MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I am so sick of these ADS!

I am so sick of these ADS!

No I'm not talking about the ads on this site although those get on my nerves too. Right now I'm complaining about the ads on YouTube. The more videos I watch on a channel, YouTube starts playing ads in the middle of the video I'm watching! At first it happened once out of 4 videos watched. Now it's happening in every video on the channel. At first there was an option to skip the video after 3 seconds. Now the videos are only 3 seconds to prevent skipping!!! There were 4 ads played during one of the 24 minute videos I was just watching. It just cut to an ad right in the middle of the commentary. I'm so annoyed with YouTube right now. The ads are excessive. Is there anyway to stop the insanity? I've checked the settings and there is no way to change it there. There must be a way to stop ads from being played during the video. It's bad enough that I have to watch an ad before the video.
Has anyone figured out how to get rid of these ads beside having to pay to watch ad free videos? If anyone know the workaround, please please tell me.


No help here sorry...
But i feel your pain:(
'free' usually involves annoying ads...
We must learn to cope with it...not a bad deal really


It's the worst deal. It's completely rude. At least when I'm watching tv, the show prepares for the commercial breaks in the plot so that you kind of expect a commercial break. YouTube just freaking throws them the ads in there. The commentator was in the middle of saying something interesting and the ad cut him off in mid sentence! What kind of cheap shit is YouTube up to? They're ads are stupid too. One of them doesn't even tell you what the hell they are advertising. It's just actors saying stuff.


Yeah the Youtube ads are terrible...they cut in and out without making sense...cut off your content...oh well ' first world problems' i guess
Agree that it sucks though...


First world problems? Really. That's insensitive. Well I'll be sure to throw that up in your face the very next time I see you complain about anything on here.


You know what really grinds my gears??
First class seats just keep getting smaller:@


Lighten up...shogun was clearly trying to diffuse a touchy situation...that being YOU! It's obvious that you are angry about your free vids having some ads...and yes complaining about something so childish IS a first world problem...unlike famine,disease and war...but ShogunofYonkers was merely trying to empathize with your plight and not once but twice you were dismissive and rude...I call that insensitive 😡


Thank you D
I was crying for hours at the injustice i was dealt...thx to you i can now live again...
Live Strong👍


I haven’t seen those yet but it sounds pretty ridiculous.


Why haven't you seen them yet? Why is your experience different than mine? This makes me think that I'm being targeted.


None of us are important enough to 'target' buddy...or lady (?)
Its just business is all...
Stop worrying and put up with the dumb ads...


Easy for you to say since you haven't endured these endless ads in the middle of watching a video. They played an ad for a Navy credit card. I'm not even in the military much less than the navy. In fact, I don't get along with anyone in the military. If they are going to pester me with ads then it should be something that I don't mind being marketed to. I like fashion, household items, and name a few. YouTube sucks.


Then find another site to use
Youtube really doesnt agree with you...poor thing;)


Yeah...any questions as to why I'm laying low should be answered in this thread;)
This broads a real piece of work! Maybe her cat just died? Either your least for a little while😄


Fly low for awhile...but yeah plenty of all 'sorts' here...not that i mind!
Its all good fun:)


Name someone you do get along with...then go visit them!


Name someone in real life that is your friend and go spend time with them in real life rather than spending your whole social life online making friends with strangers in forums.


It IS pretty annoying...lucky you!
Youtube will often cut to a random stupid ad right in the middle of a song im playing...and when the ad ends there is sometimes a loooong lag until the song resumes...
Pretty obnoxious really
Anyway, free shit aint the best shit i guess...


ad block works fine


I get the same too..."these announcement will close in 20 seconds..."


I just don't like ads placed within the video. I'm probably going to just stop watching YouTube videos altogether because I've had enough of their bullshit. It's ruining my enjoyment and not worth it.


Yeah...YouTube is ruining your keep telling yourself that!


I don't know what you're talking about but I'm talking about me enjoying YouTube videos.


If you are using Chrome/Firefox, there's a popular add-on called Ad-Block. That should block all Youtube ads


I didn't know Ad Block could block YouTube ads too. I'm currently using the browser that came with Windows 10. I'll try chrome and Ad Block. Thanks. I hope this works.


on Chrome it does thankfully


No, the ads are embedded in the You-Tube videos and are not accessible or modifiable by Ad-Block ... at least so far.


