MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Aren't ghosts the least scary supernatur...

Aren't ghosts the least scary supernatural creatures?

They're incorporeal so they can't touch any matter in this world or really do anything to hurt you.


They can see us use the toilet though...I find this unnerving😱!




Read in "Dear Abby" long ago: A man refused to have sex with his wife after his Mom died. He thought she could see him! 😨



I sure hope the dead don't see what we all get up to in the bedroom, who wants to pay for a 4 minute movie😎


They don't scare you, they haunt you.


I don't believe in ghosts... mostly because they seem to be subject to the same laws of physics as the living, i.e. sure they can pass through walls, but they always seem to walk around on the ground, or the floor. Standing upright. Shouldn't some incorporeal being randomly float around every which way?

In fact, why are they even attached to earth? Our entire solar system is moving through space. How and why do ghosts stay tethered to it?


They're attached to people. Like projected straight into your retina. That's why sometimes some people can see them and other people can't. As if one wears a VR goggles.


Is this your theory, or are you repeating something you read?

Everything I've read ghosts are "attached" to locations... haunted houses, the places they were murdered or died horribly, etc. Poltergeists are usually "attached" to people, but idk if they are considered ghosts.

And even attached to people, ghosts still seem to respect the physical world. "I saw a figure standing at the foot of my bed." instead of "I saw this freakin' face peering out of the ceiling at me." sort of thing.


You kind of remind me of the kids who used to write into DC comics, complaining about the physics of Superman's super-powers. :)


People sometimes DO see a face suddenly appear before them. Look it up.


Who you gonna call?


Ghost Busters!




WTF?? An F Troop Reunion Show!!



I don't believe in ghosts at all, but in fiction they frighten people into having heart attacks, influence people to take their own lives (The Woman in Black), and possess people to kill other people. So they're pretty damn dangerous.


I have a hard time being scared by undead creatures in movies because I figure the worse they can do to me is kill me and then I become one of them and then I don’t really have to anything I have to do now to stay alive. Don’t have to have a job. Don’t need to worry about getting sick. Etc.


You can even still get laid after you're dead.


"I have a hard time being scared by undead creatures in movies..."

Same. Fundamentally, there's no difference between being torn apart by werewolves, a pack of zombies, or a herd of crazed weasels.


"Boo!" is pretty scary.


I think Leprechauns are less scary. They actively avoid interaction.


Not always. "Where's me gold?"


At the end of the rainbow.
