MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > This story absolutely sickens and appals...

This story absolutely sickens and appals me. About transgender woman swimmer beating records and competing against biological women.

See link below. Why is this happening in America? THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN. The NCAA and this athlete "Lia Thomas" should be ashamed of themselves. Biological women should compete against biological women. It's not transphobic to say that.

It's sad that "Lia's" teammates are scared to hold protests for fear of being labelled transphobic and lose potential future employment opportunities.

Absolutely sickening. Your thoughts on this?

Link to story:


This thread is going to get deleted by the mods.






This will be classified as politics to prevent the discussion from turning political.


I did post this on politics board too.


Shouldn't it be classified as politics when and if it turns political. Doesn't really make sense to me to pre-emptively decide what is and isn't political.


This is exactly why "Lia's" teammates don't want to speak out against or protest for fear of repercussions. If you can't talk about these issues then it will only worsen. It's not right.


I'm just saying that I've seen posts get deleted for less. It's happened to me.


Nazi admins


Do you care to weigh your opinion on this topic before this post in case gets deleted?


People will always have some form of advantage from birth, but identifying as another gender while taking medication to be that gender is simply unfair.

As someone once said to me, if you are what you feel, then go buy goat milk from a goat that thinks it's a cow and tell me what you taste.


Hey! I like goats milk.


But it won't taste like cow's milk.


I agree. I still sympathise with transgender athletes but it's not really fair. Until they can properly adresss the fairness issue, I think being to inclusive for the sake of it is just wrong.


Back when "Lia" was competing against men, he/she was actually below average. But as soon as "Lia" switched to the women's team, "Lia" all of sudden becomes the top athlete in the women's division and smashing records. šŸ˜’


If the transgender want equal rights then they should set up their own division. Kinda like the Gay Olympics. Am I right???


Transgender Olympics lol. The problem is they claim to be the same as biological women. So they will call that transphobic and segregation under prohibitions on "separate but equal".

This controversy about biological "males" competing in women's sports will be what undoes this transgender movement - or at least the most extreme elements of it.


Shame on NCAA and other sports organizations for even allowing this to happen.

Another good point I want to raise is that you NEVER hear of trans men defeating biological men. There is a reason for that. Am I right??


If the gays can have their own Olympics then the trans should have their own.

But I think gays should compete in "straight" competitions because their sexuality has no bearing on the competition. Unlike trans woman who have an inherent unfair advantage. That's the big difference. Am I right?


I'm "gay" but I have always ignored the Gay Olympics. That's like having a black Olympics. And they probably have one. Lol.

But as far as I know there has never been discrimination in the real Olympics on the basis of homosexuality because we've always been there and we need no special support. It may be safe to say that because ancient Greece accepted bisexuality as the norm, the ancient Olympics were already queer anyway.

So no, a Gay Olympics is unnecessary.

And you put it beautifully, sexual preference has no bearing on sports performance. However, biology DOES.

I did some quick googling, and it sounds like the Gay Olympics includes trans athletes. So maybe that's the place for them. I just object to people confusing transgender with homosexual. They are very different states of being.


Athletes in the classic Greek Olympics competed in the nude.

Olympic gold medalist diver Greg Louganis is gay.

You are right. Sexual preference is not even an issue; but biology and chromosomes are an issue.

I am familiar with the Paralympic Games. There are some bilateral leg amputees who have ordered prosthetic legs significantly longer than their natural limbs to give themselves a much longer running stride. This practice was banned.


Louganis is Greek and gay. šŸ¤£

Interesting about the Paralympics. Fools will cheat at everything!


Strictly speaking, they were not cheating at that time, because there was no rule that had anticipated this kind of skulduggery; but there soon became one. Rule or no rule, it was a clever and shitty thing to do.


And the women's lib movement too.


Transgender Olympics. Gay or straight doesn't matter.

First we need to look at why there are women competitions in the first place. It was because men dominates the sport and audiences wanted to see women compete too. Then they made an exclusive competition played by women only so men can't dominate it.

Therefore, if turned out transgenders are dominating the women only sports then they should make another women only sport, this time really women only, transgenders not included, when people demands it.

Now, it's not as clear cut as this, because sometimes there were sexist reasons as well. I think if some women (or transgenders, or whatever) can and are competitive in the highest levels it shouldn't be stopped to join the men sports.

Some sports allows that. Rally racing, for example had a female racing driver competing in the world class beating men drivers left and right. All non-contact non-team sports should do this, like tennis, golf, etc.

Even acting should not be separated by sex / gender because why? Can't actresses be better at acting againts actors? There is no best female director category at the Oscars. There is no best female composer category. There is no best female special effects category. Why are there best female acting categories? Because sexist Hollywood doesn't want a woman to be able to beat a man in acting. At least a man will always win the best actor. So ridiculous!

