MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The definitive list of what posters need...

The definitive list of what posters need to do for MC to succeed! [Thread Opened]

I Don't Know But I've Been Told

MovieChat Is Due For A-Remold

Left! Left! Left-right-left!

I have made a decision on what needs to change on MovieChat.

1. Stop using General Discussion. Everyone will head to boards like “Country” or “Blu-ray Hi-Def Equipment”.
2. No one leave General Discussion. This is the only board with any activity.
3. Stop posting about film. We will all be posting suggestions on how to improve MovieChat. This is the only way to enact active change!
4. Everyone is required to post at least one thread per week on how MovieChat is going downhill.
5. Stop posting Off Topics. This is very important, because I calculated that if I eat at “Happy” everyday, what is life even about.
6. Stop having fun. The Moderators will step in at the first sign of posters enjoying themselves. This site is about serious discussion on how to improve this site.
7. No more Search bar. Users will follow a chain of seemingly unrelated links in order to work for getting whatever they’re looking for.
8. All discussions are hereby proclaimed fights.
9. All fights will go in circles ad infinitum.
10. Everyone will get a free coupon for their favourite fast food joint/smoothie place/crack den for their birthday.

This is my list. There are many like it but this one is mine. My list is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my list is useless. Without my list I am useless. I must compile my list true. I must write straighter than my enemy, who is trying to [thread closed]. I must derail him before he derails me. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my list and myself are defenders of MovieChat, we are the masters of my enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen.



This is a great thing to put in your own suggestion thread. But I don't accept the concept of flip-flops. They neither flip, nor do they flop. What's up with that?




Your confusion is irrelevant MissMargo. Get to work!


Yes Mam!
What exactly am I working on again????
Oh yeah We are suppose to be whipping this site into shape!


Should I ask about the "Big Sandwich"?LOL. A little Wings joke for ya MissMargo.😀


HAHAHA!!!It's not a party without a Big Sandwich!
In answer to your question, please don't ask.....


Sorry if I got us in trouble,but I can't stop thinking of that Big Sandwich. Oh well. To the break room I go and then back to the grind. 😀


I have no idea what you're talking about,Mina...wait this are arvin's demands,no yours😎


No, these are my demands. I am actively changing the site.


[laugh] [laugh] [laugh]

Great list!

*goose-steps out of thread to follow orders*


Attagirl! Someone's getting an extra coupon this year.


Great! Can I get some tinted flipflops too?


For you Cats, anything. You're my best soldier!


Jawoll, mein Führer!

*flippy-floppy goose-steps out of thread*



You are not the real arvin, impostor!


Way to hit my sore spot, actionkamen!



What is your major malfunction, numbnuts? Are you some sort of joker? I said NO FUN and NO FILM POSTS!



Don't take my tomb raider,Mina...please not Lara....


Serious business, this internet message board business.


Indeed it is! Follow these here rules and you'll be golden.


This is top notch content.
I can't even see the posts anymore by the person this is parodying, but I instantly knew who it was parodying.
I think all we need for MC to succeed is displayed right here in your post.
1. Intelligence
2. Humor
3. Movie references
4. Just enough snark to make it interesting. I have calculated the exact snark level we need and everyone must keep it in that zone.


Thanks, PK! I try to stay away from "the drama" usually, but I just couldn't stop myself this time...


First of all, Popcorn: hear! hear! and can I get an amen, hallelujah?!

Second, Mina: inspired, trending toward genius.

I've had the subject of this topic on Ignore for about two months, but, if I could address him, I would say, with compassion and caring: I sincerely believe that you are clinically depressed, which is an exceptionally serious medical condition, and that you would drastically improve your life with professional counseling. I understand that your income is, at the moment, modest, but you could have a visit with a social worker for, probably, free. Did you know that most social workers have more training in clinical psychology than most psychiatrists? A psychiatrist is someone with a M.D. degree who can prescribe meds, which, in the opinion of many (including me) is not a long-term solition. Dude, you are clearly hurting. Please get yourself the help that you deserve, and need.


You said that so nicely, Kane. I commend you for your patience and eloquence.My message would've be much shorter and unpolished:

"Dude, you're a spoiled, entitled child, and bats**t crazy to boot. Either shut up or get help."


I got fed up with his arrogance and tuned him out months ago when he tried double-team me with Terrygg ( remember that one ? ) and label me a troll. Guess who the actual troll turned out to be ? But then, isn't that so typical ?


He never responds to anyone who takes him to a little kid covering his ears. I think he has several major psych problems.



The Chosen One for what? All he's done is bitch about stuff. Unless you were being sarcastic...then, oops.



And we all know who the new one was....



Mods must be on top of their game. Kudos !



hahaha ditto
I have had depression all my life and still I don't behave like that. Maybe I have less compassion for assholes who use mental illness as an excuse for being an asshole? Or maybe I'm just too old to deal with attention seeking children.
" Either shut up or get help."
I would amend that to 'get help or don't get help, it's no difference to me as long as he stfu.'
