MovieChat Forums > Politics > Tell us why Biden should be President

Tell us why Biden should be President

Tell us why Biden should be President without mentioning Trump. If Biden is such a great leader this should be no problem.


So he can die in office and make the first woman President a goddamned Unelected DEI Diversity Hire... They will ruin the whole event because communism.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


Nobody has an argument why Biden should be President?


The answer is blatantly obvious to the meanest intelligence.


Then tell us.


Well, you posted this approximately 4 hours earlier so from my estimate, the resident liberals are researching a reason to re-elect him and are having a hard time coming up with a reason that doesn't involve Trump or TDS from them and it's true.. 🤔


The longer the wokies/libs/leftists go without responding to this thread, the worse it gets for them.


Or they are getting a software update.


Because he did....
Because..... Because of where he......
I got it now.
It's because of where he did that... you know.... the thing man!

It's because he isn't Trump!

I just can't do it without that reason!
You win.


here are all the reasons why dictator Joe should be president.


The Biden regime has made many claims that are easy to find with google. It's weird that his followers won't respond with something.


They are likely going to say "The Adults must stay in charge". 🤡🌍 Keep the status quo while doing absolutely for the greater good of REAL AMERICAN CITIZENS.


"without mentioning Trump"

well , no :
Trump is why

Trump is soo unsuitable that literally anything is better , like a warm steaming dogshit seating on the chair at the oval office would be better .

Biden would be slightly better than the turd.

Oh and also we could look at which party each candidate represents , and vote for the party rather than the party leader- which is what they do in all the other countries


LMAO, you can't state an actual reason without mentioning Trump when specifically told to do so... TDS is a helluva syndrome.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


Let me ask you something: When that so called steaming dogshit handed out those $1200.00 Stimulus Checks, did you gladly cash it or deposit it and if so, well, shouldn't that $$$$ have gone to a better cause instead of accepting that amount of $$$$ from so called steaming shit?? Just asking for someone else??


Well , in that situation , you have to take the $$$ in order to pay for things that the gov might otherwise have helped with if they had been busy giving money away.


That was quite a little temper tantrum. Couldnt give us one reason, huh? What a shame.


Biden is no great catch , he is too old thats for damn sure
I'd even say he is "unsuitable"
But being "not Trump" is his greatest feature - and from that perspective he's "The most suitable"

Again , Trump is absolutely so repulsively unsuitable that literally anybody else is preferable.
This line of questioning is ridiculous When your candidate is the worst guy on earth you should avoid the "what about the other guy" line


See if you can go one post without mentioning Trump.


haha they cant!


The "unsuitable" guy did a WAY better job than Biden (and even your fringe kook, leftist mind knows it) and will do so again.


Worse in what way?

Trump's border crossings numbers were better.
Trump's gas prices, inflation rates, crime rates were better.

Usually people pick the guy with the better numbers.
You look absolutely insane ignoring the current state of the country.
How much worse do things have to get?

FBI says terror attack imminent because of the Democrat open borders.
Wouldn't terror attack change your mind?
Nope, people like you say they would rather terror attack then trump.



I hope you are not a man...if so get your water supply checked for elevated estrogen levels


It's too late, he's already neutered.
