MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Superhero movies suck

Superhero movies suck

How can grown adults get so into them? I have tried watching countless different superhero films and they all have this corny, cheap feel to them. No matter how serious or gritty they try to be they still feel like kids movies. Nothing about the idea of a superhero will ever not be silly. The suspension of disbelief is just far too great for me to ever get into the story. Even as a kid, Batman was all I could ever get into.

I DO like some of the action and fight choreography in some scenes, the elevator scene in Winter Soldier stands out. But as a whole the action is generally way over the top and cartoony, with shoddy CGI and no sense of gravity or any real world physics.

The single biggest thing that the genre will never be able to get away from though is the source material, they are all based on comic books written primarily for kids. The stories can only be grounded in reality so much, only so much time can elapse in a story before they are forced to reference the silly nature of the characters and entire premise. I probably wouldn’t really even think about them if they didn’t dominate the industry and make it nearly impossible for original content to be made.


I'm not too fond of them either, but I wouldn't say I hate them.


As far as the movies go I pick and choose which ones I want to watch. I've always been a Batman and X-men fan but the MCU is just too big in trying to follow.


I'm only interested in the Batman mythos, largely because he doesn’t have super powers nor do most of his rogue’s gallery, he work’s so much better in his own enclosed world rather than with Justice League.

MCU really over did it and deluged the market with so many Superhero movies in quick succession, before that I didn’t mind watching the occasional one but now I couldn’t care less about Superhero movies other than Batman, but even with that I’m losing interest with so many unnecessary TV spin–offs.


Yeah exactly


Batman's superpower is that he's Batman, therefore he wins. Enemy is bigger than him, he's Batman, he wins. Enemy is more cunning than him, but he's Batman, he wins. Enemy has more advanced technology, but he's Batman, he wins. Hell, enemy is Superman, but he's Batman, he still wins. Batman is Chuck Norris on steroid.


Just give me Batman. But there's still too many of them. When the next one comes out, there will be 9 Batman films, excluding the animated ones.


They are kids movies. Nolan may have brought Batman into a darker realm, but they're still movies based off of kids comics. But like most kids movies, they're treasured and enjoyed by the adults who watched them/read the the comics as kids, much like people who loved ET as kids still love ET. Heck, I re-watch a lot of films today that I loved as a kid.

The only issue is that there are too many now. We can't escape them, so they never feel fresh anymore. I don't understand why any director would make one thinking it'll be a fresh take.


Even on top of them being kids movies they are just bad films. The best ones I’ve seen were Iron Man and Man of Steel, but the other issues sabatoged them.

Batman (1989) stands as the only one I really truly like, but I’m sure it has aged poorly.


Jokes on you. Batman 1989 is one of the worst superhero movies. Embarrassingly dumb.

It used to be that all DC movies sucked and only some of Marvel's sucked. Now they all pretty much suck. No light on the horizon either.


I’m guessing you haven’t seen The Toxic Avenger.




Worth a watch?


If you like the campy Troma films, you will certainly enjoy this one.


Don't do it. Troma films are try-hard, campy-on-purpose movies which makes them a special genre of bad. No accounting for taste though. To me, enjoying a bad movie for how bad it is only works if the auteurs were genuinely trying to be good.


I watched it, I don't like it.


No idea how they could. All so idiotic. I feel sorry for kids to watch them, then that becomes their reality. And they are the ones that make the most money. Sick.




I like superhero movies in general, and love a lot of the Marvel films. They're fun!

I have always liked escapist and imaginative fare, because face it - reality sucks a lot of the time and a vacation from it is always nice. But I like it now more than ever, when there's a fucking pandemic and politics is a nightmare and my job has gone from highly stressful to dangerous... oh yeah! Temporary breaks from reality are welcome! Especially if they feature awe-inspiring action, spectacular effects, belly laughs, hot guys, and all the other good stuff you find in Marvel films.

Of course, the awesomeness of Marvel films can only be truly appreciated by people with a sense of humor, so of course SOME people don't like them.
