MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Tipping Etiquette: Pickup Orders

Tipping Etiquette: Pickup Orders

First off I think tipping is terrible, it is well documented that there is a lot of bias. For example, attractiveness is rewarded more than service quality. Servers should just be bumped up to a normal minimum wage.

Anyways... my understanding has always been that you do not tip unless you have been served or delivered to - with bartenders being an exception for some reason. But many restaurants are opening where you either pick up your food, or order it at the a counter. Most of the machines start with a minimum 20% default tip. I feel bad not tipping, should I? is the tip still warranted when there is no server service?


Tipping has become a joke and the standard for when appropriate doesn't mean anything anymore. Tipping should be eliminated and just raise pay to an acceptable level.


I never tip for pick up, why should I? I placed the order and did the driving.

For waiters, Bar-Men and small business guys that come to my house to repair stuff I can’t fix I tip pretty generously

Maybe it’s a stupid New York thing but I tip very heavily


I agree 100%, although it’s interesting to know that there’s no tipping in Australia.


You would know better than me as I am not really a traveling adventure sort of guy but I’ve heard that tipping is not even a thing in some areas

On my honeymoon in Mexico with my sweet Wifey we were told that tipping was not allowed at the resort…Bullshit, we threw cash at every house cleaner and bar tender we met, we had booze and towels all week long👍


I’m the same - tip well for good service (especially where the staff are being paid a pittance).

Even in Australia, there was one guy, who was clearly struggling with our luggage (by ours, I mean my wife’s) and I made sure he got a well deserved tip.


LOL, your Lady Love sounds just like mine, too many shoes and too many handbags, more luggage than an Army could need, you’re lucky to have one closet to yourself!

What do you do with these Ladies..? Just say ‘Yes babe, whatever you want.’


You do realise I bought a bigger house and turned one of the bedrooms into a walk-in wardrobe just to handle her clothes.


Keeping The sweet Lady happy often requires extreme measures, trust me, I get it…The alternative is hellish and you lose half your stuff!


Happy wife, happy life.


Buddy, we are hosting a big bunch of the Family for Easter Sunday tomorrow and I’m 80% done with the house cleaning, gardening and furniture re-arranging…We are just the muscle, these Women are in charge🙄


Yep! Exactly the same when we throw a garden party.


Our Ladies can be a bit ‘bossy’ but where the hell would we have wound up without them?

I’d very likely be in the County Jail for various charges right now if not for my Girl…Not a joke, I was pretty crazy 20 years ago:/
I was a risk-taking, violent dickhead

So I don’t mind all of the house chores and her endless blabbing on about nothing, she’s a cutie and She made me two fine kids

I’ll sweep her floors and rake her lawn forever👍


I’d probably be living in Cambodia, drinking beer, listening to rock music, playing pool, watching the footie and living the life of a bachelor.

Instead, ‘Sunny’ Bournemouth, drinking beer, listening to rock music, playing pool, watching the footie and taking the family on holiday.

Not much difference - the first one can get a bit boring after a while.


You really do impress me Andy, no lie!

I was on my way to being a career idiot in my mid to late twenties…I did a lot of stupid things and was always busy with the stupid fighting

I admire how grounded you are, I’m pretty sane nowadays too, it’s a bit of work but I do appreciate the calmness of it all


Well, that’s awfully nice of you to say so old chap.

I was lucky enough to get to a position of financial security quite quickly and, although I do like nice things, I’ve realised that my needs are really quite simple, so there’s no massive pressure in life.


It took me a long time to appreciate what I had and what I could earn, it took too long tbh…I was an angry young man trying to fight my way up the ‘ladder’

All of those beatings given and taken taught me a lot, it’s not the winning you remember but all of the lessons you learned when you caught a good cuffing to the chin and the balls

It’s great that you made it Pal, I’m doing good things over here, it would be swell to meet you some day, you are Top People.


‘A man is judged, not in the manner in which he is knocked down, but in the way he gets back up.’

I have that written underneath one of the Velox windows in the Manpad.

Everybody gets knocks in life - some deal with them better than others.

I’ll let you know when the King family are over your way now restrictions are being relaxed.


I like the quote Andy, I’ve been in more fights than I can remember, I lost a few, I won several dozen but I never quit, tasting my own blood in my mouth kept me strangling and kicking at the bastards

You and yours are always welcome here Amigo

*eta: sorry, that closing line was crazy and not at all welcoming, apologies, swing by, the liquor cabinet is full and I’ve got the classic Rock playing



The first quote applies to all things in life - dealing with a break up, losing a job, a flood, a fire, you name it.

The quote under the other window is, ‘Your only limitation is your own imagination.’

The third one is, ‘The hand that gives, receives.’

I like to think I follow these.


I've never heard of anyone tipping a maintenance/repair man. Los Angeles.


I've seen it as an option on electronic invoices, where you pay by credit card using the remote scanning device workers carry with them in the truck. There's the total for the work done and then a line asking if you would like to add a tip, with 15% or 20% as suggestions with the amounts already calculated.

