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President Biden has 6 point lead over Donald Trump in new Quinnipac Poll

Thanks to women voters, independents, and smart people. ;)


President Biden has a significant lead over former President Donald Trump in the popular vote of a hypothetical 2024 matchup, a new national poll shows.

The Quinnipiac University survey shows Biden leading Trump 50% to 44% after the same poll had the incumbent edging out his rival, 47% to 46%, in December.

Biden’s strong numbers are driven by the support of 58% of female voters, 52% of independents and 62% of voters with college degrees.

“The gender demographic tells a story to keep an eye on,” said Quinnipiac polling analyst Tim Malloy. “Propelled by female voters in just the past few weeks, the head-to-head tie with Trump morphs into a modest lead for Biden.”

By contrast, Trump wins male voters with 53% support in that demographic, but only captures 40% of independents.

Biden still leads Trump if third-party candidates are introduced into the race.

In a five-person contest, Biden receives 39%, Trump receives 37%, independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. gets 14%, independent candidate Cornel West comes in at 3% and Green Party candidate Jill Stein gets 2%.


Odd, all other polls shows Trump in the lead.


Oh really? Can you post a link to at least one of all those other polls? The latest I see: YouGov has Biden +1, Civiqs has it even.


The Quinnipiac poll is an outlier exit polling taken from the Biden rallies.

Learn to read beyond the headlines:

Another poll published Wednesday by Bloomberg News/ Morning Consult showed Biden lagging behind Trump in seven key battleground states.

The survey showed Trump besting Biden in Arizona (47%-44%), Georgia (49%-41%), Michigan (47%-42%), Nevada (48%-40%), North Carolina (49%-39%), Pennsylvania (48%-45%) and Wisconsin (49%-44%).


So you just made that up about "all other polls," right?


Oh noes! Not the Quinnipac poll?!

Signed, million man


tvfan is a troll. The latest Q poll has Biden 50, tRump 44. But it does also have Biden 42, Haley 47!


Unfunny un talented troll at that.

Signed, million man


And a coward. He's deleted his post and even gone to the extra trouble of deleting his screen name.


LMAO, I have never deleted any of my posts and my username has always been the same.

Another crackhead confusing me with others on this forum.


I'm not American, so it doesn't really matter to me. But I just have to ask, Are you pleased that Joe Biden might remain America's President for four more years? I mean, Donald Trump has his faults, obviously, but Joe Biden seems to be conspicuously senile. Senility is a dangerous state to be in, particularly for someone in politics. I'd just like an American to explain to me why the American voter would want him to remain in office.



Trump is not much younger than Biden and leads a pretty unhealthy lifestyle.

In reality, it's more about who comes with those people than them themselves. Trump has explicitly stated he will target leftists if he takes office, and may come with that "Project 2025" document which is essentially a playbook for copying the Hungarian model of governance.


Yes, Trump is overweight obviously, and he could very well be due for a coronary or a stroke. But Biden seems to have already had some kind of cerebral accident. If that's the case, I sympathise, as I've seen similar symptoms in elderly patients, and they generally do not improve. I'm not a doctor, but have had experience with public patients. Joe Biden's speech patterns and behaviour do seem to indicate at least a mild stroke. And it's possible that he'll recover, but it's definitely not certain. What is more likely is that his next stroke will be terminal.

As a candidate for such an important political office, he's being unrealistic. Really, he shouldn't be contesting the position at all, in his condition. He must know his situation, and his health prognosis. I think it's a bit willful and foolish of him to persist.

Donald Trump doesn't seem to be bothered by his health status, although he probably should be. It's not unlikely that he'll suffer some kind of cerebrovascular or cardiovascular incident as well, some time soon. But within twelve months Americans have to choose. Personally, I'd go with Donald Trump, if only to avoid the embarrassment that Joe Biden must be causing you people at the moment.

As for the people who accompany the winner, that's always the case. We vote people into office, even when we don't especially like their off-siders. That's happened in my country often.


Which is why, more than ever, the VP choice matters.

I hope he picks Vivek.


Trump has senility. He already said he was running against Obama instead of Biden, and confused Haley with Pelosi as leader on Jan. 6.

Furthermore, Trump will help his BFF Putin invade more European countries by removing the U.S. from NATO and denying Ukraine any military aide.

Trump is anti-American. He already said he wants the U.S. economy to collapse in 2024, stopped aide for Ukraine which helps our enemies Russia and China, as well as prevented tough immigration legislation from being signed.

Trump is a crook. Twice impeached. Multiple indictments. Multiple deaths because of his call for violence on Jan. 6.

Trump wants to be a dictator. He already said he wants to change the Constitution and place the military on American streets. There is already a plan to fire thousands of Federal workers who are not loyal to him instead of the Constitution - google Project 2025.

