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Why is everyone so afraid to vote moderate.

we need to have Moderate leader in the White house I'm tired of this mudslinging also both Democratic/Republican Parties having Independent in the White House will end corruption as well Balance This is the most logical solution stop being afraid and stop listening to MSM also Frank Herbert warned us putting charismatic like leaders Trump or Biden Power.


Trump is Moderate, if you stopped listening and believing the MSM, you would know that.


What is Trump's campaign platform besides getting revenge on everybody who hurt his feelings if he's reelected? Most Americans will not vote for that and Trump is not going to be reelected. How stupid does one have to be to worship Trump like you do?


What is Trump's campaign platform
"Build wall to keep rapists out!" - a hit with the xenophobes
"Somehow things will be better" (similar to JB tbf)


It's also a hit with the women those rapists are raping.



Nicely served!!


Unified Reich is not moderate.


He is a moderate, the problem is that you're a far-left radical.


You're a right-wing, extremist, cult member which is why you believe a pathological lying, twice-impeached, 4-indicted felon, Putin-loving fascist, Hitler-quoting, anti-American, insurrection-inciting, inept moron Trump is "moderate".


A far-left radical indeed. lol. Thanks for confirming it. And yes, Trump is a moderate.

Seek help for your severe case of TDS.


A far-right extremist indeed. lol. Thanks for confirming it. And yes, Trump is a fascist.

Seek deprogramming for your severe case of cult indoctrination.


No such thing as a "far-right extremist" and no such thing as a Trump cult.

Both are aspects of leftism and the liberal woke virus hive-mind.


No reason to believe your oft-repeated nonsensical bullshit about the political spectrum that you clearly barely comprehend.


I understand the difference between truth and deceptive lies fabricated by an establishment to fit their narrative and agendas.

You believe their lies because you are a liar just like them.


>I understand the difference between truth and deceptive lies fabricated by an establishment to fit their narrative and agendas.

The political spectrum, the most well-known one which has wide consensus derives from Hans Eysenck who was a political researcher. There are also many other political spectrums that are referred to categorise and position people's positions. Some are more detailed.

It is not a "lie" - it's a model for categorisation. It's no different in principle to a music genre, or a philosophical system of categorisation.

I genuinely don't think you understand how systems of categorisation work - or even how definitions work. It's quite bizarre. You seem to think there exist only two things: authority (which you declare to be inherently deceptive) and truth (which is essentially always in opposition to what any authority says). I don't think I've ever interacted with anyone with such an embedded conspiracy mindset as you have.

Accidents literally don't happen in your world. Everything is planned. Everything is organised. And it's all for some malevolent cause.

>You believe their lies because you are a liar just like them.

And what have I lied about?


The current compass and spectrum has been deceptively manipulated with the exception of fascism which was also deceptively changed from the left to the right after WW2 by 'the left' regardless that it was created by leftists/Marxists.


I'll await evidence for this claim that it has been "deceptively manipulated".


Only if you hold your breath for it.


I knew the e word would make you run away like a little bitch.

What you insist without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. You are, as usual, talking completely out of your ass


Did you forget that I once provided you with 30+ sources and you dismissed them like the typical leftoid imbecile.

Thanks again for proving my point that you are a lying shill.


>Did you forget that I once provided you with 30+ sources and you dismissed them like the typical leftoid imbecile.

I addressed many of them, and that was your, ahem, 'sources' for COVID vaccine denialism. Had nothing to do with this claim. Or many of the other utterly absurd claims like your bullshit claim that Obama is gay, or that 30 million Biden votes were fraud, or that tens of millions have died from the vaccine or that Lady Gaga is a Jew.

>Thanks again for proving my point that you are a lying shill.

What you insist without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, fuckface.


You provided zero refutations and zero rebuttals.

You addressed them with the typical bullshit deflections of 'rightwing conspiracy' and 'rightwing bias'.

You dismissed facts, truth and evidence; from 30+ sources.

This is why no one cares for you constant begging for evidence that everyone knows you will dismiss with your own fake and lying sources.

What you insist with fake evidence can be dismissed as fake evidence.


>You provided zero refutations and zero rebuttals.

Given neither one of us are able to find that thread without extensive searching, I have no reason to believe this.

>You addressed them with the typical bullshit deflections of 'rightwing conspiracy' and 'rightwing bias'.

Many of them were likely that.

>This is why no once cares for you constant begging for evidence that everyone knows you will dismiss with your own fake and lying sources.

Most people on here don't make utter nonsense claims like your bullshit claim that Obama is gay, or that 30 million Biden votes were fraud, or that tens of millions have died from the vaccine or that Lady Gaga is a Jew. These are preposterous claims.

>What you insist with fake evidence can be dismissed as fake evidence.

What have I insisted with fake evidence?


