MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Anybody still wearing face masks?

Anybody still wearing face masks?

COVID-19 still exists, but in my country face masks have all but disappeared. I've held on to mine so I will be prepared for the next pandemic. Whether they actually did any good, other than to assuage people's fears, is up for debate.

I say this as someone who had COVID-19 twice. The first time was in April 2021. I was vaccinated later that summer, but then had it again in January 2023. Both times it was no more severe than a four-day chest cold. For the last 6 months, masks have virtually disappeared.


I still see them occasionally at the grocery store and at large public gatherings, I assume the folks wearing them are immunocompromised(I live in Vermont, USA...)


i haven't since last year.




I'm not scared of some silly flu that was overblown in the news. I only wore masks because I couldn't go grocery shopping or interact with any business/medical facility without one during 2021 and 2022. I'd wear them so long as I was in the building in question, but took them off the moment I got outside and away from the building.

If it makes you feel better, having type O blood makes you more resistant to the virus (well, if you know you have type O). There was a Chinese study done during the pandemic that revealed people with Type O had the lowest number of infections, whereas type A & AB had the highest rate of infection. Not sure what they have to say about Type B blood.


Not for nothing but I trust the Chinese government about as much as I trust Vladimir Putin’s Russian government Mob.

May they all wind up at the bottom of a river with two shots behind the ear.


I still wear my mask in medical facilities. I don't know who in there might be immunocompromised, and I don't know what I might be carrying.

Edit to say that we have had some days here recently with really bad air quality. Like over 10 on the AQHI, and I have worn an N95 outside on those days.


Canada has "shared" its poor air quality with us here in Minnesota, and no, I'm not blaming anyone for it. We've had a number of air quality alerts here this spring and summer, and it is often recommended for those with health conditions to wear N-95 masks if they need to be outdoors for any length of time. I actually have worn an N-95 mask couple of times when I had a few things to do outside. I still have a number of new N-95s that I will keep because I'm not so sure we won't have another round of Covid or some other virus.


I will keep my masks and wear them if I have a cold or something but still need to go out. Other than wearing my mask to protect from smoke, I've never worn my mask to protect myself. It's to protect others from what I might have.


From smoke?


I'm not sure what you mean.

If you are referring to me wearing a mask when I am sick, no that would not be from smoke.


I meant the part in your post when you said you wear a mask because of smoke

I will keep my masks and wear them if I have a cold or something but still need to go out. Other than wearing my mask to protect from smoke, I've never worn my mask to protect myself

What smoke? you mean when you go to a BBQ or light an incest stick or burn some toast you put a COVID mask on?


No. The smoke from the forest fires. It's been really bad here. More than one day this summer our air quality has been the worst on the planet. That's why I mentioned the AQHI (air quality health index). Anything above a 7 is high risk for health issues and we've had a few days over 10.


Exactly. Daft_Monks must not live in a place that experiences wildfires or an area where smoke from wildfires has drifted. for those in the US.


I don't, I live in Nottingham and we don't have wildfires.


Oh ok, that makes sense.


Also, not a bad idea to wear them during flu season. I probably will, and I agree that it's about protecting others as much as myself.


Screw protecting others.

The “protecting others” always sounds like some self righteous virtue signaling fake do gooder nonsense to me. Funny how people all of f the sudden “care” about others when I seriously doubt that people gave a shit about the welfare of others before the hoax virus.

If people truly cared about others there wouldn’t be world hunger or homelessness around the world. God people sound so fake when they use the”I care about others” excuse when wearing a mask.


You know what? I think this is bullshit. Maybe a lot of people don't give a shit, but to say that it's

some self righteous virtue signaling fake do gooder nonsense
really is sad.

I have had a few rounds of chemo over the past couple of years which targeted my immune system. Namely the lymphocytes (T and B cells). First round was before covid, and I was told to be really careful when being out and about. The crap that I saw people do, like sneezing into their hands and then touching things on grocery shelves, was disgusting. If covid made people think about the germs they could be spreading when sick, and maybe make some people consider wearing a mask when they do have a virus of some kind, makes you think people are fake. I feel really sorry for your experiences in the world.

