MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is there a solution to Islamic extremism...

Is there a solution to Islamic extremism?





War HUH!
What is it good for?

Movies...and video games! šŸ˜



Naah, wrong order. First you drop the bombs. Destroy the enemy's infrastructure, productive capacity, communications, command facilites, etc. Then you send in the ground forces and use the bullets.

Probably not a good idea here though.


I don't really care how batshit crazy they want to be in their homelands. I think the West needs to grow a pair and stop kowtowing to them. That would start making some positive differences I think.



The main problem with Islam is how the Q'uran was written. The Talmud and the Old Testament are based in oral stories, and the New Testament are based in some testimonies written by some witnesses decades later. That gives room to reinterpret those writings.

It's not the same saying 'God X commands THIS' that saying 'The grandfather said that his father said that his uncle said that his grandfather said that God X commanded THIS'.

In the Islam, most of the Q'uran was written while Mohammad was alive, and he's supposed to be the one that heard it from their God. That's a BIG problem, because it means there's barely room for interpretation. If you're a Muslim, the Q'uran is extremely close to what your God said. So either you comply, or you're a non-believer.


I'd have thought the problem was the other way round , ie
more room for interpretation would be worse

I'm pretty sure the exremist behaviour isnt written in black n white in the book, its been interpreted and extrapolated by these "scholars" they have


Q'uran was written after Muhammad was dead, during his life it was recited by his soldiers but it was never put into book form during his lifetime.


Mia Khalifa.




Pretty much bang on, isn't it?


I see what you did there.


No. The best you can do is to confine them to their own countries, a kind of quarantine.


It would require a 20-foot-long meteor aimed right at Mecca, another aimed at Muhammad's tomb, and a biological virus designed to target Muslims and kill them each off in a week. It would also require driving CAIR out of the US, and re-instating the law that we used to have that prevented Muslims from working in the US government, as well as firing every person with ties to Islamic extremism within our government (and there are many officials like that working behind the scenes).


Or you could outlaw Islam in the West. If someone wants to be a Muslim they go and live in a Muslim country. That is what George W Bush should have done after 9/11 instead of embarking on the lunacy of a ' War on Terror '.


This goes for all Islam. They should stay in their own countries. They are not compatible with other cultures.


Wow lol a year old post? You mustā€™ve been stalking my posting history.




Go after their families because that's all they really care about. They don't care about their lives or the lives of others, but family is sacred and important in their culture. Obviously this is not going to happen because we are civilized, but it certainly would set a precedent.

This by the way was the opinion of a Navy Seal when asked the question.


What if we pulled out of every country over there?


Unfortunately that would be like abandoning Israel.


is that a bad thing?


Iā€™m not saying itā€™s good or bad.


Do you seriously think they would just stop if we pulled out of Iraq and Afghanistan? I believe we should, but I also don't think it would change a thing. And its not just the US they hate. Islamic extremists hate everyone in the west and all non believers. I mean, these people are animals and can't be reasoned with. Just look how the Taliban treated their own people and especially women before 2001 when they controlled most of Afghanistan. Fact is, killing is permitted in the Quran. Don't get me wrong here, I love the people of the Middle East and think the vast majority are peaceful, but I don't think there is a logical solution to your original question.

I didn't know this was a year old post btw.


Youā€™re right, there have always been Islamic extremists and there always will be, a reformation shall never occur, a core belief to Islam is that the Quran is the perfect word of God, unlike the Bibles of before which were written by men, of which Muslims view as corrupted texts.

So the Quran will never update or change, believers and their clerics will never challenge the word of their God.
