MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Superhero movies suck

Superhero movies suck

How can grown adults get so into them? I have tried watching countless different superhero films and they all have this corny, cheap feel to them. No matter how serious or gritty they try to be they still feel like kids movies. Nothing about the idea of a superhero will ever not be silly. The suspension of disbelief is just far too great for me to ever get into the story. Even as a kid, Batman was all I could ever get into.

I DO like some of the action and fight choreography in some scenes, the elevator scene in Winter Soldier stands out. But as a whole the action is generally way over the top and cartoony, with shoddy CGI and no sense of gravity or any real world physics.

The single biggest thing that the genre will never be able to get away from though is the source material, they are all based on comic books written primarily for kids. The stories can only be grounded in reality so much, only so much time can elapse in a story before they are forced to reference the silly nature of the characters and entire premise. I probably wouldn’t really even think about them if they didn’t dominate the industry and make it nearly impossible for original content to be made.


I am not a fan either - but to each his own. Fans of superhero movies are dedicated.


Not into them but to be fair they are hardly trying to be works of art. Unlike other films which try so hard to be brilliant but suck.
