MovieChat Forums > Furienna

Furienna (3335)


Let me ask the people who side with Miranda over Daniel these questions: This is now officially my favorite Disney DTV movie. "10 Most Unlikable Animated Movie Heroes" "10 Most Controversial Disney Movies (& Why They Should Be Reimagined Today)" I know I'm crazy. Chuckie in "Home Movies" "Bruno Madrigal and Self-Confidence (or lack thereof)" "10 Harsh Realities Of Watching Old Disney Movies" View all posts >


But it proved that Miranda didn't care about the kids at all, they were nothing but showpieces to her. She clearly did not care about her children's feelings or spend time with them except for parading them in public with her new boyfriend. She was only interested in her fabulous career and rules and punishments and keeping up a fancy façade and ruining everybody's fun. And yeah, getting a new man into her panties, because really, only her emotional needs and her right to have a good time mattered to her. She was very selfish and petty and used the kids to hurt her ex-husband out of spite just because she knew that he was the better parent. There is really not one single positive thing, that I can say about this horrible woman whom you defend against all logic. And I know that if I had been one of two older kids, I would have done everything to ruin her perfect life until she begged Daniel to take me. Seriously, all of the kids were too well-behaved in this twisted situation to make it realistic to me. And we both do know that gender has everything to do with this. Do you think that a woman would have had to deal with social services just because she was unemployed when her husband divorced her? Or that a man would have gotten the house or the full custody of the children in this situation? While I would have wished that you left your rant against Republicans and Tories out of this, I agree with you about Miranda. She's such a horrible human being, that I can hardly find the words for it. This is really a weird thread since it's clear that Sully at least managed to become a scarer anyway. It is more correct to ask why a university program existed if it wasn't needed to qualify you for the position anyway. He decided to join the popular jerks in a "cool" fraternity and refused to be friends with Mike anymore. It is really bewildering to me that anybody can feel sympathy for Randall. Really, she was obviously drooling over him the same day that she demanded a divorce from Daniel. So it's clear that she only took the birthday party as an excuse to be able to get another man into her panties. But I don't get why Miranda didn't talk to Daniel about it if she was so miserable. Oh yeah, she decided to not talk to him because she looked down on him and wanted to exchange him for a "better" man. Daniel decided to quit that job because he didn't think that a cartoon should teach kids to smoke. That is really admirable to me. Pretty much every baby in Sweden in my age group got the same vaccinations (polio, tetanus) as me. But I was always the only autistic kid in my class, and only a tiny percental of the population are autistic. Perhaps you want kids to get polio again just because you're an anti-vaxxer? And how exactly was I always the only autistic kid in the class if I got my autism through a vaccination? Please stop with this garbage and realize that autism is something that you're born with. It would be just arbitrary to make such a list. I mean, what qualifications do you need to make it anyway? And I guess that Fred Astaire knew that and didn't rank people like that. But we still know that he was really impressed by MJ. Since I've been autistic since I was a little kid, I know that this anti-vaxx stuff is garbage. I had only been vaccinated against polio and tetanus back then. View all replies >