MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > iPhone X: Who Would You Sleep With To Ge...

iPhone X: Who Would You Sleep With To Get One?

So freaking cool: AR, face recognition, home automation, wireless charging, waterproof, 4K OLED video display, five-core processor. I wonder if the AR tech will let you festoon your selfies with gorgeous nude women all around you, making you the stud of Facebook?


Unless they've reintroduced the headphone jack, I think I will pass.


You forgot to mention the market price of that phone. It's a $1,000.


Hmmm... sleeping with any girl of my choosing will get me an iPhone X? Wow, forget the phone, I'm busy deciding on the more important matter here.


Sorry, the phrase "Who do I have to fuck to [insert your dream item or experience here]?" means "How much am I willing to demean myself to get what I want?" Boning Margot Robbie won't get you an iPhone X. If you can hose Margot, you probably can by one on your own. On the other hand, if you're a straight man and you're willing to let Will Smith bone YOU, there's an X machine in your future. So, are you willing to screw Roseanne Barr? A Nile crocodile? A corpse?


Oh. I didn't know. Let's see..

For an iPhone X 64GB umm... Amy Schumer would do. For the 256GB version... Melissa McCarthy should be fair enough, I guess.

Btw, in any case if I'm content with an off-brand cheap-o Chinese knock-off Android phone, may I get the Margot Robbie option?


You are boring
Have something to say


Based on the OP thats what i was thinking


iPhone ?

Is this some new fangled gadget ?
Similar to a walkie talkie perhaps. I've heard talk of this wireless phone phenomenon.
Here to stay ?


Much like our cherished Victrolas sounds come out of them



I will have to give this further consideration.




<< Similar to a walkie talkie?...Here to stay ? >>

Nothing andimeannothing with ever replace the elegant (and completely recyclable) functionality of 2 juice cans and a string.

We must prepare for the Apocalypse and rely less on technology!


Words of wisdom once again Cookie.

I have already started cleaning out cans. I also purchased 500 ft. of string in case I need to
make a long distance call.



And we need to build tree houses, too. In case the rains come...


My huawei is better then this...and compatible with pc😉


Rosario Dawsown has her dreams about to be fulfilled
Plus i get a new phone


+ 1000

Speaking of The 25th Hour.
BTW you can keep the phone.
In fact you can have my phone.




Absolutely no one. 😝 Good grief - $1000 for a flippin' phone??

I couldn't care less about it because, well, I have a brain...and I have a life. 🙄

No offense intended.


Yeah ... $1000 is insane
I think we have gone crazy
And own wife wants


Legal fees for an uncontested divorce are only about $500. Plenty left over for a refurbished iPhone 7.


Yeah, well, how many of us want a Lamborghini? Doesn't mean we're gonna get it...


No offense, R, because I like you, but I find it incredibly sad that some people have let Apple manipulate them to the point they'd actually consider dropping anywhere near that much for a phone.


Just two days ago I saw a 20-something gal drop her smartphone in the street. Apparently it was too much trouble to put it in her purse or pocket while she got out of her car, juggling phone, purse, keys, and a giant fast-food drink. The phone was the only thing she dropped, and from the number of times she used the f word I gather her nice phone now has a cracked screen.

I can't justify spending hundreds of dollars (now a thousand?!) on a phone. I'd be heartsick if I dropped it, lost it, or worse - had it stolen. I can manage just fine with my $50 dumb phone.


Yep, exactly. People constantly have their phones out as if they're welded to their hands. God forbid they should have to actually call someone back a few minutes later or miss a text by 3 seconds. That might have been karma for her....


I bet she wishes it WAS welded to her hand. 😉


Just watched a People's Court episode where someone was being sued over a phone. Those cases seem to be more and more common on there. I recently saw one where a woman was suing the mother of her 12 year old daughter's playmate for breaking her brand new $600 phone. What kid that age needs a phone that expensive?


A 12-year-old with a $600 phone? That's crazy. Now she'll probably get an iPhone X.



Most everyone I see has their phones in their hands all the time! It's the new normal.

Most of the time I don't bother taking mine with me when I go out. Unless I'm expecting an important call. I have a $50 smartphone. It's fine. How do you set yours to go to sleep and wake up at different hours? That's a great idea, and if I knew how to do it, I would.



From what I've read, it sounds like my phone isn't able to schedule on/off times, only manually put it in DND mode and turn it off again. Pfft.

It would be annoying to get email alerts in the middle of the night! I have the email and text alert sounds turned way down.


That's another thing - spending hundreds on a phone only to get a new one in a year or two. And that doesn't include what they spend for monthly service. Sheesh.

I've had my dumb phone for at least five years. It takes pictures and I can get on the net but I don't want to. I'd rather use my laptop for both.


I agree, technology in general has gotten out of hand. It's all about chasing the bucks, which is fine when things are optional. Not so much when they're necessities.


You guys will laugh, I"m sure... I have a flip phone. I can make calls, get calls, text, and take photos with it, and that's pretty much all I need. Never need to get on the web that urgently. I suppose when it goes I'll end up with a smart phone of some sort, but until then, it's just fine.


You can text with a flip phone? I'm surprised. Hey, I'm not laughing. I got my first cell (okay, second, but never used the first one so it barely counts) this year. I have a smartphone, but don't use it to go on the web, so you're not missing out on anything.


It's not a bargain-basement flip phone; it's a Samsung. But yeah, texting, decent photos, clear sound, alarm clock, etc.


That makes sense. My first was a Samsung, but it was a bargain-basement variety of Samsung.



Sound like Yoda, you do.

