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What ticks me off

Our grandparents were asked to go to war.
We're being asked to sit on couch.
It irritates me that some people can't/won't even do that.


Don't forget the Depression. That lasted 10 years and was scary as hell. That generation fought a world war *and* survived the Depression.

By comparison, this is a walk in the park. We can do it!


Yes, the Depression was a very long slog. We CAN do this!


And no one watned to fiht the Vietname or even the Iraq war, sad..


To be fair, they were different kinds of wars. WWs I and II it was a direct threat, so people naturally rallied around protecting home and country.

Anyway, the point is this is easy peasy compared to what other generations have had to face.


for Americans, and even for the UK, for that matter, WWI wasn't a -direct- threat.

although it would have been impossible for imperial GB to stay out of it, geopolitically.

ultimately, the US felt they had to jump in to effect a resolution.

WWII, totally unambiguous.

the other wars were purely bogus.


I hate the arrogance of it. People leaving their houses with an "I don't care attitude." It's not about you, it's about someone else letting sick because of you.


This is what bugs me the most.


Could you imagine being a kid and going through polio quarantine with no tv, and no internet? This is the best time as of yet to be stuck in one's house. I can stream anything I want. I can get almost anything other than toilet paper and hand sanitizer delivered to my doorstep. We are doing okay.


I forgot about that. Yeah, that too. Scary times. A friend of my mom's got polio and spent the rest of her life in an iron lung and weird rocking bed thing. I remember visiting her when I was little.

I guess it would have involved a LOT of reading. Definitely if you've got to be quarantined, this is the best time for it in the history of the world. You can even get whatever food you want delivered to your home. Last night I phoned in a take-out order for Thai at a local restaurant. It's a treat for me, and I want to do my part supporting our local small businesses however often I can. The coconut, lime juice, shrimp, mushroom soup was delicious!


I just did an exercise class on Zoom tonight with all the people I usually work out with. We are able to talk to people all over the world instantly. It's pretty amazing what we are so used to and take for granted.


Today I chatted with my personal organiser/shrink/moving person/friend, who told me he's fallen in love! He's not exactly the most likely person for this to happen to, let alone during this bizzaro unlikely time. He said you've heard of "Love in the Time of Cholera," right? This is "Love in the Time of Corona" 😄. I'm THRILLED for him! He sounds so happy 😊

Anyway, his new GF teaches yoga and does Reiki, and is now doing it via Zoom. I think it's very cool things like your class and hers can be continued this way, despite living in The Time of Corona. We are very inventive creatures. I'm glad you and your classmates are still able to enjoy your workouts.


I remember the long lines of people waiting to get the polio vaccine. I don't remember a full quarantine (but hey, I was very young - about five), but I do remember a summer of being unable to go the community swimming pool, the park, etc. Parents were too worried. I remember standing in line at school to get my sugar cube laced with the vaccine. How thankful we all were to get it - the cloud of worry over contracting the disease was lifted. I shudder and roll my eyes at the anti-vaxers we hear about today who just don't get it.


My grandma, who is 98, was telling about the first quarantine they went through in the late 20s. I don't think they even had the iron lung yet. They were pretty much stuck at home.


The polio scare went all the way back to the 20s?? I didn't know that. I always thought it was a thing of the 50s.


I just checked and the Iron Lung was invented in 1927. Polio outbreaks started in 1916 and the worst ones were in the 40s and 50s. The vaccination was invented in 1953.


I didn't realize the polio scare went back that far, either. Ya learn something new every day!


Wow. Can you imagine fearing a contagious disease like polio for decades?


I was born in 1950 and I think I recall getting a shot and then the oral vaccine, but I was pretty young so I could have that all wrong.


I'm a bit younger than you so I don't remember getting a shot - just the sugar cube method. Nobody likes shots, so yay!


I agree. Folks complaining about simply having to stay home unless it's absolutely necessary to go out for groceries or prescriptions, etc. 🙄 Many people today don't realize the sacrifices that previous generations made. Soldiers went years without seeing their loved ones. Families went months without hearing anything from their sons and daughters who served. And yes, women served too, as nurses, ambulance drivers, clerks, etc.