I find this a bit pushy and presumptuous. I have no problem with tipping for a job well done, but that should be up to the customer.

For the record, I do tip generously, especially when it's for an emergency call and the repair guys had to juggle their schedule to provide a service appointment.


New York over here, and I hear what you are saying, most contractors and landscapers are annoying bastards and thieves, I find White and Black men to be awful workers, they seem to think the world owes them money and a living…piss off!
I’ve paid top dollar to White and Black crews to do work on my houses over the years, they all stink

I had a tiny Hispanic guy clean my roof gutters today, it’s a ‘biggish’ house and he asked for $180 to sweep the roof and clear the gutters so I gave him that plus an extra $20…I like round numbers and having a hard working handy-man on file is a good thing, plus he’s an immigrant guy with kids and He is very hard working, I respect that a great deal…These Hispanic guys bust the work out and leave no mess


So true about border brothers. They do a much better job than Americans born here, white or black.


I’m happy to agree with you on this matter even though we do not seem to be buddies…Guatemalans, Hondorians, those Mexicans…They chase a buck and just be sure to tip them well and offer them water!

The BEST workers are those Hispanic guys, for real.


Meh, we argued when I first joined MovieChat. I bear no grudges.

I'm a manufacturing manager. And I support immigrant labor in this country. They do the jobs that Americans won't do and they do them better. Lol. Few blacks or whites ever apply for hard labor manufacturing jobs, at least in Los Angeles where I live.


All well and good, Let’s chat some more a year from now.


I don't "chat". That day will never come.


You just chatted, better luck next time


That's not chat. But I thought you're gonna wait a year? Please do.


i would never. anyone in the household repair business or the trades are doing just fine. plumbers cost a fortune, there's no way i am tipping.


Plumbers and Electricians are very costly, I take several estimates and choose the ‘middle of the road’ guy…that’s the one that does the job and usually won’t screw you

If he pulls up in a rust bucket van and does clean work I’m happy to throw him a few extra bucks (a guy in a rust bucket van means well, I was that guy way back when, I like those guys)


First, and least important, unless you order just a beer or wine, baristas MAKE THE FUCKING DRINK for you, so tip according to what you order. Sophisticates know that generous bar tipping results in larger pours and faster service. It’s not rocket science.

I am Hospitality Industry consultant. Hospitality delivers an experience, not a product. An attractive server is part of that experience. Why else do you think the industry hires knockout cocktail waitresses?

Like it or lump it: tipping is locked into the culture of the USA service industry. That is NEVER going to
change, and I don’t think that it should? Why? Consider the word I used, “hospitality.” Hospitality is an exchange between people, between hosts and guests. It is a SOCIAL experience as much as it is a commercial experience. Tipping the host makes her/him FEEL GOOD, and that energy carries over to her/his next guest interaction. So management encourages tipping because it is good for business at all levels.

I have found that the best tippers are working-class people and self-made rich people. They know what it’s like to work. The worst tippers are assholes who were born into wealth and privilege and have trust funds supporting them. I once knew someone like that. She told me her biggest fear was losing her money, “Because I won’t know how to get it back.” She was a very sweet person, by the way. I really respected her candor and courage in sharing that with me.


Occasionally I tip at Starbucks, but not always. I know they make the beverage, but I don't tip cooks at restaurants, so not sure why I'm expected to tip a barista? I don't consider them the same as a bartender - I always tip them well but I also think there is a social aspect to sitting at a bar and ordering drinks and chatting with a bartender.


I like your passion... but I have been places where older waitresses with decades of experience get less than the latest bombshell who can barely get the order right. I get it that the experience is part of the service. But isn't age discrimination in pay against the law? All this within reason, obviously if you are at a strip club this is unreasonable - since looks is part of the job. But at a diner, I think this is unfair.


It just awkward.
I ordered and picked up a small soup at $3.25, they really asked if I wanted to tip 20% ($0.65)
Um, no.

I say no.
No one that provided you that service is making $2.13 an hour.
You know the wage that has quilted us into tipping.


Panera is really crazy - I stand in line to place my order, pick it up, and clean up after myself and they want to know if I want to add a tip - hysterical.

Every checkout anymore has a tip jar - I have no problems ignoring them.


My boyfriend and I had this same argument but I tip very generously because I receive tips. Pay it forward. He thinks you shouldn’t tip at take out, counter service that sort of thing but it makes up for lower wages and plus it makes me feel good to leave a big tip! Lol


Question: Do counter service employees get the lower wage that waiters do, or do they get the standard minimum wage?


No the wait staff and counter staff would get the same pay which usually is minimum wage.


Keep in mind servers make way more money with tips than with a normal minimum wage. With that said, tipping for takeout is optional.


At restaurants and in general I tip a base of 20% or more if it is a place I go to a lot and they know. At strip clubs I tip a crazy amount.


I never tip for pick-up/take-out. I'm paying the same price for the same food, they're not cleaning a table for me, place settings, water service, etc.
