MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I can't stand protesters

I can't stand protesters

Just stop shouting, there are better ways to get your point across.

Most of the people screaming just want to feel special.


i concur


What do we want?
When do we want it?
Oh I don’t know, whenever you like, maybe tomorrow.


Tomorrow is Sunday!
Let's just leave it for next week!!

Not a great sounding chant but it should do





I'd really like to say something about this subject, but no doubt Mod 3 will delete my comment.


I’ve been working on a parody song about mod 3, but I don’t know if it’ll get me’s harmless fun, but I don’t know, why chance it by posting...


It would be sad if you got a permanent ban just because of a song!


I might test it if I see any more poster persecution by mod 3 or if something happens to our boy KOWALSKI...mod 5 seems to have a sense of humor, maybe they’re the one ally for MC posters...


i have never attended a protest and probably never will.


these protests against racism.... i dont like racism either, but i dont feel the need to protest. its not gonna change anyones mind. like some racist is sitting at home and sees people marching and decides, i aint gonna be racist no more!


I agree. Plus, it is hardly smart to do a thing like this during a pandemic.


I've always felt this way. It's not like people are gonna go, "you know what? These loud people are right, I'm going to change my ways."


Maybe not, but it will show people that you can't get away with oppressing people without facing consequences. Oppression creates resistance. The point of protesting isn't for the protestors to endear themselves to racists. It's to fight back against them and destabilize a racist system. Racists are the enemy, and more to the point, a racist system is the enemy. Protesting, rioting, fighting back, resisting works. Antifa tactics mostly drove the alt-right fascists from the public arena, whereas passively sitting around and writing witty editorials criticizing them only gave them a platform to preach their hate and reinforce oppression.

You say "protesting doesn't change anything", but the Civil Rights Movement proves that false. The 1960s was bursting with protests and riots, and they brought down Jim Crow. Not because they endeared themselves to racists and showed racists the error of their ways, but because they made it impossible for the racist system to continue in the old way anymore, and forced it to reform or face revolution. Furthermore, the protests of those days won black people a voice in the country that they'd never had before, it empowered them and significantly eroded the white monopoly on power. While the US system is still racist and oppressive, as the current crisis shows, it's far less so than it used to be, and that's because of protestors and rioters who fought for their rights without caring how racists and "moderate" enablers of racism felt about it.




I'm not protester, so that makes me an antestor.


I like it...I protest the protesters by not showing up, no matter the validity of some of their respective gripes....besides, I don’t like crowds...


Or a contester.


"Most of the people screaming just want to feel special."

Sorry Knish, but I have to disagree.

I believe that most of the people who are screaming are screaming because they want to be heard.
They want to be heard by a Government which has historically turned a deaf ear to their complaints.

Furthermore, as long as they protest peacefully, they have every right to do so, for this is something that is protected by the First Amendment of The Constitution of The United States of America ...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The first Ten Amendments to the Constitution, aka, The Bill of Rights, were adopted in order to guarantee individual rights and freedoms. The Founding Fathers did not want a repeat of what went on under the rule of King George III.

Of course, just as the demonstrators have every right to protest, you have every right to disagree with that protest, just as I have every right to disagree with your position. And that's what makes our system of Government so challenging at times.




I will always support protests as long as they are peaceful. I believe in freedom of speech even when I don't agree with a particular point of view. but please don't pin a racist label on people who don't agree with everything that is happening right now. That is why I said in an earlier post that it's important to not point fingers and to be open minded on both sides.


Because being silent has worked out so well.


Silence = violence


