MovieChat Forums > SilenceByWolf

SilenceByWolf (1868)


Is there anything worse than Nickeback? Can you guys recommend me a good quality TV for a good price? Remember back in late 90s when the biggest issue in the country was whether a blowjob was "real" sex or not? Dang... She did not age well at all! What were you doing in 1998? Which of these gifts would you rather have? Did not age very well. View all posts >


Perhaps choppers were way cheaper back in 1994. [I]--Michael D. Clark[/i] Dang. 20 minutes is pure torture. And to think the victims were mainly women, children, elderly and disabled. I've heard stories about people's eyeballs being ripped out and people being trampled on. And that there were urine, vomit and feces everywhere. Horrifying.... What is wrong with being pro-LGBT? I nominate Michael D. Clarke to be greatest poster in Moviechat history. We should all strive to be like Michael D. Clarke. Isn't she really old now? It's kinda cringe-worthy to hear a 65 year old singing "Like a Virgin". This old bat should be cooped up by the fireplace knitting yarn or something. She needs to act her age! Isn't she really old now? It's kinda cringe-worthy to hear a 65 year old singing "Like a Virgin". This old bat should be cooped up by the fireplace knitting yarn or something. She needs to act her age. Seems like you and Kowalski have a hard-on for each other. Get a room you two! I kinda figured 8K is a ripoff. Thanks. I don't understand why 30 year olds get them. 30!!! She married MJ!! View all replies >