I don't want to make others sick. I'm not "afraid", but I actually do care about other people. I will continue to be considerate to others because I don't know who has immune issues. I don't know who might have a sick child, parent, spouse, or grandparent that they are taking care of. I don't just say screw protecting others with illnesses the same way I don't drive drunk, or drive on the wrong side of the street.


I have asthma, so I also have a disease that can be potentially life threatening...

With that said, I still think the MAJORITY of people do this fake fake and superficial reasons. Not everyone, but a lot of people. You say that you see people sneeze and touch stuff but guess what? You're more than likely going to catch a germ because you touched the surface and risk touching your face afterwards. It's not really the masks per se, but protecting your hands and sanitizing surfaces.

Like I said earlier though, as a person with Asthma, I'm am also a person that believes in personal freedom as well. We risk our lives when we go out everyday but does that mean we should ban everything in the name of "being good"?

You mention drunk driving so should we ban alcohol? Or mandate that LE should set up DUI checkpoints and basically stop every car rather a person is drunk or. not? Cigarettes and general air pollution aren't mandated and those endanger far more lives than those of "COVID".

I don't care if you choose to wear a mask or not really. The only thing I care about is you do what you think is "healthy" and "right", but leave me alone and let me choose if I want to wear a mask or not.


do you drive on the correct side of the road?

or are you all like "Fuck you I wont do what ya tell me , I'll drive on the pavement if i want , whsat it got to do with you?"


Dumb analogy try again hipster.


I've just noticed sslssg used the same "sie of the road" analogy .
I guess were just really struggling to comprehend how much of an asshole you are .
You kind of covered it yourself really :

Screw protecting others.
.. self righteous virtue signaling fake do gooder nonsense to me.
Funny how people all of f the sudden “care” about others
people sound so fake when they use the”I care about others” excuse when wearing a mask.

You are clearly someone who gives zero shits about anyone else .
So much so that you will endanger their lives by refusing to wear a mask to protect them.

Obviously you will then break any other social conventions you can that make your life easier

like emptying all your mcDonalds wrappers all over the road , parking in disables spaces etc etc
hey , who cares fuck everyone else
you're under no obligation to help anyone else


I know how dare I care about my personal freedom right?

And I would rather be an honest asshole than a fake person like yourself that only “cares” about others to virtue signal.

When did you people care about the welfare of others before 2020? You didn’t.

Also it took you people a plandemic for you to all of the sudden “care”for others? And you call me the asshole?

Fuck outta here with your fake concern for others.


The situation was , during the pandemic, that you're potentially carrying a highly contagious highly dangerous disease*.

What give you the right to walk around public places spreading it around ?

Would you do the same if you had Ebola?

*(lets not get into how deadly or not covid is - the information at the time was that its highly dangerous, and certainly enough people died from it)

Another example of the exact same situation:
Suppose I owned an angry dangerous pitbull dog.
Do I have the right to walk it around off the lead not worrying if it eats a baby?
Because we dont have to worry about other people do we?


Dumb analogy try again hipster.


well thats 3 analogies and you dont like any .

Lets just review your position instead.

You think its OK to get on a crowded bus , without a mask that will stop you infecting others should you happen to have the disease , because ... freedumm?


Prove that I’m infecting others.


well , the thing about rapidly spreading contagious disease is that you dont know who is infecting others - so everybody takes the necessary precautions just IN CASE they are one of the people infecting others .

or if they dont want to do that they stay at home.
choices! freedom!


The pro mask crowd can stay home then. Don’t ruin my life with your unnatural habits and incompetence.


You're more than likely going to catch a germ because you touched the surface and risk touching your face afterwards

Exactly. If that person who was sick and sneezing wore a mask, then surfaces wouldn't be as dangerous. Hence why I say that I will wear a mask when I am sick, not when I'm healthy.