You're basically supporting the birth of the Evil Empire by supporting Darth Trump.


I'm not supporting Donald Trump, Keelai. All I'm doing is asking why some Americans support Joe Biden. I don't understand it. Out of the two, it seems to me that Joe Biden is the more risky choice for your country, all things considered.

Your list of Donald Trump's shortcomings seems to be mostly speculation and interpretation prompted by his conservative politics, and probably your personal dislike of the man. On the other hand, Joe Biden's flaws are obvious and unmistakable, being due to his advanced age and deteriorated physical constitution.

Tell me, do you not dislike Joe Biden's habit of over-familiarity with women? I would have thought that that behaviour would be the kind of thing that would provoke intense dislike in most American people. I see youtubes of examples of it and I'm frankly astonished. In my country, that sort of thing would be frowned upon, even by people who otherwise agree with the man's politics.

You Americans are very curious people.


Trump raped a woman.

Trump failed his dementia cognitive test. Notice how he's afraid to make it and his score public.

Trump incited a mob to violence that killed policemen.

Trump mishandled covid which caused hundreds of thousands of preventable American deaths.

I'm not sure why you prefer an inept sociopath like Trump for president.


"I'm not sure why you prefer an inept sociopath like Trump for president.

Only because he seems to me to be the lesser evil, Keelai.

In any case, I don't have to make that choice, thankfully.


It's odd you like an indicted felon with 91 criminal charges whose senile.


One doesn't "like" lesser evils, Keelai. One chooses them because they're the lesser.

I'm sure that you, when faced with a choice between two unpleasant things, would select the less unpleasant.


Lesser of two evils is Biden. Trump killed Americans.


And that's why you dislike him? Because you think he's a murderer?

That's not why you dislike him, Keelai, and you know it.


Trump raped a woman.

Trump failed his dementia cognitive test. Notice how he's afraid to make it and his score public.

Trump incited a mob to violence that killed policemen.

Trump mishandled covid which caused hundreds of thousands of preventable American deaths.

I'm not sure why you prefer an inept sociopath like Trump for president.


Do you want a President with flaws, or a President who will soon not even be aware that he's the President?

In any case, it doesn't matter to me. It's you guys who have to choose.

Good luck with that.


All lies.


Trump is not much younger than Biden and leads a pretty unhealthy lifestyle.

It is more about mental acuity than age. At times, Biden doesn’t know who he is and where he is.

Oh, and eating scoops of ice cream is unhealthy.


>It is more about mental acuity than age. At times, Biden doesn’t know who he is and where he is.

And Trump rambles off in his speeches all the time. He can't stick to a point.

>Oh, and eating scoops of ice cream is unhealthy.

Neither is a lifetime of coke and burgers.


He doesn’t ramble. The Libs, the leftoids and TDS sufferers don’t understand sarcasm and codespeak.


"Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us."

Why would a supposed straight-speaker use "code speech"? For what?


Biden doesn't seem at all senile.


Popular vote is irrelevant. Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million.

Trump is leading in the swing states.


Trump won all the swing states in 2020, and yet, the Dems rigged the votes.


Your cult stayed home in 2020 because wannabe Dictator Trump told you that elections were useless and untrustworthy. Your cult leader isn't too bright.


You meant to say that Biden campaigned from a basement.


You should have voted, dude or duddette. It's too late for you to cry about it now. Move on!


I voted for Trump and YOU voted for the deaths of children in Ukraine and Gaza.

It's too late for you to cry about it now. Cope with it.


Trump supports the deaths of children in Ukraine and Gaza.


Did those wars start under Trump? Yes or No?


We were at war with Afghanistan all four years when ex-president Trump was in office, genius.


Did Trump start that war? Yes or No?


That doesn't matter. He did nothing to stop the war. Did you find your proof that dead people voted in 2020? Let's see it! Why would you say that if you can't prove it? You are a dumbass!


"He did nothing to stop the war."

Really? Who ordered the withdrawal of all troops from Afghanistan?


Yeah, Trump fucked that up and when Biden had to clean up his mess American military members got killed. Those deaths are on Trump.

Since you have no proof that dead people voted in 2020 your credibility means nothing. You are plain stupid.


"Yeah, Trump fucked that up"

Really? Who was the president when those 13 soldiers got killed in Afghanistan?


Since you have no proof that dead people voted in 2020 your credibility means nothing. You are plain stupid.


[–] robocat893 (12216) 14 minutes ago
Yeah, Trump fucked that up and when Biden had to clean up his mess American military members got killed. Those deaths are on Trump.

You have no credibility with such a dumbass lie.


“President Biden’s choices for how to execute a withdrawal from Afghanistan were severely constrained by conditions created by his predecessor,” the White House summary states, noting that when Biden entered office, “the Taliban were in the strongest military position that they had been in since 2001, controlling or contesting nearly half of the country.”

