MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you bother with a Christmas tree?

Do you bother with a Christmas tree?

And do you have a real tree or fake?

I always loved a twinkly Christmas tree. But since I moved into my tiny flat it seems too much hassle to make space for. I usually just put fairy lights around my huge bush of a potted plant that's in the corner of my living room.

I'm more pagan than Christian anyway so it still fits with my mojo.




I haven't had one in ages, not with hyperactive cats and a general disdain for Christmas.

A friend with the large idiot dogs who couldn't be trusted around a tree got a tabletop tree substitute I liked, it was sort of a pine-shaped wood frame with pinholes, it was basically a tree-shaped tabletop ornament hanger. But that worked for dogs who didn't jump on tables but my airhead kitty would think it's a toy hanger, now the most I do is hang a pine wreath on the wall for the scent. High on the wall, Miss Kitty can jump!


I got mine knocked over by the cat, she got so frightened that she's been keeping a safe distance ever since.


Funny how the world is upside down, yet we carry-on pretending that nothing is wrong. 🙄


Oh, that is not true at all. But we still need some normalcy and some kind of Christmas celebration.


I don't think most people are pretending that nothing is wrong, but simply doing as many things as possible that are "normal" or adapting them to fit the times.




But we still need some normalcy and some kind of Christmas celebration.

To Each His Own.


Not any more. i don't celebrate Christmas.


I live alone but I still put a tree up every year.

My preference is a real tree--I really encourage everyone to have a real tree if possible, especially if you're able to go cut it down yourself--but my apartment is so small that I instead have to use a skinny artificial tree.

I will say though, for an artificial tree, it's proven to be a great value. I paid either $20 or $25 for it and it fits perfectly in my space and also looks pretty good.

It's great to have a tree. Not only is it a continuation of a very charming tradition but I always outfit mine with colored lights and it makes the apartment quite cheery.


We always had a fake one from Sears that tried to look like a real tree. But I remember they also sold silver ones back then. I think they were popular in the 60s and 70s. We also had the big Christmas tree lights that could set your house on fire.


We made a habit of buying one of the leftover trees on the 24th, which may be cheap and ugly, but would be thrown away otherwise. So we "save" a poor little tree no one wanted to choose. Oh and it's usually taken down in February!


That's how the holiday was celebrated centuries ago when Christmas was a 12-day affair. Decorations were put up on December 24th. Most people are unaware that the First Day of Christmas was December 25th and the season ran until January 5th. The night of January 5th was Twelfth Night, and at one time was an even bigger event than December 25th.
Christmas ended on Twelfth Night. The following day, January 6th, was the Epiphany (Three Kings Day).


I'm aware of this as I was raised in a catholic family. It's just funny that some years we still had a christmas tree standing on Ash Wednesday.


I always have a small, potted tree.
