MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > what does it mean to speak in tongues?

what does it mean to speak in tongues?



It means to speak in an unknown language, in a spiritual/supernatural experience.


so no one understands what they are saying


Usually, someone else will be able to interpret or understand what the person said and will tell everyone else. I've seen it happen before at a church I used to attend.


it kind of freaks me out


If you aren't used to or prepared for it, it could definitely freak you out.


what was the denomination of the church ?




were you raised up pentecostal ?


No, I was raised Baptist and attended a Baptist church for the first 20 years of my life and also went to a Baptist college. The Baptist church believed very strongly that speaking in tongues had ceased and did not happen today, only in Biblical times. I attended a Pentecostal church for a couple years and several people there had spoken in tongues at some point, either in church or at home.


baptist worship is so tame compared to pentecostal, i think the only thing that compares is maybe a black church


This is true. I've attended church meetings from a variety of different denominations. The Pentecostal church I used to visit was predominantly black. Black people are much more spirited, emotional in their style of worship. I love black gospel music. Here is a sample from one of my favorite black, gospel singers:


I went to a pro-life rally. There was a woman sitting in a lawn chair speaking to me, or so I thought. She had her head down while her mouth was going 90 to nothing! I answered “Excuse me?” Then I caught on to the gibberish. I said to my friend “What the hell?” My friend shushed me and informed me the woman was “speaking in tongues.” It was freaky.

Now if she spoke Klingon which is a new developed speech or spoke one of Tolkien’s languages, I would call that interesting. Neither is gibberish.


Word salad, maybe?? 🤭


Hahaha. That's good on more than one level. 🤣







a reason to go to church


I means you are fleecing old desperate people on tight incomes with a bunch of gobbledygook.

Some of these religious maniacs should be investigated.
Imagine being a shitheel that operates a Mega Church on TV, owns a mansion, enjoys a fleet of limos and a private jet and you need 100 bucks from someone's Granny's social security check?

Scum. It's sad that people fall for this nonsense.


To be fair, it isn't just megachurches or preachers on tv that believe in speaking in tongues. It happens at smaller churches too with people of different ages and financial backgrounds. Some church leaders are corrupt and greedy, as there are good and bad in every group and every occupation, but some are genuinely sincere and decent folk.


Fair enough. Faith can be a real grey area.I just strongly dislike the obvious hucksters that milk the poor or the aged.


It's in the New Testament so it's a legitimate part of Christianity. Whether these Christian fundies are doing it right is another issue.


That's an appropriate response. One of the better ones I've read.


Your first point is fair and true. And I too wonder how much utter deceit goes on within some of the ultra religious groups of all stripes.


I'm very curious how it started. Jews don't believe in it and there's nothing in the Old Testament about it. So it sprung up in the 1st Century.


You're the least and last person here to determine what's "fair and true" and an expert on "utter deceit", since you practice it constantly.




I think Frank said it best:


Zappa was a pretty strange, interesting guy.
I think religion is just fine and good for lots of people but when the leaders of them are clearly misguiding or ripping off the flock it's pretty sickening to me.


"I think religion is just fine and good for lots of people"

I totally agree with this, but it seems like the whole (no)tax situation just enables the "ripping off the flock" behavior...


This is the thing. If you went to an Episcopalian Church in a wealthy part of town, and some fool started thrashing around and "speaking in tongues", they'd call the paramedics.

If you go to a Baptist Church in the ghetto, and some fool starts thrashing around and "speaking in tongues", everyone would clap and say they were possessed by the Holy Spirit.

It's all cultural.


i never seen it in the anglican church where i grew up


Anglican is called Episcopalian in the U.S. Nor would they speak tongues in a Greek Orthodox Church. The priest would look at you like you're crazy.

It's in the Bible and it probably came from some ancient practice related to spirit possession. It reminds me of voodoo.


Actually it originated on the day of Pentecost, when Peter was speaking to the crowd. There were people there who didn't all speak the same language (tongue) and The Holy Spirit fell upon them so that all could understand. From what I've read, in the original text, the word "tongues" would be better translated ans "languages". It was about understanding what was being said in a language you didn't speak or understand. Not some gobbledegook that no one would understand. There is a lot written about it in the Bible and elsewhere. I believe that the "tongues movement" is 99% BS invented by charlatans. I had a friend who attended a Pentecostal church and he admitted that he faked it.