You are a retard. I bet your whole family laughs at you. 🤣


LMAO, they can falsely blame Trump all they want, but facts are facts.

Their deaths occurred under the Biden regime and no amount of blame-shifting will change that fact.


As usual you're wrong. I'm sure you are used to hearing that.


Oh... I almost forgot. Did you find your proof that dead people voted in 2020? Let's see it!


Democrats are so much smarter than Republicans. The Democrats outsmarted all you Republicans by rigging the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught or having a single problem. Not one. Knowing human behavior that's impossible but the Democrats pulled it off. So with Republicans not being able to provide any evidence of a rigged election in 2020 the Democrats will just do it again in 2024. How does it feel to be stupider than millions of other Americans?


No evidence presented for this, of course.


Depends on which poll you look at, but a 6pt lead in the popular vote would indicate an easy electoral college win.


It really doesn't. Most states are either red or blue, therefore we already know how they'll vote. It's almost 50/50. The swing states determine the elections and they're usually close.

IMHO, Biden is screwing up. If Biden sent bombs which killed 25 members of your extended family, would you vote for him? Michigan is a swing state with 300,000 Arab and Muslims voters. Young people and black voters are also angry with him. Biden is showing similar arrogance that Clinton displayed before losing. I hope I'm wrong because a Trump presidency will be a disaster.


Biden is not going to change his policy because of a small minority of voters.

And you exaggerate. Michigan does not have 300k Arab/Muslim voters. And I meant to add, that many Arab voters already supported tRump in 2016 and 2020.

Biden won a 4.5% margin of victory in 2020. A 6% margin of victory would give him a very comfortable electoral college win.


"80 percent of Michigan’s Arab and Muslim population is Democratic."

"Biden's margin of victory in Michigan was 154,000 votes. The state is home to more than 200,000 registered voters who are Muslim and 300,000 people claim ancestry from the Middle East and North Africa.

Michigan's large Arab American and Muslim American populations turned out big for Biden in 2020, helping him clinch the battleground and solidify his win over Donald Trump for the presidency. AP reported that 64% of Muslims nationwide supported Biden in 2020, while 35% supported Trump. And in heavily Arab American counties in Michigan, voters went for Biden by a little less than 70%."

This isn't 2020. No guarantees.

"Biden is not going to change his policy because of a small minority of voters."
Angering potential voters is dangerous. Biden assumes Muslims & Arabs will change their minds and vote for him in November. It's not just his support of Israel, but how cavalier he is about the loss of Palestinian life.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton insults young voters by saying some protestors are paid by Russia. And I'm still in shock from a video I watched yesterday in which a black politician named Bakari Sellers on CNN was extremely condescending and insulting in the way he discussed black voters and how Biden was trying to get their votes.

Biden needs to hope that Trump is convicted.


Arab/Muslim voters are not reliably Democratic voters. They tend to be conservative, especially on women's and LGBTQ issues. Biden doesn't need to rely on them to win. Gretchen Witmer won without them. He'd be better off courting the Union vote.


Nevertheless, majority are still Democrats. They know Republicans are bigots.

Anyway, the issue isn't about voting. It's about people NOT voting because they're upset with Biden's Gaza policy. That's not limited to Arabs or Muslims. Some voters where I live are hesitant about voting for Biden in 2024 even though they would never vote for Trump. Biden has already lost my vote.


Well, the way for a voting bloc to get the support of a party or politician is to convince the party that you can bring a sizable number of voters to the table.

Refusing to vote for Biden doesn't give you or Muslim voters any power. It's a method that's simply political naiveté.

Just don't come crying to here if you don't like the consequences of your own actions, Keelai.


"Refusing to vote for Biden doesn't give you or Muslim voters any power."

Biden's constituents don't have any power because he repeatedly ignores them. He's taking voters for granted.

Biden is also supporting a far-right extremist genocidal politician which makes him complicit in the ethnic cleansing and genocide happening now. If I vote for Biden, that makes me complicit, too. No thanks!

"don't like the consequences of your own actions
Realistically, the majority of votes don't count unless you're in a swing state:

"41 States (with 80% of U.S. Population) will be Ignored in the 2024 Presidential Election"


If I vote for Biden, that makes me complicit, too.

Too late, you voted for him and therefore are complicit.


Here you go. Your Michigan Muslim voters....

Conservative Muslims join forces with Christian right on Michigan book bans

A recent school board meeting at which about 1,000 people gathered in Dearborn, Michigan, to pressure district officials to censor books with LGBTQ+ themes was in most ways similar to hundreds of other recent book ban hearings across the US.

Speakers alleged the books “promote mental health issues” and “self harm”, while the school district and liberals were seeking to “indoctrinate children”. Gay people, they said, were “creeps and pedohiles”, and gay lifestyles were equated with zoophilia.

