MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Anybody still wearing face masks?

Anybody still wearing face masks?

COVID-19 still exists, but in my country face masks have all but disappeared. I've held on to mine so I will be prepared for the next pandemic. Whether they actually did any good, other than to assuage people's fears, is up for debate.

I say this as someone who had COVID-19 twice. The first time was in April 2021. I was vaccinated later that summer, but then had it again in January 2023. Both times it was no more severe than a four-day chest cold. For the last 6 months, masks have virtually disappeared.


I do but only to do magic tricks on YouTube.


Yes, but only when robbing liquor stores.


I haven't seen any in more than a year.


I still see people here and there, but the only time I wore them was when it was required by wherever I was at.


Yeah, N95 with valve when the wildfire smoke is high.

I have a big stack of K94 which I will wear during cold and flu season because I don’t like colds or the flu or covid or any germs that incubated in the noses of filthy humans.




It doesn't matter who has corona. What matters is our plan. No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.


Yes. I still see people wearing them and I wear mine. I also see people wearing them on their chin ready to pull them up when they're needed.