Very good & truthful reply. 👏🏻👏🏻


White churches have speaking in tongues, also. It depends on the denomination. I agree that there may be a socio-economic correlation, but plenty of churches in poor areas wouldn't put up with it.


Oh sure, it's more white than black. My point is moderate mainstream churches don't allow it. Catholics, Greek Orthodox and even Mormons don't do it.

This is funny:

Glossolalia is classified as a non-neurogenic language disorder.


I was told horror stories of people flailing and thrashing about on other churchgoers by someone who lived in the rural south.

This "holy spirit" church scene from Blues Brothers is classic:




It means selfmreflction and to get stronger.


how so?


You won't get an answer. She's speaking in tongues.


Thanks a whole hell of a lot! I just spit out my coffee! LOL!


Remember this huckster, Robert Tilton


now that's gibberish


Speaking in different languages which began at the Tower of Babel. The people were building a tower to heaven. They spoke the same language whereby they could speak and understand each other. God in a nutshell got pissed due to their pride & ambition. He decided confusion was needed so He put upon them the different languages.

”The Tower of Babel is a biblical story found in the Book of Genesis, specifically in Genesis 11. According to the biblical narrative, after the Great Flood, people spoke a single language and migrated to the land of Shinar (Babylonia). There, they decided to build a tower that would reach the heavens, intending to make a name for themselves and prevent being scattered across the earth.

God, displeased with their pride and ambition, decided to confuse their language so that they could no longer understand each other. This linguistic confusion led to the scattering of the people across the earth, and the tower construction was halted. As a result, the place was called Babel, which means "confusion." “

Thus, began the different languages world wide. Later in the New Testament people were surprised to find others who spoke their language. There could be a room full of people “speaking in their tongue”. Different people “speaking in tongues” was very confusing, but when needed the Holy Spirit permitted people to understand others. It’s the same today as there are people who can understand & speak different languages. Hence “Speaking in Tongues”. Different tongues equates to different languages.

Some church goers have taken that to mean the gobbley goop a person is speaking is “Speaking in Tongues”. I’ve watched those who are speaking gibberish & it’s silly.


either you speak another language or you don't


I answered your OP question. Please explain your reply.


i don't think they are speaking a language. it's more or less gibberish


I've experienced it firsthand and it does sound like gibberish, although its proponents refer to it as, "a heavenly language." I used to work with a large number of Pentecostals, known as "Holy Rollers", who were always inviting me to their church services. I befriended many of them and did attend, sometimes once a week. I actually prayed fervently for a brief spell, to receive this gift from the Holy Spirit and never did. The Bible refers to it as the lesser gift and advocates seeking the greater ones, such as the discernment of spirits or prophesying.


Buramdan Attaca Buramdan Ataccou... Boloney, Shimoeny, Hey Shimmy Shimmy ding dong de hoop de hoop, Humm baranda bing bang boom.
It's phony nonsense dope.

So unbelievable that you were a long haired hippie dummer in a band, and an army 'brat' and you went to "Holy Roller' weekly prayers. That make NO sense dummy. You stated you worked shitty jobs for multiple huge companies... where did you find the time to drive trucks and be a wild hippie all at once.
Your web of lies is falling apart.

You are fucking liar, the fakest piece of trash here and that is really saying something considering those pieces of garbage Keelai and Time Tunnel are still around despite nobody liking them. Whatever horseshit 'important' company that hired you deserved you dipshit. You probably crashed their trucks and stole from them you prick.


Who's got who "typing rants"? This one is the smoking gun demonstrating what a projecting, complete nutcase you are! 🙄🤣 The buttons I pushed 5 hours ago had a retroactive effect and you've been stewing in your garage, steadily getting drunk, summoning up the liquid courage to hurl this barrage of lunacy at me. Apparently you don't get enough rage out of your system with your daily commute. Ever hear of "alcoholic insanity"?,sometimes%20violence%20directed%20at%20others. Get some help you sick puppy.