Anyhow, to make it really fair, sports should just do free-for-all top level competitions where everyone can play as long as they have the skillz.

The ones that can't compete at the highest level can make their own competitions limited by whatever arbitrary criteria. For example, by body weight class, women-only, transgender-only, women and transgenders allowed (no-men only), paraplegic only, seniors only, youth only, kids only, Americans only, etc.


Even acting should not be separated by sex / gender because why? Can't actresses be better at acting againts actors? There is no best female director category at the Oscars. There is no best female composer category. There is no best female special effects category. Why are there best female acting categories? Because sexist Hollywood doesn't want a woman to be able to beat a man in acting. At least a man will always win the best actor. So ridiculous!

I see your point but I have to disagree with you there. Obviously a director is a director and to have a best female director and a best male director would be blatantly sexist. Gender has no bearing on directing. The same is not true in acting.

I applaud the differences between men and women. I love it. (Otherwise what's the point in being gay or straight?) And that's why it's absurd for transwomen, biological males, to compete against women in sports. But you can't extrapolate that to acting, since most acting roles have gender written into the character.

But I fear that soon the gender neutralists will try to eliminate the difference between best actor and best actress as well. I think that's foolish.

Sexual equality - YES. Transgender rights - don't discriminate based on gender choice alone. But lets be real and accept the biological differences between males and females.


since most acting roles have gender written into the character.

That's the most pretentious bollock I've ever read.


Really? Say you're casting for a remake of "Basic Instinct" about a married man who has an affair with a woman who begins stalking him. Can a woman play the "married man"? Yeah, sure, it's possible. But are you really gonna cast a woman for that role? The script specifies a man.

If you change the whole story around and have a man stalking a woman, or a woman stalking her lesbian lover, that changes the script.

Movie roles have gender.

You're confusing jobs like director and composer which have no gender, with onscreen roles which can and usually do specify a male or a female.


Wtf? Dumbest thing I read this morning! Hahahaha probably the winner today too!


I like cheezels




I like Wotsits.


This is exactly what Feminists have been fighting for. The Left love to create monsters that later turn on them.


Yup.reap what you sow. Enjoy! :)


Yep. Perhaps the best solution would be to start up a Trans Games and they could have a big "?" as their emblem?


This story is really old.
Pretty sure you are too.
And just like an old grandpa, you repeat the same thing over and over (posting your indignant rant in both "general" and "politics").
Need to make sure you bore EVERYBODY in the house, right old man?
Sorry gramps, gotta give you the big "ignore" button and send you to the angry old man pit now šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


Me: "Damn, girl, are you a Snickers bar? Coz you're so sweet and satisfying and surprisingly hard and.... Wait a sec, are those nuts?"

Preemptive disclaimer: THIS COMMENT IS A JOKE, LAME AS IT IS.


that was great!

and I'm sad you have to use a disclaimer for the mentally challenged, but I understand :)


Itā€™s not fair, it should not be allowed, but of course most people wonā€™t say it for fear of being called a ā€˜haterā€™ or some suchā€¦


What's ironic though is the ones complaining the most would consider themselves "Tolerant" and "SJW" in nature!


Yeah, I donā€™t have any problems with trans people in general or any of that stuff but if my teenaged daughter had to compete in an athletic event against a biologically male athlete I would call bullshit on that

Itā€™s just not fair, there is a size, strength and speed difference between men and women, despite how a small number of people may feel about their genderā€¦I donā€™t begrudge trans people their rights at all but this just seems unfair to young women who want to compete and win

Whatā€™s next, a trans male punching a woman in MMA or boxing?

It just seems wrong


You mean someone like Australian Hannah Mouncey has an unfair advantage over naturally born females?

I'm sure Trans women beating up on women will happen soon, if it hasn't already! The above link is Aussie football which is very physical, there is no way the opposing female player would be able to stop Hannah.


Hannah is very large, that just seems unfairā€¦

Let the Trans people start their own sports leagues, nobody would begrudge them that, they can support each other, the rest of us can go do our thing and mind our business


Sometimes it can be hard to tell with trans and I can see that maybe that person was born in the wrong body as they like to say.

I donā€™t get that with ā€œHannahā€ though. I see a big bloke who probably couldnā€™t make it playing against men so switched genders.

And that is something that needs to be considered. How many male athletes desperate for their moment in sports would go to this extreme? Sounds crazy but I think there would be athletes who would do it.


Males and females should not physically compete against each other, itā€™s not right

I have no hate for guys that think they are girls, thatā€™s something they can probably talk to a licensed therapist about but if one of them whooped my daughter in a competition Iā€™d certainly have a lot to say!
Itā€™s just not right
