MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Anybody still wearing face masks?

Anybody still wearing face masks?

COVID-19 still exists, but in my country face masks have all but disappeared. I've held on to mine so I will be prepared for the next pandemic. Whether they actually did any good, other than to assuage people's fears, is up for debate.

I say this as someone who had COVID-19 twice. The first time was in April 2021. I was vaccinated later that summer, but then had it again in January 2023. Both times it was no more severe than a four-day chest cold. For the last 6 months, masks have virtually disappeared.


Nope i was against this mask nonsense since day one. If the woke libs want to wear masks fine. They cross the line though when they try to bully and force others to wear masks though. All I know if this crap happens again and some woke lib fucks with me for not wearing a mask, there will be problems.

The covid protocols are the work of the devil, plain and simple.

Edit: I also don’t get people that wear masks during the fking summer as well. I guess people are uneducated or just plain stupid to realize that the sun produces vitamin D which helps fight off sickness.


I'm in that camp too, which is why I never got a custom mask.


Actually, your body produces Vitamin D. The sun just emits photons that the body uses when producing the vitamin. So there! Now you are smarter.


Nope you need both. The fact of the matter is that sunlight and vitamin D go hand in hand when confronting illness so yeah.


Who disputed that? I just pointed out that the Sun does not produce Vitamin D, only photons. Now you're even smarter.


But for the vitamin d to form you still need sunlight. Try again.


No one is arguing that 🤣, Unless the sun creates stable molecules of vitamin D and beams them across space for our bodies to absorb, then it does not produce Vitamin D. So you go ahead and keep trying until you can reach smartenization. You've got a long way to go. Now stop arguing something you clearly are wrong about. That's like saying a bell ringing produced saliva in Pavlov's dogs. The bell did not produce saliva, the dog's salivary glands did. The ringing was merely the catalyst. Simple enough for ya? If you're going to try to use science to support whichever of the crooked political parties you follow, then you should probably understand science just a little bit.


You sound like a bitter lib that is mad because I think the whole mask issue is nonsense. The sun does produce vitamin d along with the body because you can’t have one without the other. Same case with the Pavlov bells.

Go ahead and stay bitter though.


lol you still can't understand the simple concept even when broken down for ya in nice little parcels of information, so I'll save myself any further effort of trying to enlighten you as it is a lost cause apparently. It's been cracking me up all morning, so bitter I certainly am not. As for being a liberal or whatever - nope. They are just as corrupt as all the conservative politicians. And followers of both parties fall for it over and over again like silly monkeys. Shoo, you silly monkey!


Ok whatever have fun trolling.




It’s rare to see masks anymore, just a few at work or at the shops. I think they helped and if a few people feel comfortable still wearing them so be it.


so be it? NO!
everyone must do EXACTLY as everyone else says. that is pure freedom.




We’d all run out of ammo if we had no rules.

I support polite society👌


I think people should do as they feel is right, it’s not my health, let them have at it if it makes them feel safe.


I was just messing around :)


It’s all good ✌️


No. I usually have one with me in case I find myself anywhere where it's required, but I haven't worn one in months.


Same. I keep a couple in the car but never see them required anymore around here.





I see people in the local malls wearing them but not that many.


No. I use them to wipe my ass now.

Signed, million man.


Ha good one! Probably more useful as tp than as “ppe”.


No. I wore an N-95 at the height of the pandemic indoor public spaces. Only thing worth something against viruses.

I occasionally see people wearing masks while shopping. I don't know if all have a compromised immune system but they're either surgical or cloth masks.


I like to wear face masks on my balls.



I didn't know that they made masks that small.


They’re considerate that way.