Wrong. Ad block Plus doesn't allow ads to play. They're not part of the original video.


It depends on how you play them back. If it's on a web browser you're okay, but if you play them back on, say, ChromeCast, Ad Block can't prevent that. I don't use Android, but it's probably the case there also.


You-Tube is really starting to suck.
For one thing is their bad recommendations.

I get videos on the right side of my screen that either fill up
with cat videos because I happened to give in an watch a cat
video once, and then I get tons of cat video suggestions.

Or, their garbage search algorithm. If I search for something
why are they always suggesting videos that are 10 years old.

Or, why do they keep showing me videos that I have already clearly
rejected, or videos related to them?

The other thing is that now the newest Internet trick is to program
servers to slowly feed a page to the user so you have to look at the
video/ads while it loads and can do nothing.

I cannot even kill the tab because that takes a long time too, and
then even when the tab is gone audio from whatever video I might
have been watching continues for a few second.

This is totalitarian ... just like Big Brother ... and no one does anything
about it, and there is no way another company can compete because
they do not have the money, infrastructure or legal power to protect
themselves from legal attack.

This is what Bernie and others mean when they say the system is
rigged, and now if or when the Sinclair media merger goes through
there will be on company that owns 75% of the American media.

When are my fellow Americans going to wake up, turn on their brains
and say enough is enough, lets get back to basic American, democratic,
and Western values. They way our government and corporations treat
us compared to the rights they have in the rest of the developed world
makes the US look like a totalitarian oligarchy that enslaves its people.


The other thing is that now the newest Internet trick is to program
servers to slowly feed a page to the user so you have to look at the
video/ads while it loads and can do nothing.

Are you serious? That's just being a sneaky a-hole. :(


Yes ... have you seen the home page of IMDB? When you click to go to IMDB the pages seems to load, but before you can do anything you must look at the page until a big banner loads ... and then you can dismiss that, and only then can you interact with the page or search for a movie, or theater times, etc.


IMDB? Oh yeah, I remember that toilet. Not only will I refuse to go there but I have an addon in Firefox to block Google returns from certain sites. IMDB is the first in the list. When I Google, IMDB used to be the top return, now it's gone.

F them.



I still go to IMDB for theater times and ratings and external reviews ... but it makes it hard when you go there they throw ads at you like crazy now. I think they made a huge mistake, but on the other hand the boards there had degenerated into idiotic blather for the most part.


I have never noticed, and if I did I know I would blame it on my internet provider and not the web page.


I'm going to complain to the FCC about this issue with YouTube. 4 ads in a 24 minute video is excessive.

reply off a miffed email...that should solve everything


Just because you love an excessive number of ads forced on you doesn't mean it's okay for you to mock the people that understand how advertisers are snakes in the grass.

Now get outta of my sight and go look at some ads. Sucker.


You wont believe it Bar!!
I just saw an ad for a balm that claims to soothe all sort of hurts
Your butt should look into it;)


You have one more time to insult me before I start reporting you.


•You took insult when none was intended
•refused to be a 'sport' when i offered up a softball joke
•called me a name
I bet youre on notice from the Mods for one thing or another...
Have a good one;)


Your insinuated that I'm butthurt and should put balm on it. That's insulting.


To be fair you came off as exceedingly thin skinned...oh well, best wishes with your Youtube campaign
No hard feelings here...
Be well:)


YouTube has been adding more ads. Within the past month or so they've been offering an "ad-free" YouTube for a certain price, although I have no idea what the cost is, because I'm not willing to pay for it.

For quite a while now there have been ads within the videos, some more than others, which I've always assumed was up to the uploaders of the videos, as some have few, and others have many, which is *very* annoying. Sometimes to the point where I pass on watching them at all. Some have their videos set so there's an ad every few minutes, for which for they're undoubtedly paid some small amount.

I don't mind the ads too much if they're reasonable, as in if you can click on "skip" within a few seconds. I do mind if there are too many of them, and the ones where there's no skip option and you have to allow the 60+ second ad run until you can see whatever it is you're interested in watching.



What do you mean about the mods? I think this is a pretty good site for discussion, there are just not very many people here that really want to discuss things.



I barely see any ads on moviechat .... where are all these ads supposed to be?


Yeah I only see one banner ad in the middle, and the recommended for you at the bottom. That's not bad at all.


Just grab one of the free YouTube video downloaders and download the video to your computer. Then you can watch it all you want without interruption.