I think he means that we need to vote for a "Moderate" that will get us into 8 more wars in the Middle East so the military industrial complex and the banks can make a ton of money.


lol, Indeed; considering that most of the other “moderates” aside from Trump have involved us in some type of war or conflict for their cartel bankers.




"Worms in My Brain" and "Insane Woke Idiot" are your 3rd and 4th choices.

In what way is this moderate?


Who is "Insane Woke Idiot?"


Chase Oliver...Libertarian Party.


How is he woke, specifically?


Didn't I ask you to stop playing dumb?


I don't give a flying fuck what you ask of me on anything, shitbrains.

The Libertarian party are not what you would call conventional allies with progressives.


Shit for brains is how I would describe someone who has heard Chase Oliver opine on any number of issues and then still asks, "how is he woke?"


I haven't heard him, that's why I asked. He's running for the Libertarian nomination. His policies seem to be basic Libertarianism stuff. Massive civil liberties, massively reduce business regulation and taxation.

Please tell me it's not just purely because he's gay.


QuestionMaster will always use bad faith. We don't need to continuously define woke, they need to continuously defend it.


I didn't ask you to define woke. I asked you to explain how this guy is supposedly woke.

I know you believe that your worldview is perfect and should never be criticised, but I don't give a flying fuck what you think. I'll do what I want. I am not bound by your belief that you should never ever be criticised on anything that you should never ever have to defend any of your claims.


Look up his policies.


I did. It's all basic libertarian stuff: pro gunsrights, deregulation, low taxes, pro civil liberties


Sorry, that's not what he represents. Bad faith Bro.


Tell me what he represents then. He got a history of activism for trying to help the homeless. So?

He's gay. Is that it?


No, he's a woke idiot. That's all I need to know.


And you still haven't explained how.


Why are you so lazy?


I checked out his profile. There's nothing that screams.

If you make claims people will ask you to back them up. I know you believe you're perfect and should never be scrutinised. Attack, attack, attack and never defend - but I don't care. What you assert without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

More importantly, how is this impacting the Libertarian policy platform?


When you step into the voting booth, you're voting for the candidate not the platform. This guy's on video swooning over how wonderful drag queen story hour is. That's the guy you would be voting for.


And what specifically about this candidate is woke?

>This guy's on video swooning over how wonderful drag queen story hour is.

In the video, Oliver can be heard saying that he thinks drag queens are "performance artists" and that "they want to be able to have different levels of the performance art. It's the same reason why the Wiggles sing to children—because they want to have a marketplace to kids."

"A man in a dress or a woman in a suit. That is what drag is," Oliver said. "That is not inherently sexual. There is inherently sexual drag...there absolutely is but there's also the ability to perform as a man in a wig without being sexual."

Oliver went on to say that he attended a drag event himself and noted that "nothing sexual was going on."

I don't consider this woke at all. Some Libertarians don't even believe in driving licences. This is completely on-brand for some libertarians to think.


Where in Agenda47 is Trump's position on drag queen story hour? Black Mermaids?


Hey, if they want to vote for him, and take away a vote for Joe... let them.


And I'm not going to, because its a waste of my time.


Seems like maixiu already did it. He doesn't care about drag queen stuff for kids. That's your litmus test?

Actual progressives would be unlikely to vote libertarian for a whole host of reasons.


Many Americans respond well to Worms in My Brain due to his commitment to Israel. His Israel #1 mantra resonates with 99% of Americans. Those 99% would go to war and die for Israel, those 99% would send their kids to die for Israel. They would wish for them to be blown apart for Israel and this is what Worms in My Brain is selling. Complete security for Israel at the US dime.
Hopefully he will be president and we can still gift Israel American security.

"Israel is the gift that keep on giving "
-Worms in My Brain


Supporting Islamic terror by libelling those who support Israel ... and old worn out tactic.

The fact is the innocent potential human beings in the third world, particularly the Islamic third world, are brainwashed, intimidated, terrorized and immersed in violence from the day they are born, and then walled off from the truth - and threatened with death if they pursue it. Thus, they can be weaponized, like suicide bombers, to attack the West.

So, the West must become cognizent of this and protect itself, the basis for the strong bond between America and Israel. Europe is starting to find this out - as is the reasonable faction on the Left who is horrified at how over time terrorists have infiltrated the Left to the point that the extreme Left is as dangerous, maybe more, than the extreme Right because they are larger in number and there is no way to communicate with them or help them free their minds.


Why are you so afraid of punctuation and writing coherently?


Biden is a moderate.

Independents are idiots for the most part because they are show-offs and grandstanders who know they cannot get elected so they, even more than
the partisans, say a bunch of stuff they will never do or be held accountable
for just to pull votes away from one partisan side of the other.


Frank Herbert?
Biden, charismatic?
Whew, what universe are you broadcasting from?
It is always sad to see someone so disconnected from reality.


We're not.. We're voting for Trump and he's about as Moderate as they come when compared to Joe Biden and the Biden Administration with their Marxist ways
