

Silence of the Lambs. Wish I'd never seen it to begin with.



It was too well acted and well directed for such a horrific topic.

Hopkins was terrifying. Foster played her character so well as a bright woman, who was all the same terrified and manipulated by his character.

There are scenes in it I'll never get out of my head -- without any gore shown.

All testimony to how brilliantly done it was, but it was too successfully malignant.



Steal away!

Can you articulate why Foster's performance grated on you? For me, her unwilling succumbing to Hopkins' … charisma, if you will, was palpable and convincing.



I believe I read Red Dragon before I saw TSOTL.

As I recall, the novel was horrifying, but nowhere near as TSOTL was. In fact, I didn't realise until later the film was based on the Harris novel, which, as I recall, was later re-named and released as Manhunter.

Please do feel free to wax on about why you feel Foster's Clarice is hammy for you, or any other aspect of the character. I love Junlianne Moore, but in what version did she play Clarice? I gather I haven't seen it.

Did you really not feel the terror Foster's Clarice felt when she interacted with Hopkins' character? We can certainly agree to disagree, but for me that was part of why TSOTL was so successful, and horrifying.



The In A Gadda Da Vida climactic scene.......!



It was so long ago since I read Red Dragon, I'd forgotten it was primarily about Graham and The Tooth Fairy, and Clarice wasn't even in it. I suppose I thought it had been revamped, with Clarice replacing Graham, and The Tooth Fairy replaced with Buffalo Bill, if I thought about it at all.

I remember Graham being asked to come out of retirement, and how torn he was about it -- both due to his horrifying experience and fear for his wife and child (or did he have more than one?).

I never saw the film, but remember that Red Dragon was re-released as Manhunter, no doubt when the film came out, to increase sales.



Agree with your analysis almost 100%, Dazed. But I think HR the book was still eons above the film



True, it was the worst of the Hannibal books. But again, still far better than that near-abomination of a film.



Very much. Actually liked Silence and both RDs as well. I probably would've preferred if Hannibal stuck closer to the book ending-wise, but it was still a very well-done film.

Sorry; if you were asking strictly about the book, I thought it was excellent.



There was a novel titled The Silence of the Lambs? That I didn't know. I could Google and answer my own question, but it's a lazy Sunday morning and I'm in a lazy Sunday morning sort of mood ;p

The novel Hannibal I've not even heard of before. It sounds like an interesting premise for a film. Nor have I heard of Hannibal Rising (terrible title IMO).

FWIW, I did give the TV series a very brief try, having heard it was very well done. It was. The cinematography was beautiful -- effective, and jarring juxtaposed with the subject -- but I bailed after making it through only the pilot.


Zombie Nation

Worst movie I ever saw in my entire life!!!!




Honestly, I couldn't tell if this film was so boring that it depressed me, or if it was so effective that it depressed me. But I shan't be seeing it again to find out.



I loved Melancholia. But it is a really depressing film, for that reason I'm not sure if I'll ever watch it again.


It so overwhelmingly depressed me that I couldn't tell if I thought it was good or bad. And usually when you're not sure, you can go back and rewatch the film. I can't endure another go at Melancholia, though.


John Wick


They should've given this movie a reverse PG13 as in "don't watch it if you're over 13 years old" cause only little kids can find this stupid movie entertaining. It was like a bad joke. I won't be watching John Wick 2, 3 or any other movie that has John Wick as a character.



I was debating watching John Wick b/c Keanu as an actor is sometimes good and sometimes not,
now I think I have to watch it to see how bad it is, sometimes I like to torture myself, lol


Day of the Woman aka I Spit on Your Grave, ( 1978 version); horribly acted film!


Loving all these answers!


The Amazing spiderman with andrew....omg I got to the part where kid spm was talking to his dad and just could not watch any more it was such cr@p. So technically I did not watch it once but it was so much crap I could not even watch it once LOL


One to avoid then?


There so many options...here's one: the tomb raider movies with jolie as Lara.


I'd rather watch terrible movies and get to keep my eyes intact than to gouge them out. They are precious, you know...


Lol! Same here.


Do I need to put "not literally" in the title?


And here I thought I was actually going to have to gouge one or more of my eyes out and watch the film again. Who knew?


In that case, it's the Ghostbusters (remake, of course.)


Martyrs. Not a bad movie, but it made me really anxious so I'm in no hurry to see it again.


It was recommended to me a few years ago,but I've heard that it goes a bit too far.


I think it stunk. But to each their own as they say. 😊


Martyrs the French movie or the Hollywood remake?


The original is one of the best horror movies of this century. IMO

I didn't see the remake. I don't see the point. There would be no way
to make it better. Same with Oldboy.
