
(and self-censorship)... This is getting ridiculous. If you can't handle words online, how the hell are you going to get on REAL life?

People should be given the choice to believe what they want, instead of 3-4 companies deciding for the rest....

New movies, music, and comedy SUCK - I think this is a major reason why... No point of view. Just a bunch of cliches being compared.

Groups suck in general, but let them stand or fall on their own. What the message to you is "You're too dumb to differentiate between truth/propaganda, we'll decide what propaganda is right for you"


If you don't like censorship, you're in the wrong place, Bill. I've had my wrist slapped numerous times for using words.



Cursing is the last thing I'm worried about - I can express it using another word.. Freedom of though is the big one! The ideas.


Oh, it's not just the words you use, you must avoid "flaming" your fellow posters, or you will incur the wrath of our benevolent overlords. And I'm not sure what the exact definition of that is.



Jebus, MovieMan, your seemingly endless complaining about getting your wrist slapped for breaking a rule on a site that has rules is getting really *old*.

The word flaming has been around for decades now. It means insulting another poster. Simple.

This is like your going into a restaurant that has a big sign saying they don't serve people who aren't wearing a shirt or shoes when you're not wearing a shirt or shoes, and then complaining about it. Forever.



Ooh! Touched a nerve there, did I, Buttercup?



I'm not the one who's triggered here, Snowflake ;)


You have a very odd definition of "triggered". It sounds like you were the one who was triggered. You were apparently so upset that you misspelled "Jesus". Couldn't wait to fire off your response, could you?

I was simply warning Bill, Buttercup.



You seriously don't know that Jebus is a humourous way of spelling Jesus, that has also been around for at least a decade? πŸ˜„


No, but excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeee me!!!




Not butting in, I just had to post thisπŸ˜‚


And this


Oh you wild and crazy guy!





Ah the two original "wild and crazy guys"!




I wasn't expecting that.


Yep, that's where it started πŸ˜„


I wasn't around yet, but my grandma has all these old tapes of the really old ones. It's awesome to sit down and watch them with her!


You must be older than I am. My great grandma told me about this while I sat near her knee, which is where I've learned *everything* I've needed to know in life!


Really?!? I had you pegged as one of the, well more mature ladies around here. Not that you seem old or anything! Just mature. I'm digging a hole aren't i?


You just keep digging that hole, DF πŸ˜‚


can you believe that I have No shovel emoji? I was going to be all clever, but NOOOOO! Three bicycle emojis, but no shovel! Not even a pick axe! Best I got...🍴....REALLY?😑


Not even a spoon? They work in prisons! Here, this is for consolation 🍸


That should make it better😁
I LOLed at the spoon commentπŸ˜‚
I have the jankiest tablet EVER!!!


Drink up! There's more where that came from. 🍸🍸🍸🍸

Spoons and shovels, are a no go. I suppose a fork and knife *might* work in a pinch! We can try anyway, right, right?

Janky tablets, πŸ‘Ž


Thought I found a bulldozer, but it was just a tractor😑

🍴for nowπŸ˜‚


Dammit! I HATE when I think I've found a bulldozer and it turns out to only be a tractor 😭


That was a zing. A good one,but a zing none the lessπŸ˜†


Whut? You've got to quit it out with these imaginary zings! I'd take credit if it were due me, but I'm zingless.


It is as at the very least zing adjacentπŸ˜‰
And what do you mean I got to quit...I think you're confusing me with someone


Nope, nope, not even zing adjacent (πŸ˜„). Not a zingette, or even zingish. It was an imaginary zing 😊

Oh, right, I must be mixing you up with your Uncle DF.


He calls you the zingerπŸ˜‚ just playing...he has nothing but luv for catbookss😍
Hey looky, I made an emoji work!!! Of course I have 4 book emojis and 8 catsπŸ˜‚


You say you're against flaming but then you use the word jebus. This is why people don't believe you. We know you aren't compassionately trying to protect people from insults when you are the one doing the insults. You are just in favor of censorship because you happen to think it serves your interests. The establishment doesn't care about you even if your interests happen to align. It just makes you useful for now and that is all.


Saying Jesus is not flaming.


No. She, and I, said "Jebus" which is a mockery of the name Jesus. Do you see the problem with censorship based on intentions and offended feelings now? Anyone could be offending anyone. You are supposed to be offended if you are bad.