I can only imagine how totally apeshit you would have gone if I had mentioned in the 'bodyguards' thread how I was once handpicked by my boss to work with the Secret Service during a visit by the POTUS to a university where I worked.


Two posts I won't read LOL, I REALLY did rile you up dope;)


You go on this unhinged, trenchmouth rant and then try to claim you got me riled up. Not only are you parroting me because you lack any originality, you're possibly the most projecting prick I've ever come across.
Whenever you make that claim of not reading a response from me, first, I don't believe it, second, I'm sure you've scanned at least enough to know it really nails you to the wall. It's an inconvenient truth you don't want to face. And third, it doesn't matter because others will read it.


TL;DR db LOL;)


Not only can I push your buttons with ease, I've been playing you like a fiddle. This short enough for you?




Yeah, so predictable. Now you're in your face-saving, phony nice guy mode, pretending to be dismissive and amused.




Do you think he types this stuff with one hand on his dick? I wouldn't be surprised if he's had a few strokes while he admires his responses.


douchebag has clearly not used his dick in 40 years, there is no way he can even find it anymore with his fat belly and there's NO way it even works anymore.

This is probably why he's a cranky db.


Says the unhinged lunatic who fantasizes about stabbing people with a screwdriver, or bashing their heads in with a framing hammer, the one who really has an obesity problem. And raging over my true life experiences because all he's got on his resume is painting fences and cutting grass.

A chronic whiner and a lifelong wannabe. No surprise you two losers hooked up and prop each other up.



You are really wound up db.
Happy to get to you again:)


Parroting again because you lack originality.

Are you commuting and in your road rage mode? Or are you ripping off New York taxpayers again by hovering on this board instead of doing your job?




Short enough for you, lying asshole?


fu db


Likewise, 50 year old punk. It's what I'M listening to.




It figures that you can't appreciate real rock music, shallow punk.


piss your diaper chump


They aren’t speaking a language. Please read my last sentence. The people speaking absolute gibberish took the scriptures and twisted them for their purpose. If you have a cacophony of different languages being spoken at the same time it could lead some people to take that as “speaking in tongues.”

” "And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from every nation under heaven. And at this sound the multitude came together, and they were bewildered, because each one was hearing them speak in his own language. And they were amazed and astonished, saying, "Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us in his own native language?" - Acts 2:4-8


No, you're not addressing what ancient Christians meant by speaking in tongues. It doesn't refer to foreign languages, but to some ecstatic spirit possession. It's some ancient practice absorbed by early Christians.

Your excerpts from Acts are not what is being discussed in Corinthians.

1 Corinthians 14 :: NIV. Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy. For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God. Indeed, no one understands him; he utters mysteries with his spirit.


Not so. You need to read the whole chapter.

1 Corinthians 14 NIV

” 9 So it is with you. Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you are saying? You will just be speaking into the air.
10 Undoubtedly there are all sorts of languages in the world, yet none of them is without meaning.
11 If then I do not grasp the meaning of what someone is saying, I am a foreigner to the speaker, and the speaker is a foreigner to me.
12 So it is with you. Since you are eager for gifts of the Spirit, try to excel in those that build up the church.
13 For this reason the one who speaks in a tongue should pray that they may interpret what they say.
14 For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful.
15 So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my understanding; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my understanding.
16 Otherwise when you are praising God in the Spirit, how can someone else, who is now put in the position of an inquirer, say “Amen” to your thanksgiving, since they do not know what you are saying?

Verse 16 totally clarifies “speaking in tongues”.

In other words if the language I use for speaking & praying among those who don’t understand, the scriptures state only God understands me.

This is what I mean by taking a verse or two out of context and using it/them for your purpose…not God’s.


I don't look at this religiously. I see it sociologically.

But thank you. It looks like the whole idea of "speaking in tongues" as interpreted by Pentecostals may have been a misunderstanding of translation.

Perhaps we'll have a Holy Roller here who would like to debate your theory that "speaking in tongues" was more akin to hearing people speak Spanish or Hindi at the market, than about some secret language of the Holy Ghost.


LOL! “Holy Roller” 😅😂🤣 But, I thank you. I sought out scriptures which I should do daily. I’m falling down on the job of being a “Bible Thumper”! 🤭