My dad served in WWII. He was lucky. Because he had a college education - rather rare at that time - he was trained as a radar technician and served in Italy, but not in the trenches.

And all we're asked is to stay home...


That's the thing, we're not even being asked to stay home! Unless we're sick.

We can go out for groceries and other essentials, we can go out for walks in nature (weather providing), we can pretty much do as we like, including reading to our heart's content, and watching endless movies and TV. We can call our friends and chat, even if they live thousands of miles away, and talk for hours. We can listen to any music we like. We can FaceTime.

We've got it good!


Very true! We can go out! We've always had quite a few walkers here, but I admit I have seen more of them than before. The best was a mom and her two children picking up litter while they walked. I'm hoping more people will rediscover the simple pleasures.


IMO the ability to go out for walks, and have conversations with people from a safe distance, are the two most important things we can do to make and keep ourselves well.

Same here, there are always people out walking, but never before have I seen so many families out walking together, and it's such a lovely thing to see. Even better seeing the kids picking up litter while out on their walk :)

I feel the same, hoping that what we've learned and are learning through this experience will be lessons we take with us.


At the very least, I hope that folks have learned how to properly wash their hands and to stay home when they're sick.


I doubt people are going to continue washing their hands for 20 seconds and as often, unless it's when flu season comes around again and then maybe.

I wonder if all of this working remotely is going to have an impact, and more people will be doing remote work afterwards. In general people, seem less stressed out. Have you noticed this?


It's true. I hated school so much that I would have loved to be stuck at home! Of course, I don't actually envy kids in this era. Going to school was hard enough for me and others my age when it was the 90s. I don't want to think about how awful it is to go to school in the 2020s.


I agree. I hear plenty of stories from Mrs Neighbor, who is a school nurse. I can only imagine how bad it is today.


You would have found the school nurse at one of my high schools interesting. She liked me because when I came in, I had genuine medical problems. However, this nurse greatly disliked certain specific kids because they were faking being sick all the time, [to get out of class or school] and they didn't like her because she was too smart for them. She would even greet this one girl with "Anyone make you pregnant today?"


'Anyone make you pregnant again?'


That Nurse would be fired for these days


I also hated school. Loved learning things, loved reading books, hated most classes, and would have loved to have been "stuck" at home reading to my heart's content. But these aren't easy times. Relative to other times in history, sure. Relative to the past 40 or so years, not.


I can't say I hated school, but I wouldn't say I liked it. For sure I didn't like being told I HAD to read something for school. But now, I love reading and have for years. It's my favorite thing to do. But back when I was in school? Ick.


I always loved reading, but reading what you choose is a very different experience from reading something you have to read.

You didn't love to read when you were a kid? I mean aside from school reading.


Hear hear. Hitler said the same thing.


Hitler dindu nuthin' wrong!


He was a vegetarian, that's what he did wrong! If he had eaten more red meat, he would still be alive today! Keto is the way to go, man!


Could I be fired if I refuse to go to work over Corona virus scare? There's gotta be a loophole here...? They have been fair to me but I want all this to go away, I don't have a thermometer to take my temperature. Sold out everywhere.


Believe it or not, Mrs Neighbor, who is a school nurse, does not have a thermometer. She ended up borrowing one from her office at school because she couldn't find one at the stores that she checked. Yes, she'll return it after this is all over.


I don't know the answer to your question, but everyone wants this to go away so you've got loads of company there. Same here, don't have a thermometer and can't get one because they're sold out.

You'll have to fall back on the age-old back of the hand on forehead method. Usually you can tell if it's hotter than normal. Best of luck to you.


Believe it or not, I've used the back-of-the-hand-on-the-forehead method a few times lately. Just checking... So far, so good. 👍 I shouldn't worry because I haven't been out much at all for the past ten days or so, but you never know. It only takes one person...


Good 😊

Now that I stop to think of it, it must have been 10+ years ago the last time I took my temp. If I'm sick and have a temp, then I am. Knowing the exact reading doesn't help me any.