But mocking religious figures isn't flaming either. One would have to say something along the lines of...you believe in Jesus and that makes you a moron. Now that is flamingπŸ˜‰πŸ‘

It's like grammar school...identify the flammable conjunctionπŸ˜‚
Moron is the FC😜


Right on, Thrill!!



What do you guys think of Alex Jones being purged from Youtube? I personally think the guy is an asshat, however I think this is a blow to free speech.. I know, I know, its a private business and they can do whatever they want, but still, I think people should be able to come to their own conclusion about the crap that comes out of his mouth.


Doubled-edged sword, Padeen, agreed. On one hand, people making inflammatory remarks and grossly inflated stories online have a negative effect on people's lives, at worst, spreading deliberate lies to create confusion through manipulation. On the other, if people of extreme beliefs are forbidden of expressing their opinion, it prevents them from learning a more realistic and moderate viewpoint, politics aside.


You are talking about the New York Times saying Iraq had WMDs. Alex Jones said they were lying. Lying mainstream censors the alternative, not the other way around. Think about it this way. If the mainstream were telling the truth, there would be no need to censor. We don't censor the flat earth theory, because we can simply show the earth is round and not fear persuasion.


All sources of information need to be held accountable. There's some news where not all the facts are known or it's safer to not reveal every bit of info since the jury is still out on the verdict. About flat Earth truthers, I read a funny story pertaining to a person's real life encounter one, who was told that the Earth must be flat, why else would gas stations only sell flat map models?


Held accountable by whom? The New York Times cannot hold itself accountable. Nor can they hold anyone else accountable by censoring them. You are using the word accountable as a weasel word.


Open to public scrutiny and where the laws regarding the matter are concerned in the eyes of professional journalism. If an author intends to express a viewpoint, it must be acknowledged as commentary on events, so readers can better substantiate fact from opinion or readers must be aware of it, as you are with the New York Times. We're free to read what we want, but more research on our part must be done so we're not stuck in a media echo chamber.


he has his own resources and outlets.


No he doesn't. Google is his resource and outlet. He pays taxes.


People came to their own conclusion already, including Youtube.


You're lying. Youtube makes money from content. Less content less money. Youtube did not decide to make less money.


Youtube also don't show porn. Youtube don't want moar money, I guess...

Oh, and your mom is lying!


When you make inflammatory comments to the point that your followers are making other peoples' personal lives miserable then you don't get to get away with such noxious comments. That's where I draw the line.

And it's not a free speech issue. Youtube is not the government.


Like I said, Youtube can do whatever they want since they are a private company. Jones still has his website where most of his nutty followers view his videos anyways.



Which is fine since that's his own website and he's not subject to another company's rules. But I am interested in seeing how this lawsuit plays out.


Indeed...I did't know there was a lawsuit.


Yes it is a free speech issue, even if it were completely legal which it is not. You and google are against free speech and in favor of censorship.

The New York Times said Iraq had WMDs. They made other people's personal lives miserable. Alex Jones said it was a lie. Alex Jones doesn't get to get away with it and the New York Times does. That's because people like you are against free speech.


AMEN, Thrillhouse! Go get'em!



Alex broke the terms of service of his providers numerous times, and was warned over and over.

Then he aired what could be taken as a death threat. That was too far. It was the last straw for three platforms at once.

These are companies providing a service, and they can ban whoever they want. If they can ban some misfit kid trying to make trouble, then they can ban Alex Jones too.


YouTube’s mistaken β€˜purge’ highlights new peril for video giant



The thing is, if the Pozners are harassed by Infowars' audience, Youtube automatically receives part of the blame since they provide the biggest platform for that audience to view Infowars. Any lawsuit that rightfully targets Infowars for said harassment would automatically have to include Youtube. There's no way around it. So Youtube deciding to remove itself from any potential legal frustration is 100% within their right, and even makes more sense than putting themselves in a legal position of defending Alex Jones, which they ultimately would have to do to keep Jones on their platform.


You are lying.

The cake baker cannot deny service to homosexuals by making a "terms of service". Terms of service are illegal.

Google Apple and Facebook are secondarily guilty of racketeering by banning him at the same time. That is what you call collusion except it is the illegal kind.


No Google is not a private business. They are a public business. They chose to open their doors to the public and are required by law to serve everyone. They cannot do whatever they want. There are literally millions of regulations and the entire point of civil rights laws are that you cannot deny service.


My bad. Thanks for clarifying that.


the CIA, FBI, NYT, Washington Post lie about REAL stuff - like war...


Back when some IMDB members made a petition to stop the closing of the boards I said : freedom of speech is a human right

And I stick on it
