MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I will never understand why Breonna Tayl...

I will never understand why Breonna Taylor is the poster child for BLM

She was involved w shady people. She dated a drug dealer for years, her apartment that they raised was used as a drop. She was on the warrant. The cops, who were issued a no knock warrant, still knocked and announced their presence. They were fired upon, they fired back. She got hit. Tragic. But a shining example of racial injustice? That’s crazy. I can think of 5 events this year that are far more fitting as a talking point for the BLM movement. I think including her in their campaign for justice undermines their cause (which I’m 100% behind) let alone making her the front runner. It only gives the racists ammunition.


The family got a record $12 million settlement in a wrongful death lawsuit but apparently it wasn't enough. Cops still need to get shot!


Yeah lol, it’s not doing anyone any good to harp about a messy case like that. Stick to the obvious ones like Floyd and Trayvon.


Ok, maybe we're seeing eye-to-eye in this particular case just a bit but I don't get the "lol" here! You find our country being in extreme turmoil so far this year as somehow being funny? This is an example of why other posters here consider you a " turn-off"!


Where did I say I find our coubtry being in turmoil funny??


Typical of your responses. I addressed it very specifically...."Yeah lol,".


You’re getting your panties in a bunch over me saying lol??


But you can non-stop bitch about the most insignificant bs under the sun yet yours aren't a bit wrinkled, huh?


There was NO warrant to arrest either Breonna Taylor or her boyfriend at that apartment. The cops were looking to arrest a drug dealer. They went to Breonna's place, in case he was there. But before the cops went in with a "no-knock" warrant, the drug dealer had ALREADY been arrested. So there was NO reason for the cops to go into her apartment, at all. Dispatch should have CALLED OFF the no-knock search warrant, but failed to do so. The boyfriend started firing his registered firearm, thinking that a burglar had entered.

THAT's why there was a $12 million settlement and why a cop was indicted.


Are you sure? I’m hearing all kinds of shit. How could he have thought it was a burglar if they announced themselves as cops??


The cops did not announce themselves at all. That's what the no knock warrant allowed. The judge who signed it should be removed from the bench.


Why is everyone on both sides saying they did?



That is NOT true.

That's a MSM LIE. The warrant was originally no knock, but it was changed at the last minute. And the cops DID announce themselves. They were ignored and proceeded to knock down the door. Then the boyfriend fired at them hitting one cop in the leg. This was a case of self defense. That's why no cops were indicted.




Yeah exactly they’re losing credibility by pushing so hard on this one


One out of twelve witnesses claimed to have heard a knock on the door and police announcing their presence. That's hardly being "debunked"! I heard that the cop indicted fired 10 shots wildly into the apartment and one, landing directly in her heart, was the fatal one. Maybe that's inaccurate reporting, I don't know.



I heard on the local news last night that the indictment of the cop was only for endangering the next door neighbor. That would explain the new protests.


FYI one of the reasons that people are steamed about this case is because they believe that being poor and living in a shitty neighborhood, and being involved with shady people, or even committing petty crimes... SHOULDN'T BE PUNISHED BY A DEATH SENTENCE GIVEN WITHOUT TRIAL.

I wish to God the BLM people were making a stronger point of this, because it really is important, and every ethical citizen ought to be horrified by the failure of the justice system! The Rule Of Law is failing in the US, because the rich are treated as if they are above the law and the poor are treated as if they are below it - they get the rough justice of semi-legal shootings or police brutality, or are pressured into accepting plea bargains for crimes they didn't commit, instead of a fair trial and as much justice as a jury of their peers can deliver. BLM is focusing too much on police shootings and too little on systemic injustices, but then, it's the shootings that get press and people in the streets.


I agree w and understand all of that, I’m just saying this isn’t the best example to lead with.


No, it's not the absolute best example, the George Floyd murder was THE best example. But things like that don't happen every day, thank Goddess.

There's a couple of factors bringing it to prominence - the fact that it's still unclear what will happen to the cops who shot her, and BLM is applying pressure there and on all cops who get trigger-happy, and I suspect, pre-existing racial tensions in that region. And the fact that the Floyd story is months and months old.


Taylor is older than Floyd case no? Either way I agree Floyd is the worst one yet, and is recent enough that it should still be front and center. There were several other killings resulting from excessive force resulting in asphyxiation during routine arrests for minor crimes within the last few years. I’d say it happens often enough to be an issue.


... but they loudly announced themselves before entering and the dude shot at them first. They were shot at. What's crazy is that that guy was hit far less than Breonna. Indicative of him using her as a shield.

The whole thing is a mess. Strangely, OP has a point this time. This is not a good one for the movement (I don't want to say BLM since they don't care about black ppl over their marxist ideology) to hold at the fore. If you shoot at police, you will die. Who doesn't know this? Far better cases to focus on.

You make very good points and I wish that those were getting the attention. This story works against the movement when scrutinized.


If she were white, not a word would have been spoken, the cops wouldn't have even been questioned and the "boyfriend" would be in jail.


Given the doubts about the warrant... if she were from a family that could afford good lawyers, the police department would already have filed for bankruptcy, in the hopes of not having to pay the next ten years' budget to the lawyered-up survivors.

No, there'd be hell to pay, if a young person from a "good" family had gotten involved with a shady bastard, and had been killed by the cops without committing a crime.


Exactly! An average of 40 blacks are killed each week in Chicago, but since they're killed by other blacks, that's fine and dandy. And Burn Loot Murder wouldn't give a shit.



Yeah, it's not like she's a black Justine Damond.


Because almost all of the people who know about this case in general have no clue, and don't care, about the details.
She is black and the cops killed her and that's all that matters. Lebron James is completely ignorant of the facts but he still goes on tv and talks about it as if he were the world's foremost expert on Breonna Taylor.


He can shoot a basketball. That also makes him the foremost expert on human rights abuses in China.


There's another guy who was also good at shooting basketballs and he became an expert on everything North Korea. What's with basketball and communists??


Good point. I forgot about him.


She was a pretty face and that’s a good way to gain sympathy for their cause. What happened to her was a tragedy but her boyfriend who shot at the cops deserves the blame for her death.


Commies tend to propup criminals to keep the law-abiding citizens afraid. Luckily, we know better this time around...


But since she was a black woman killed by a white man, all the facts go out the window, and the corrupt, dishonest MSM lies, and lies, and lies. If the cop had been black, Burn Loot Murder wouldn't have uttered a single syllable. An average of 40 blacks are killed every week in Chicago, but since they're killed by other blacks, that's fine and dandy.

