become extremely afraid of abusing others. The brother who became therapist and defended Soon Yi and Allen (I don't remember the name) is clearly the second case. My theory (just a theory) is that Dylan could be the same: extremely afraid of abusing people too. This case, if she eventually accepts she has been accusing the wrong person for years, she would become what she's afraid of being, and I don't think she can face that.


I don’t care... at all .. what people think about Woody Allen. For me, he’s a brilliant filmmaker. Hollywood is filled with imperfect people, past and present. Charlie Chaplin, Errol Flynn, Roman Polanski, peter Sellers, Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Faye Dunaway, Lana Turner, etc.

Read enough about Hollywood like I do, and you’ll find skeletons in every closet. Can’t boycott everyone...