“American values and the American way is not child pornography,” one angry parent told the Dearborn public school board.

But the speakers were not the white, rightwing conservative Christians usually behind efforts to censor literature in public schools. Instead, the heated audience was almost all Muslim Arab Americans.


"Conservative Muslims"

The key word is Conservative. Conservatives and Republicans ban books no matter their religion.

Majority of Muslims are Liberal, therefore against book bans.


Are you implying that all liberal-Muslims are against the banning of child pornography books?


"Conservatives and Republicans ban books no matter their religion."

I present tvfan as Exhibit A and rest my case.


Furthermore, young people aren't a reliable voting bloc either.

And yes, Russia is helping to fund these protests, like it or not. It's just another part of the psyop campaign to divide the left.


Again, every vote counts in swing states. Young people came out to vote in 2020.

Right now, Biden is blowing off multiple voting groups. He's going to lose unless he learns humility.

Hillary receives money from AIPAC.


No, the voters are blowing him off. It's the cutting off your nose to spite your face crowd. There's no pleasing them and they refuse to compromise. Politics is about compromise.

And BTW, President Biden doesn't owe anything to the Muslim voting bloc that stands with MAGA banning books, being anti-choice and blocking gay/trans rights. They aren't reliable Democratic voters in the first place.


DeSantis is Muslim?


No. But Muslim voters already abandoned Democrats during the midterms before the current conflict even started. As a voting block, they are closer to the rightwing politics of DeSantis. Just a fact.


Do you know any Muslims?


"Michigan Arabs And Muslims Launch Campaign To 'Abandon Biden"


They were ALWAYS conservative Republicans. Wise up, Keelai.


You sound as unhinged and bigoted as MAGA Repugnants, Q-Anon and Trumpites. Not a good look!


Trump's presidency was WAY less of a disaster than Biden's. You're a liar and you live in an alternate reality.


You're projecting, again.


Nothing from you, as usual.


Well of course he's ahead, especially after Jill Biden just complained no more than yesterday about people bagging on him, specifically Trump and now all of a sudden, he's ahead in the Polls?? Wow!! What a coincidence?


The Quinnipiac poll is an outlier exit polling taken from the Biden rallies.




People are more upbeat about the economy than they were a few months ago, and Biden still has strong support of female voters. It's a winning combination.


I don't know...I don't much care for either and wish for other choices...but it seems impossible for anyone not to notice that literally everything was so much better 4 years ago.


" better 4 years ago"

When hundreds of thousands of Americans were dying from Covid because of Trump's mismanagement and the record bankruptcies and unemployment?


F**k off, you're a tRump supporter now, Keelai.


More than 1,000,000 died under Biden and his mandating a vaccine that never worked, so fuck off Zoomer.. How do you explain this??


This is just not true. Here's an excerpt from some data from Washington State.


No it's true.. You just choose once again not to believe it because it doesn't align with your Narrative


That's not an argument. That's a claim. You are the person ignoring hard data because it does not align with your narrative. All data from health authorities indicate that the vaccine does mitigate symptoms and lower rates of hospitalisation.

What reason do I have to believe you, over the vast majority of epidemiologists, statisticians, doctors and medical researchers?


the vast majority of epidemiologists, statisticians, doctors and medical researchers

1.) Not all of them are sellouts.
2.) Not all of them are ignorant.
3.) Not all of them are zealots.
4.) Not all of them are spineless.

This is the deadliest drug ever in the history of medicine.

Dr James Thorp alerted the Massachusetts Legislature to the astonishing estimate that over half a billion were injured by the covid vaccine worldwide. No wonder they wanted those documents sealed for 75 years!!

January 31, 2024 We now have 115 candidates, 110 elected officials and 1 Surgeon General from 36 states publicly stating the COVID shots must be pulled off the market.
Many are also pledging not to take donations from Big Pharma. Over 17,000 physicians stand behind them.

#DiedSuddenly #PfizerLiedPeopleDied #arrestfauci #VaccineSideEffects #vaccineinjuries #VaccineDeaths #VaccineMandates #SuddenDeath #DiedSuddenlyNews #DiedSuddenlyVaccine
#CrimesAgainstChildren #Nuremberg2 #JusticeisComing


Provide evidence the vast majority of epidemiologists, statisticians, doctors and medical researchers are "sellouts, ignorants, zealouts and spineless".

>January 31, 2024 We now have 115 candidates, 110 elected officials and 1 Surgeon General from 36 states publicly stating the COVID shots must be pulled off the market.

Why should I take Dr James Thorp seriously?


"President Biden has a significant lead over former President Donald Trump in the popular vote of a hypothetical 2024 matchup, a new national poll shows."

Aren't these polls a waste of time? The only polls that matter are the battleground states.