Like moviechatter said below and you called a a dumb analogy, that was the point I was making. We choose to drive on the right side of the road so we don't hurt other people, as well as ourselves. When I mention drunk driving, I mean that the majority of the people on this planet don't drive drunk. We take cabs, or Ubers, or have a DD. I do liken that to wearing a mask as I think that we do it to protect other people, as well as ourselves.

I don't care if you choose to wear a mask or not really. The only thing I care about is you do what you think is "healthy" and "right", but leave me alone and let me choose if I want to wear a mask or not.

I'm not forcing anyone to wear a mask. I'm hoping that this pandemic has made more people aware of the germs they are capable of spreading. I'm hoping that when people are sick, they will stay home, or if they have to go out they will consider other people and perhaps wear a mask. That's all. If you are happy saying screw other people, that's you. I'm hoping more people choose to care.


Fair enough with your points. The funny thing is though nobody cared about each other’s health and safety when h1n1 was around and I felt far more sick at that time then 2020.

That’s why I say people only care on a fake and superficial level because they need the media and the government to tell them to care rather than taking the initiative.

Also in stopped caring for sure when the liberal politicians were getting caught violating their own protocols. If they’re not taking it seriously why should I?


It's funny. We had masks in my office for H1N1. They weren't required, but they were there to wear if you wanted them.

Also in stopped caring for sure when the liberal politicians were getting caught violating their own protocols. If they’re not taking it seriously why should I?

Yeah, well if I based my behaviour off of the behaviour of any politician on any side of the spectrum I'd be a pretty shitty person.


And that’s how masks should be, optional.


Yeah, well during a global pandemic, I disagree.

Sure covid ended up not being as deadly as we were first lead to believe, but what about the next one? All this showed me is that if we end up having a really deadly airborne virus, we are pretty much dead because too many people only think of themselves.


Why would you disagree if you said Covid wasn’t serious? See and that’s the problem with the mask gestapo and why I look down upon them and treat them like second class citizens. They can’t leave people alone and harass them till they conform to their agenda. If your mask “works” so well then why are you concerned about others not Wes them?


Because my mask doesn't protect me from you. It protects you from me.


Ok and I’m not asking you to “protect “ me so yeah.


And this is why as a society we are fucked. Again I take it back to driving. Do you only drive sober, on the right side of the road, and stopping at lights because you don't want to damage your car? Do you stop for pedestrians only because you don't want to be arrested? We live in a world where there are people other than ourselves. To completely disregard their wellbeing?? Well that's not who I am, nor is it the world I want to live in.

The thing with Covid, and other viruses is that they spread before we know we are infected with them. That's why you were asked to wear a mask. You might not want someone to protect you, but there are people who do need protecting.


I still see a few people at my gym working out and actually wearing mask while doing so. It's all I can do not to tell them how bad that is for them.. but it's their choice. Most abandoned them a long time ago.

I remember some guy on a message boasting about how he always wore a mask when running outside. He felt like he was a real hero saving the world. Some people really get stuck with the ideology they chose to follow.

I never wore one unless required to..At work, thank goodness, it only lasted about a week and after that was voluntary. Other businesses took many, many months to loosen the grip. I think it was only late last year for hospitals and Drs offices.




From early on, the real expert like the one from South Korea has explained that COVID virus can enter our body through various routes, including the mouth, nose, and eyes. Wearing face mask only covered mouth and nose and they are not filtering 100% virus. That's why wearing face mask is just part of the protection measure, avoiding crowed places as much as we could and everyone wear N95 masks in such high risk setting are more essential during pandemics.

laboratory experiments with mice have shown that reducing the amount of virus that enters the body can increase the chances of avoiding severe illness. This is because the severity of COVID-19 is often related to the amount of virus that infects the body. Good quality face masks such as N95 respirator masks can help protect against viruses like COVID-19 to some degree, otherwise scientists in bio labs and doctors in hospital won't have to wear them.

