MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is there a solution to Islamic extremism...

Is there a solution to Islamic extremism?



Is there a solution to people posting questions like this; risking nothing and saying nothing about their own opinions? It's parasitic and lazy.




I think this post should ask

Is there a solution to extremism?


Yep, you're right. And the answer is no. Unless we all lived in some sort of utopian society where no one had to want for anything.


What other form of extremism comes anywhere close to the shear numbers alone of Islam?


Sheer numbers of extremists in Islam?

I think that all religious extremism bad. Extremism is attractive in many ways. Others have talked about income, jobs etc, but extremism isn't just economic, extremism happens when people with the same ideas create an us vs them ideology.

I would also say that right/left extremism is getting up there in numbers. One thing that Al Qaeda didn't count on was that the US would destroy itself for them. Classic us vs them. All they had to do was sit back and watch.


Relative to the number of Muslims they are a small percentage, but a small perfectenage of a billion + people is still hundreds of millions of radicalized people and likely untold millions more who silently empathize with and support them. Why is it every time Islamic extremism is brought up the left diverts to other “equally bad” forms of extremism that aren’t even comparable in numbers or threat?


Really? You honestly think that Islamic terrorism in the greatest threat in the west right now?


Where did I say greatest? Greater than left/right wing extremists? Absolutely on the world stage.


I disagree. Look at the US right now. What a shit show. It's like a powder keg and when it blows it will have a pretty big impact.

I also didn't say that Islamic extremists aren't a problem, but to disregard right and left wing extremism for whatever reason, is dangerous, and certainly part of the problem.


Ask yourself how many people have been murdered by extremists in New Zealand, then do some research on who the perpetrator was. Then get back to me about the “world stage”.


😂 shut up


Yeah 50 Muslim people being gunned down by a white supremacist is pretty funny isn't it?

Good response though. Intelligent. Well done Buffy.


I’m not talking about isolated freak incidents moron


I'm talking about the ONLY incident of extremist terrorism ever in New Zealand, and it wasn't Islamic terrorism.

You brought up the world stage, pal, don't get pissy if I have an example that shows you may be underestimating other threats in other parts of the world.

I'd be very careful about labeling others as morons too, since your MORONIC daily complaint posts put you squarely in danger of being a pot calling the kettle black.


World Stage:

Nothing compares. And that list is of people killed, exluding atrocities such as the recent kidnapping of hundreds of schoolboys in Nigeria by Islamic terror group Boko Haram. Good to hear they've been freed!


That’s one of the most annoying things about the left, constantly deflecting to how there are “other equally bad extremist groups” with isolated incidents of violence that don’t even compare. It’s a fucking joke.



Unfortunately it's a Chinese fingertrap situation.

Industry will not invest in chaotic countries with no rule of law, these countries then have little in the way of jobs to offer it's young men, so they turn to radical Islam and create chaos, which scares
industry and investment which increases the # of unemployed, which then young men turn to Radical Islam and so on and so on and Scooby dooby dooby.


Pretty much bang on. If there are no jobs, no money, people will rise up in whatever way they can to take shit. Same shit is happening in Africa. One day when inequality shifts enough it will happen in the western world. Not necessarily radical islam. Just radical whatever.


Good point, poverty has always been the root of the problem I think. If these countries weren’t run by oppressive dictators could the oil industry be used to create jobs and distribute wealth?


I think it could.
Oil is the most valuable resource in the world by a long shot.
These should be the richest happiest countries in the world.
So yeah , its just , Religion , historical fueds , dictators , all man made problems holding them back.

I wish they'd let me have a go at running one.


Islam is completely opposite of western values.

Total opposites on positions like

Gay rights
Womens rights
Religious freedom

All these ideas are good. Keep em where they are.

But under Obama, for 8 years someone strategically placed muslims in every sector of the world.

It was a massive effort in transportation. Huge undertaking.

I wonder why?


How did they place Muslims in every sector of the world? I was w you until the tin foil hat shit


Have you heard of the massive importation of muslims in Germany, France, China, England, Canada, Russia, Greece and the u.s.

I cant find the video, but In Greece this massive transport ship shows up to a dock. This ship can open its front because they mostly carry large vehicles that need go be driven off.

Zero vehicles and when they opened the doors...thousands and thousands of young men run out.

They took over a small sea town...they just entered homes and stores and claimed it as there own.

People crying in the streets for police..

It's not a conspiracy...because it took a great deal of money and effort to ship these people around the world.

If you look at a world map and study the movement. Its looks like they were being strategically placed. Like little seeds of not good stuff.


“Importation” you mean immigration? And you think that was deliberately orchestrated as some sort of organized conspiracy by Obama to seed the globe with Muslims?? 😭


I didn't say all that, but if you look at the numbers, for about 8 years the Muslim migration was the highest ever in history.

And a lot of it was forced


Forced by whom? Muslim diaspora is mostly due to them wanting to leave their oppressive shithole countries.


Yes but at what price?

Are willing to gamble with your fellow citizens lives?

Because every single country that saw that increase in muslims all reported a high increase in rape, gay attacks, acid attacks, and church burnings.

Zero respect and lots of collateral damage.


er , theres not a lot of religious freedom being discussed in this thread is there?


We’re not talking about religion we’re talking about politicized extremist ideology.


Many people seem to be suggesting kicking all peaceful muslims out of the country because of the religion they are peacefully practicing.
Just in case they are extremists.


The U.S. needs to pull out of the Middle East. This country has no reason to be meddling in the affairs of some other country on the other side of the world. They have made it clear that we are not wanted there. Resentment is what fuels these extremist groups.

Look at it this way: how would Americans feel if Iraq set up military bases inside the U.S.? They would be irate, naturally, and for a good reason. Why is it any different when the shoe is on the other foot?


If we withdrew all western presence from the Middle East, it would not end Islamic Extremism. That can be filed in with the Israel excuse.



Give them OREOS.