During a pandemic, public places like shopping malls are generally considered to be higher risk areas for virus transmission compared to bio-labs and hospitals. This is because bio-labs and hospitals have strict protocols and safety measures in place to prevent the spread of viruses, whereas public places are often crowded and lack the same level of control over environmental factors.

Wearing an N95 mask in public places can still be a good idea, especially in high-risk settings such as crowded indoor spaces, public transportation, and healthcare facilities, regardless of whether or not you have been vaccinated. This is because the vaccines are less and less effective over the time as the virus continues to evolve.

Protection doesn't work for some people because they don't know how to use it properly. The same goes with face mask.


wrt "This is because the severity of COVID-19 is often related to the amount of virus that infects the body.", this is broadly not true. Site of initial infection in the body seems to be more important.
If you take a second to think about how the infection and replication process works you will see why... It doesn't make much difference if the initial infection involves one virion or ten getting past your immune system when one infected cell will release ~10,000 into your body.

"The cited study found severe lung pathology, inflammatory cell infiltrates, consolidation, alveolar septal thickening, fibrin deposits, and edema in the majority of mice. In addition, fibrin thrombi and significant neutrophilic inflammation, with a few mice displaying pneumocyte hyperplasia, suggestive of significant damage. This discordance in lung pathology severity between the two K18-hACE2 studies most likely is due to a slightly higher viral load (10⁴ PFU compared with 2 × 10⁴ PFU) or potentially a difference in hACE2 expression.76,86 In either case, the K18-hACE2 mouse model replicates key features of lung pathology caused by SARS-CoV-2 in humans."


Think of it in terms of probability... imagine a susceptible person is in a room with a contagious person (not a "superspreader") for ~30 minutes. There's about 1 in 100 chance that the susceptible person will get infected. This infection is caused by only 1 virion that gets past the immune system to cause an infection that the body cannot clear quickly. For the 1 in 10,000 people where this is 2 virions, that isn't going to cause a huge difference to how the body deals with the infection as a whole.

A starting point of 1 or 2 infected cells makes little difference when the burst is in the thousands. On a replication model, you wouldn't be able to tell which was which.


I think, the probability of a cell (infected or not) might divide into more cells in your replication model needs to be drastically reduced to match reality. Not to mention, infected cells also need to evade the host immune system in order to continue to replicate and spread the virus.


Viral replication has nothing to do with an infected cell dividing.
Burst is the average virions produced over an infected cell's lifetime.
The immune system sees no reason to target an infected cell during the eclipse period.
Now not all of those virions will go on to infect other cells, but the proportion that will is relatively easy to estimate, and is similar to other coronaviruses.
So, going back to the hypothetical example, even if it was a superspreader event that resulted in the susceptible person having several cells infected at once, it still "saves" no more than one replication cycle in terms of total viral load in the body.


Viral replication has nothing to do with an infected cell dividing.

This is not entirely correct, is it? One infected cell dividing into more infected cells is surely another way that coronavirus can spread within an individual and contribute to the severity of disease. In some even worse cases, viruses can cause infected cells to enter a state of rapid cell division, leading to the formation of multinucleated cells or syncytia. Several studies have reported the presence of multinucleated cells in lung tissues from individuals who died from severe COVID-19. These findings suggest that SARS-CoV-2 infection can cause infected cells to enter a state of rapid cell division in vivo, contributing to the development of severe respiratory illness.

The immune system sees no reason to target an infected cell during the eclipse period.

Our immune system employs various strategies to detect and eliminate infected cells throughout the course of a viral infection. For example, CD8+ T cells can identify viral antigens presented on the surface of infected cells and kill infected cells even during the eclipse period. Other immune cells like natural killer cells and macrophages can also recognize and clear infected cells through non-antigen-specific mechanisms.

In the study I mentioned above, the mice group who took double doses of the virus experienced more severe symptoms. With such practical evidence. Do we still need to continue your hypothetical example?
